Syntant alterations and the girls who see them
*in a hollow tree deep in the forest- an odd sight- a weave of
bluish-white matrial like a cocoon- shudders- then begins to
tear. the occupant reaches out- then recoils into the wrapping,
even as it falls apart around. It's cold...such a biting, killing
cold...* *but the wrapping is already dying..disolving into
nothing...* *a soft hiss and he is exposed, shivering and casting
his gaze about for his tunic, even as the liquid from the cocoon
dries and shatters off him like so much crystalline dust..*
goddamn..of all the times.../winter/...
*she stands in a sheltered corner, out of the wind, her total
attention focused on the bracelet in her hand* Goddamnit, I am
goign to figure this thing out if it kills me *she changes aorund
some wires, cursing as sparks flare up* I'll be dammed if I will
ask that f--ing gunslinger how the hell to do this * was bad
enough admitting to copy-boy that I couldn't figure the damn
thing out, least he didn't know either....she plays around with
some more wiring inside, trying to reprogram the bracelet, her
atttempts, thus far futile....*AHHA! I think I got it *She is
surrounded by a flash of light and immediately dissapears.....she
blinks, taking in her new surroundings* what the hell?...*It was
someplace she hadn't even seen before, somehow she had managed to
reprogram it, but now she was in a woods....* Now what! * she was
totally useless in the woods, she was a survivalist all right,
but one of the city, not the wilds....she doesn't know hte first
thing about nature* Where the hell have I gotten myself * The
words softly murmered as she once again concentrates on the
bracelet, pushing buttons futiley* Damn piece of crap *She plays
with more wires, not even getting a spark..angrily she turns in
circles, taking in her surroundings....* Gotta be a town around
here somewhere *picking a random direction she heads off, only to
stop dead in her tracks a voice just a littel off to her side*
YO! *she heads towards the voice, stopping dead at the sight
before her..she recognizes the form, although it is stark
naked...but which of two it is, she isn't sure* Didn't think to
see you out here
Rocky: *blinks a this is a compromising situation.
lacking a few necessary items, freezing his ass off, and being
seen by Rocky...* you know where I disappear
to..*if she looks close- the differences are evident...he doens't
have fingernails like Zak...he has true claws.* *smirks a bit*
and there is a town...but not in that direction...*trying to
ignore his current state- searching around in the tree hollow for
his staff and tunic*
*She recognizes him now...the tone can only be Sai's...physical
details she doesn't pay much attention to, they can be changed,
easily enough, but movements, tones...those are harder* a
pleasantly chilling place it is too..couldn't you a
room or something *howing unusual tact she doesn't mention his
general lack of clothing, but she does look over what is freely
revealed.....after all she is human* What ya looking for?
*his face looks a bit bluer...cold? or is that what Sai looks
like when he's blushing??* just this..*dragging out his
outfit-and then vanishing behidn the tree for some privacy while
he gets at least the pants on.* Hmph...this wasn't exactly my
idea....*why the hell couldn't he tell an oncoming
""evolution"" sleep from a normal one??* that
too....*the staff now exposed since he retrieved his clothing*
*she can't help herself, she chuckles at your modesty..she had
already seen all, yet still he goes behind a tree to change* What
you doing out here anyhow? and do I even want to know whats with
the clothes? *she eyes the staff, looking it over, but not
touching it....street rules, you don't touch someone elses piece
unless your gonna use it, usually on the owner...but its always
good to know whats out there*
*smirks and walks into view again* you probably don't- but I'll
tell you anyway. *examining his claws* but first...did anyone
ever tell ya about me? *wanting to know if she knew he wasn't an
Unnatural but something else completely...* *and the staff- if
she looks close- is laying on a spare tunic of keep it
from frying the tree. when he finally reaches out to take it up-
sparks flare along where he grips it*
I know some...your like that zak kid, right?..heard some about
