:: The grocery store music was grating on his nerves. Honestly
there was only so much "Metallica on Cello"One man
could put up with. Dodging other rampant shopper's carts, and
luscious stares from some of the ladies he turned his cart down
another isle. Sure he could have GUARD do his shopping, but
somehow it made him feel a little more, like a person. As odd as
that may have sounded. He also liked shopping, it was time to put
himself on neutral instead of turbo. His worries were reduced
from killing, to how many calories a Snicker's bar contained. A
rare pleasure he was enjoying, well all except the music. He
turned his cart down the produce isle, looking for fresh greens
to feed his pets. Knowing his rabbits liked the parsley, his
gerbils the lettuce. He did care for them, even tended to remorse
when they served their purpose. His thoughts though weren't even
on his pets at the moment, or his job, or his 'family'. Instead
it was in a dulled consumer haze.::
**He'd been following him around for a while now. He'd either not
noticed or had gotten sloppy since he last saw him. Either way,
he was only holding back from confronting him because he
just...just didn't know how to start. There was the up-front
approach, but he didn't know how'd he react. He could show up
cracking one liners and stupid jokes, but that was plain mean,
and he was out of practice. The last year and a half haven't been
full of his happiest of times. A subconscious reflex made him rub
his left shoulder as he leaned a little further out of his car,
shutting the door behind him.* It's now or never. A took a deep
sigh and entered the store, peering each way until he found the
big doofus to his right. He repeated a few things in his head
about an approach and steadied himself for the outcome. He
couldn't help but to grin widely as he made his way over to him**
Finally ** He thought **
:: He wasn't out of practice. Perhaps it was he was a bit used to
being followed, or frankly didn't care. He glanced at a few heads
of crisp lettuce and blinked. Looking over his shoulder, and
blinking his eyes instantly focusing. He nearly dropped the head
of lettuce. He stood there for an instant and closed his eyes.
His hand slightly trembling. He hadn't 'seen'Vince, or thought of
him deeply for some time. It simply hurt. He shut his eyes,
holding a slight breath, creasing them open. Just to reassure
himself the figure was gone. ::
** He smiled as brightly as he ever did* I was hoping to go for a
different approach, but I guess you knew SOMEONE was here. * He
walked up to him as casually as he could, looking up at him as he
got closer. He hadn't thought much past the simple introduction,
so he stood there for what seemed like many minutes just staring
at his wide eyes and pale face. He thought of a simple wise
crack, but quickly shoved it away for later use, but not without
a slight grin to follow* How you doin' Soldier Boy?
:: His eyes edged open, and finally he dropped the lettuce.
Glancing at it, scrambling to pick it up while on the floor, a
few people watching as he fumbled again. Thinking that maybe if
he concentrated there the vision would go away. That or he was
sleeping. He pondered this, for an instant, humoring, what a
boring dream if it were true. Dreams, he thought quickly as he
stood and dusted off the lettuce. He heard the voice then, as he
finally turned back to dare to look. Only hearing the words
'Soldier Boy'. If it were an illusion it was a crafty one. But
his RUNner alert didn't go off, nor did the system to defray
their scrambling devices. But his mind didn't dwell on those
things. Instead he felt his heart leap, his adrenaline kick in.
He scrambled for something to say. Anything. Instead he fumbled
the words too. Managing to get out a timid sounding phrase. His
eyes averting back to the produce. Almost scared now, instead of
the vision remaining, that Vince would disappear. :: I . . .I
dreamt you coming back. The techies said it was part of the loss
process. :: He paused, and kept his gaze low. :: You were
actually a sentimental bastard in them too. Went on about
forgiving Yvette, moving on. . . . Shit, :: A word he rarely
used, it seemed foreign to his tongue. :: I sound like a damn
romance novel. . . . :: He finally glanced up, trying to offer a
smile, anything. Hurt and overjoyed. Overwhelmed. He managed a
tight. :: But you're dead, aren't you? This is some sort of hoax,
some sort of conditioning, and training... Tell who ever it is
that put you up to this. . :: his voice no where near as timid
now.:: To leave me the fuck alone.
** He shook his head slowly* I'll tell ya, if someone had
something in mind like that, they have something seriously fucked
up in their head and they're the ones who need some mental
training. Plus, I'd hate it if someone could take such a great
idea before I had a chance. * His face faltered, taking on a
serious look* James, look........I.........I'm sorry. For
everything. I didn't get out of the base when you were yelling at
me. I wanted Yvette. Her and her little entourage of little
troopers destroyed my only home. All that I had was rage and a
sense of pay-back running through me. I didn't think of anyone
else except for myself. That is what got me hurt. ** Vince raised
his sleeve to expose his left shoulder, showing the scars and
burns of his last encounter** But, *He lowered his head and
sighed * It is also why I am standing before you now.
