Aerik's Regression Therapy
Many claim to have visions of other people, knowing tiny details only that person would know... know places only
that person could have been. Even places long gone. The ultimate in deja vu.
If you simply desire a past life, for whatever reasons, we can implant one for you, perfect in every detail.Were
your parents too good to you? Cannot blame them, in good conscience, for how you turned out? Forget scruples and
moral balkings... we can form parental indescretions for you, as real as if they happened. Indeed, you will fully
believe they did happen, and any hypnotherapy will not be able to reveal otherwise.
There is a new trend these days, that towards past lives and missing times in the
current life.
Have you ever had these experiences, grasping at dreams, only to have them slip away upon waking? Have you ever
wished you had experiences like these, perhaps to have a conversational opening? Have you ever desired to
blame all your problems on a past life intruding on present times, or even your parents? All this is possible in
our specialized regression therapies. We employ only the most skilled specialists here. If you had a past life,
we can uncover it for you, bring it to light.
Renounce all claim to responsibility for your present actions... cast the blame on your husband, your sister, your
brother, those who birthed you, those who died long ago and can no longer defend themselves. Who could say you
were wrong? Our work is guaranteed, satisfaction absolute, or your money back. Payment for services is due in
full up front. A whole new life awaits you
and we are more than happy to assist you in finding it. Or creating it. So go ahead, join the trendsetters, become
an interesting over-coffee topic in and of yourself. Become the life... and afterlife... of the party. Be faultless,
for it is never your fault, but society's. Even if that society existed decades ago.
Aerik's Regression Therapy Sessions is the answer for you, all for a modest fee you will never miss.
We are positive you will be happy with our work and the results. In fact, we know you
will never even question why you decided to join the masses in this exciting new fashion.
Or even where the money for payment went. Trust us with your precious memories... no one else can manipulate them
Call toll-free for details: 1-888-555-5678