him *she leans back against a tree, pullsout a smoke and lights
up* something to do with some sort of advanced cybernetics, or
something like that *she watches as you pick up the staff,
impressed as it sparks* cool toy ya got there
*a sudden scowl- lips pulling back to show fangs for just a brief
moment.* /Zakai/ is a Syntant too, yes- but a less advanced
model. 8shakes his head* not cybernetics....genetics. We're
manmade beings. Syntant- Synthetic Mutant. *shrugs- visibly
trying to tell his temper to keep it in check- although the
display of flaring sparks around the staff should clue her in
that his mood isn't very good..*'s got it's uses....*the
blades on either end sparkling in the sunset's dying rays- what
few manage to reach into the forest.*
*she tells herself to behave...hell he might the only way she
gets out of this place..but her sarcastic tone still shows up
despite of these days her mouth is ogign to get her
in a lot of trouble* oooh, a little testy on zak are ya, cut out
on a date or something *she chuckles and takes a long drag off
her smoke, * manmade? cool...didn't know anyone had anything that
advanced *she watches the sparks fly....maybe she should be a
little wary, but that wasn't her style, she always goes headlong
into things* I bet it does, little hard to hide though, isn't it?
*a growl- no where NEAR human* actually- I was training the
little bastard when he left. *voice a low growl* if he had been
here when I fell into hybernation, he COULD have gotten me to
someplace warm. *waves the smoke from her cigarrette away with a
scowl and slightly wrinkled nose- then smirks* whatever gave you
the idea I was local? of course no one where you're from can make
something like me. Your tech's too primitive. *shrugs at the
comment about the staff* if anyone's worried about this staff-
they should be more worried about it's weilder than it. *with the
bluntness of someoen stating a fact, not a boast.*
*She raises an eyebrow at the growled comment, but other than
that there is no reaction...she's a street punk, always ready for
the unexpected...and stupidly fearless, one of the many who
believe they are indestructible* training? *chuckles* that brat
is more obnoxious than copy-boy. *she takes antoher drag of her
cigarrette, inwardly chuckling at your reaction to the smoke*
Just assumed....never know what someones got hidden somewhere,
'sides all sort of high tech stuff keeps popping up *primitive
technology?...she has enough trouble with this damn crap, what
the hell do they have where he's from?..she eyes the staff and
him* actually, you do have a point...people are usually worse
than their pieces....a gun *nods towards him* or staff is only as
good as its weilder, not too many realize that *she can't resist
the snide comment...she knows she probably shouldn't, but she
does anyhow* If you show up naked, they will definately pay
attention to you
*flat tone* Zakai has no idea exactly what it means to be what he
is. He won't know until it's crammed down his throat. *like what
happened to him* *smirks* and they can't even get genetic
altering right where you're from- let alone genetic
/construction/- and that stuff isn't so high tech. not to me
anyway. Even to Zak- it's childsplay. *lips part into a nasty
smile that would make the final male syntant lurkin somewhere
shudder in fear and Zak hide under his bed* I'm a hell of alot
worse..all it can do is slice, bash, or fry you...*claws sink
into the tree.* /I/ can do alot worse...*no sparks- but the tree
starts to wither after a moment. Sai's claws are now venomous..*
*winces* and I am NOT going to show up around /anyone/ naked.
*not willingly!*
*chuckles* He's a hopeless cause, your wasting your time *her
only reaction to the smile is to unconciously crouch into a
fighting stance....before she catches herself, and continues the
motion downward, trying to make it seem as if she originally
intended to crouch at the base of the tree, out of the cold wind*
don't need ot tell me about genetic screw-ups *her one admission
to being unnatural,the first verbal admission.......she notes
with interest the tree withering...a good thing to keep in mind,
keep the claws away* can't 'bare' the thought? *G*
*smirks* no..he isn't. *Shakes his head* all he'll have to do is
join in a fight to the death- just once, and with all his heart.