:: He didn't even look at the scars. He didn't even bother to
hear the words he said, not fully. Instead looking the man dead
in the face, and uttering in near rage. :: You don't know when to
stop. . . Do you? :: he lowered his voice to a hiss, as people
began to stare again. This before him claimed to be Vince? The
man, even in death he still bought birthday and Christmas
presents for? The very same man he brought flowers to and paid
respect for. :: You're right you selfish bastard. Leave me alone,
I've already paid my debt to Vince, I pay it every time I look in
a mirror, or sleep. Every time I raise my hand to defend GUARD,
every time a thought of obeying another order that seems wrong. I
paid my dues, my :: He paused trying to conjure the right
wording. :: For not pulling his ass out of there. I live with it,
and he died because of it. Take your mind fuck somewhere else. ::
He thought instantly, a thought that never occurred to him
before. Saying quietly. :: And if you 'are'Vince, you're a
flipping'clone. I don't want to deal with you. No matter how
'science'reassures me 'you'are him. You're not. Go find someone
else's life to haunt. :: With that James took enough courage to
turn away, and pick through the lettuce again. :: Sorry, but I
don't want a cheap imitation. :: The jerk would get the clue. The
hot tears of rage, and sorrow never kissed his cheeks, as much as
he would have liked to have broke down and cried. No he would be
strong, trained, born, bred that way. ::
** He kept his head to the floor knowing that it wasn't going to
be easy talking to him in his current state** Blacke, I don't
blame you for not believing me. I know if I was in your shoes, I
wouldn't. * he released a small chuckle* You know, I was just
thinking of Walden Mead. You remember him? He was the guy
everyone always called 'Coach'. *He stopped for a moment to creep
up closer to the back of James * I remember sparring with him in
the gyms during training. Everyone was set up in certain weight
classes. There were 8 of us. I remember the fight we had because
it was so good. He was a good fighter, but I can remember him
well through the years because we were the same weight and
height. Ironic and kinda stupid to remember a man for, but it
always stuck. *He was right about against his back, raising his
head slightly * Then, during the chaos, and I was running deeper
into the base, I spotted him again, in uniform, helping others to
their feet and injured ones out of the opposite side of the
building. I didn't think about it much during the moment. Then,
when I was getting the upper hand on Venin........ I made a quick
mistake that she countered on. I can remember the blast she
fired. It all came at me almost..........In slow motion. Thought
after thought buzzed through my mind as it accelerated toward me.
You, Pole, Dayre, Scratch. Everyone. My mind seemed to relapse
and it almost reversed, like it was retracing my steps. It was
then I remembered Mead. He was my chance, my only chance. It was
then I made the most selfish decision I think any human could
make. In a reflex, the blast was gone from my eyes, replacing it
with a group of men and women standing in front of me, all with
their eyes on the base. Outside. *He stood tall to get his mouth
close to his ear * I replaced his life with mine. I took his soul
to save my own, and I have to live with that. * Vince stood down,
backing off and staring straight at the back of James's head *
:: He only paused for an instant. Saying very cool, very
collected. :: They found your DNA, your body. Not Mead's his, his
was ground up like beef further into the compound. :: He turned
staring down at Vince and growled. :: Haven't you even thought I
may have thought of that? Sure it was feasible for the first
month, maybe two. No Vince is dead. And he isn't coming back. And
if you were him, you would have contacted me ages ago. When I
needed you. When I needed anyone. Especially a friend. The Exit I
know wouldn't leave me hanging. He wouldn't leave me out to dry.
The Exit I know wouldn't approach me in a damned super market. ::
.. or would he? Black blinked and continued to glare. His
breathing paced, slow, a rhythm. He tore his gaze away, away from
those brown eyes that seemed vaguely familiar. He turned then
walking away. Perhaps abandoning Vince. Stopping briefly once to
almost glance back, before leaving the isle, nearly praying for
his sake that Vince wouldn't follow. But uttering beneath his
breath, so lightly he was almost unaware he was saying it. . ::
Come on buddy, If you really are Vince stop me. Please, if you
really are Vince you would stop me. :: He then thought just as
quietly as he spoke, as he placed a bit more distance, /If you
are Vince, you'd joke, you'd laugh, call me a big muscle bound
buffoon. . . anything, please?/::
I needed time to lay low * Vince hollered across the isle to him,
startling a couple shoppers* You thought I was dead, GURAD was
pretty sure, and the Rnners were set straight with the idea. I
didn't know for sure, but I knew you were hurting. Dammit, I was
too!!. You're my best friend and I'm STILL yours. I could have
shown back up all peachy and full of laughter and everything
would be cool!! I couldn't. Especially after what I did to
Walden. I freaked and ran. You can test DNA all you want. You
will find pieces of me. I bled. A friggin lot. When I jetted from
the HQ, I made my way to a hospital, while tossing all
identification. I passed out in the front of the ER. Later I woke
up under a John Doe #3. What was left of my arm was bandaged, but
sure as hell not in working order. I snuck out of the Hospital
with some strong pain killers to follow up on something that I
had been working on for months. * He walked up to James slowly,
to lower his voice* * I found him James. I found him. * Vince
peered to his right to a stunned customer holding canned corn,
just staring* What the hell are YOU looking at!!!!
