A strange happenstance

*the Tree stood there, as it always had, for eons, before there was even a tavern, there had been the Nexus Tree.... that was how it had drawn the builders for the tavern in the first place.... every day, something new appeared... whether the tree had dead bodies tossed over it's branches, or whether it had live bodies hanging upside down from it.. something always happened to the tree*.

Horizon: *With an angry growl he appears out of nowhere...ntohing was right anymore, everyone was gone....he was alone...alone and angry...*

*the Tree drew another to it... an angry one.. (Horizon)... perhaps it would rip into the tree to give off it's anger... not that anything could harm the tree.. it was *the* Nexus Tree.... it could not die...*

*his attention focuses on the noise coming from the tavern..a focus for his anger* too loud, too bright, no like! *his waords a harsh angry growl as he stomps forward, the earth tearing up before him in angry waves, almost as if the earth itself is revolting against gravity....his focus is abrubtly interupted as he smacks into a low hanging tree branch...*TREE BAD!!!*He reaches with his powers pulling up the earth from its base, throwing it angrily in all directions....yet still the tree resists movement, he refocuses his attention, once more pulling at the roots, pulling out the earth which should hold it, yet the roots run deep, almost to the core of the planet and still the earth and rock fly furiously, much of it hitting the tavern* *the Tree stood still... it had withstood the anger of the greatest beings ever... how could this mere girl hope to do a thing... then there was a rippling.... it was time to move on.... this place didn't need more.... it had so many people anyway... it didn't need to serve as a Nexus point for the tavern anymore...... this person was merely to take him to the next place.... though she wouldn't realise that.... it uprooted itself.... allowing Horizon to lift it out...*

*The force he exerts creates a massive tidal wave of earth headed towards the tavern...but he doesn't care, or doesn't notice..only one thing occupies his mind...The tree...finally the tree breaks its hold and begins its long fall to the ground...another massive wave of earth arises coming up underneath the falling tree..the tree laying precariously balanced on its tip...then the wave of dirt rears upto a massive height, pulling the tree with it and throws the fallen tree trying to smash it..the earth wave follows in the trees wake, another attempt to destroy the offending tree*

*and as the tree was thrown.... the very thing that made it the nexus tree... perhaps that was what saved it.... because the tree could no longer be tracked... maybe Horizon had destroyed it.... unlikely though, not considering what it was.... more likely, it had just somehow used the nexus point that it was to go somewhere else....* *all of a sudden, there was a huge shaking, the place was a nexus already, and as such had somehow attracted the Great Nexus Tree.... it didn't yet burst out of the ground... it was still deciding where to appear...*

*A grunt of satisafaction leaves his lips as he watches the tree vanish under the pile of falling earth....the tree, in his mind, destroyed by him....*Good! Bad tree gone! *He reaches up and rubs an already fading bruise on his forehead and turns to walk away, his original goal already distant from his mind....perhaps the patrons were lucky that the tree was there.. perhaps it had interefered,throwing its own life as sacrafice for others?...or perhaps it was just a tree that had gotten in his way, his child-like mind easily forgetting what he had originally intended...he anger temporarily nullified by the apparent destruction of hte tree....a massively gaping pit, with an unreachable base the only evidence that the tree once stood, the rended earth the signs of Horizons passing*

*and near the old crater north of the castle, the earth split open.... the Nexus Tree shot up... it's roots already digging into the Earth... already anchoring.... there would soon be a lake here.... possibly even more certain now that the Nexus Tree was there...*


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