I promise he won't be the same person again...*smirks at her
crouching down* cold? *he's now warming nicely..tha clothing is
insulated* *then he smiles sweetly* and I'll bare the insides of
your mouth if you mention that one more time...*Sai can't be
pushed as far as he used to..and he despises puns. He's also
rather sensitive about his apperance..doesn't appreciate any
kinds of jokes even remotely having to do with it*
death fight is a nasty thing * remembers her first kill, not with
regret, only anger that she hadn't done it sooner* noone is ever
the same afterwards finishes the smoke off, crushing it out
between her fingers, then dropping the butt ont he forest floor*
a little, so where's this town ya told me about? some sort of
civilization owuld be nice, *She looks up, her eyes, hooded
measuring...debating how far he would actually go.....her stomach
growls...*and maybe grab a pizza, or burger *she lets the subject
drop....for now* I'll even buy.
*flat out laughs* You have no fricken idea where you are, do you?
*smirks and starts walking* actually..the castle is closer...and
you're money is useless here. I've heard tell that the rooms are
free , as well. *going no further into the death-fight talk* I
for one- want to get into a warm room and sleep for real. *no
restfulness followed a woke up tired*
*her turn to sound a little peeved, she hated admitting things
like that* I'm in a bloody forest in the middle of nowhere
*stands up and catches up* castle? *her tone disbelieving, there
aren't any castles that she knows of, not unless your in ireland
or something* where the hell are we? *she stops in disbelieivng
shock* what do you mean its uselss? money talks, always has.
*smirks* but if it speaks a foreign language- it's useless-and
havent you noticed anything? if this is YOUR world, then someone
did some major cleaning up...*pauses to get his bearings* this
way. *starts walking- if she wants to follow,thats her business.*
*shrugs, oh is never hard to aquire....she just has
to find a good victim* never been in a forest before, wouldn't
know the diff...always thought they were supposed to be cleaner
than a city *she pulls out a smoke and pulls a match to light it
when it suddenly clicks on her..not my world?... this is new to
her...she hurries to catch up* what do you mean not my world?
wher the hell am I? and how in hell do I get back *the unlit
smoke dangles from her fingers*
I mean it's not your world. Period. *smirks a bit then taps his
wrist- where the bracelet is* what- don't have one? *wandering
off* then how did you get here...?
well, I have one *holds up the one she is pretty sure she fried*
it just doesn't work....I wasn't supposed to come here..wherever
here is...*A cold breeze whips through the trees...she shivers
and does up the rest of the mack jacket then raises the
collar...she has city clothes..she's used ot running between
shelters in winter, or sitting in a warm,
civilization...radiant heating....those were the basis of her
world...* I definatley wasn't supposed ot come here *she finally
lights up the smoke after a few attempts keeping a match
lit..then hurries to keep up with him...she had no idea where she
was, he was the only one who knew where she was actually
luck that she found him....a grin crosses her face...naked or
Ten to one you broke it. No matter. *he woudn't mind havint those
shelters right it is- he falls silent- the castle coming
into view along with the forest edge.* there we go...I'm certain
you can find your way from here..*breaking into a run. He's not
as fast as Zakai..but he's still faster than any human.*
*She scowls....knowing damn well she broke it, just not admitting
it* damn thing never worked right *she looks at the castle in
awe, she had never seen one before...well unless you counted
pictures and such...but a real one?...she never thought she'd see
one...* wow! that's how m'I gonna...? F--ing A-hole!
*she watches him run off faster than she can catch, leaving her
on this place, this world by the hell was she
going ot get back to a real city* where theres a will theres a
way *she mutters to herself as she makes her way towards the
castle* I'll find something damn it! even if I have to hunt the
asshole down and steal his damn bracelet *she's a survivalist, as
long as she's got a city she will be okay, its her terrain, her matter how bizarrre a form, it is only a variation of
what she knows.....she'll find a way to get back*