Real Name: THProto-3
Height: 6'8"
Eyes: blue
Hair: black
Weight: roughly 300 pounds


At one time, Paul Malone existed as a natural, a full human man, though a very large one. For a time, he and Vashti (Talon) were very much invoved, but on the night of their engagement, a huge fight with the GUARD broke out and both he and Vashti, trapped in a burning warehouse, were incinerated. No trace of Paul was ever found though Vashti reappeared several days later, weak and confused and much to the surprise of Chalyss, Yndia and even Lillith who, by that time, had helped Chalyss and Yndia attack the main GUARD complex. Several months later, Chalyss, Vashti and Yndia, along with a few others, were ambushed and a new prototype, a technohunter, was introduced on them. The thing, basically a liquid metal, faintly humanoid shape, had glitched already in the lab. The GUARD thought it had been fixed, but it had not. When the technohunter grabbed onto Vashti, all she thought about was Paul and the hunter glitched again, taking on the shape and memories of the one she thought of, Paul. However, it knew only what Vashti knew of Paul, so there were many holes in the "cloning".

But, being Paul as she knew him, he turned on his creators and helped the others to escape. For a long time it was thought that the hunter was Paul, turned Cyhunter, and having lost some of his memories (Vashti did not know he had a half-brother nor a sister, so Paul did not know). Eventually it was learned that Paul was, indeed, dead, and the thing wearing his form was not him. This caused some concern and a few problems, and Paul even tried to destroy himself. He changed his mind and went back to the others who were happy to receive him. He has remained with Chalyss at the house ever since. Unfortunately, he has begun to glitch again, programs skewing, and losing his form periodically. This has caused he and Vashti to drift apart for good. He no longer even pursues it. The others are now wary, for if he slips too much he will be a very big threat.

Paul Maul, as he is affectionately called by friends, filenamed MALICE, is a very new technology, able to morph into any shape he pleases, organic or non. Incredibly strong and fast (clocked at over 70 miles per hour and able to lift/press well over 5 tons), that alone makes him a danger. Add to the fact his built-in weapons system, infra-red sight and tracking, computer brain, and various other abilities, and you have a hunter worth fearing. More than a match for any Cyhunter and most unnaturals, his weaknesses lie in his susceptibilty to intense heat and cold. He cannot send or receive mindspeach and it does not affect him. Magicks and glamouries have no affect. Physical barriers may stop him, but his greatest weapon, a plasma cannon, usually gets through those.


Once Paul's lover and fiance, she is a werewolf, known as the First. Talon is not a filename, but a nickname given her by Chalyss when they first battled. Often called simply Tee now, she is something of a prankster and smart-alec, showing a jovial and light personality. This belies the enormous weight on her shoulders from being the First, and all that goes with it.


Contact is a housemate and friend of Paul's who has tried several times to help him fix the glitches in his system. For awhile, they work, but something else is keeping them from being permanent, something too deep for her to find.


Known usually as Rachele unless she is in demonhalf form, Paul and Chalyss met long before he died. Good friends then and after, she's still worried what his glitches mean and may mean in the future.


A R.UN.ner, Paul knows this one fairly well, and most her friends. They have often stood side by side in battle.


Most of the unnaturals close to Lyeth know of least in his true form and when he co-habited Lyeth's mind. As Paul cannot receive sendings, he has been given a full descrpition of the new Aerik, in his Eshva form, and been filled in as to Valyn de Balois' involvement in the matter as well.


Yndia is another of Paul's housemates and the youngest... naturally, he is protective of her. They are close, almost brother and sister, and he watches out for her carefully.


Old Scratch, the first Unnatural, is the commander of all Hunters and Cyhunters, and all must answer to him. Almost all R.UN.ners know of him through sight or word of mouth. Paul has not run into him personally, but is rather eager to, wanting to see what he is capable of.

**...G.U.A.R.D.=Genetically Unnatural Apprehensions and Research Department
***R.UN.ner= Rogue Unnatural

((All Unnaturals receive their monickers from the GUARD, who use them as filenames. Whether they accept the use of the names or not is a personal choice.))