:: James nearly wanted to tear this man's throat out. How /dare/
he talk of such covert things out in the open like this??? How
/dare/ he. . . he was just like. . . . just like. . James blinked
and turned back, nearly hissing. His eyes narrow the /shut-up
now/ look. :: I don't know what you are talking about. Perhaps
the movie Fugitive? What next the one armed man did it? Oh wait,
that's you, or so you claim. . . :: He watched him, very
carefully. It was Vince, it had to be. He moved closer to him
spitting. :: Keep your voice down. Look I don't care if this is a
mind game, or you are a clone, or Vince himself, another outburst
like that, I'll have to get a team in here to wipe them, you
understand that?? :: He watched Vince for a moment and narrowed
his eyes a bit more and nodded towards the door. Moving that way
as well, abandoning his shopping. ::
*Vince rose a side of his mouth in a no-effort grin* I love it
when you talk dirty. * Vince followed him outside, hoping with
all he could that he finally gave enough proof that he was
telling the truth* when they exited the market and stood in the
parking lot, Vince made his way around the muscle to face him,
shrugging* what now, Kemosobee?
:: Literally pushing him aside depressing his car alarm in a
single motion. :: What now? I take you to GUARD H.Q. and report
you, get your ass thrown in the brig. That's what. And to humor
you. . .found who? :: He wandered closer to the car getting in
and opening the door for 'Vince'. :: And if you ever call me
Solider Boy again I'll rip both of your legs off and force feed
them to you. NO ONE calls me that. Not anymore. :: He so badly
wanted to believe him. He so badly wanted to tell him everything.
And so in his own way he did. He buckled his seat belt and
started. :: I have a hard time trusting anyone, especially after
the whole Yvette escape thing. After the whole Vince thing. ::
the words seemed to come out very easily. :: After Scratch, Rika,
everything. I can't just so easily believe anything. :: He jammed
his keys into the ignition. :: Perhaps I am more pissed than
anything. Because when I needed Vince the most, he left. I killed
him. He taught me to depend on him. A dangerous thing to do to a
man. And when I needed finally needed someone to depend on he was
gone. After all of that, in a blink of an eye. The selfish
bastard. . . :: He stopped looking at his steering wheel for a
long moment, unsure if 'Vince'was still even there. :: If I had
been just a bit faster, if I just . . . just. . :: He let his
voice trail off before he became stone again. :: Whatever the
case I've learned to live with it. :: He switched subjects again
his mind so erratic. :: Found who?
* He stared blankly out the windshield as he answered * My Dad.
He's alive James. I found him and he helped fix me. It took a lot
of trusting and believing, but I found him. *Turning to face
Blacke * That's where I was. I was with him. He's working for a
sub level GUARD uniform that's been working in a lot of genetics
and cybernetics. One of their big projects is to try to eliminate
any drawbacks to an Unnaturals abilities. I spent 2 weeks
straight in a jar of green shit while he diligently fixed me,
keeping me there as a test subject"and under a false ID to
keep me from anyone's knowledge. After that, I actually got some
bonding time in before I had to escape the lab. I doubt they are
even trying to look for me. Dad labeled me as a negative test
subject and that I would die within days away from the lab. I was
free from anything and I went my own way. I wandered for a while,
getting a few hard labor jobs to keep up some income. ** He
cleared his throat** Plus, I knew you guys were in France, but I
couldn't find the place.
If it's so sub-level why the hell are you telling a peon like me?
:: He stopped, instead he backed out his car and listened.
Quietly adding then, near gently. :: Green shit, and you didn't
even invite me? :: he paused looking again quickly at Vince
saying. :: I have to tell them you are back. . .you know this.
Besides that, with their recent monitoring, they already know. .
.:: He was quiet for a long time absorbing the information. It
seemed surreal. Like a dream state. :: The French place wasn't
that hard to find you know. . .:: He dropped it and continued to
exit the parking area. He thought for a long while, actually
driving safely for once. Almost too safe. It wasn't like him,
where the joy of driving was a second nature. Looking around him
as his adrenaline kept him going. He seemed to float. He said
quietly. :: I missed ya'Buddy, please if this is a dream or a
joke, tell me. :: It hurt. But he pressed it aside and nearly
emotionless he spoke again. :: Because you can't die again. :: He
didn't look back at Vince, but understood how it was to find a
father, one who cared. :: I'm . . I'm glad you found your father.
.. I thought he was dead. Seems to be a lot of that going around
lately I suppose. . .
*He rested his hand on Blacke's shoulder* From what I can tell,
this is no dream and it's no joke. I promise. * He sat back
again, resting against the door* Yeah, I realize after I came out
of hiding that they would know I'm still alive. I took the risk
cause I guessed that they had no real reason to off me or
anything of that sort. All they can really convict me of is
knowledge and releasing top secret information. But, maybe if we
put tin foil on our heads, we can keep talking about it. * he
reached in his pocket pulling out a small blinking device,
flipping a switch. * Or we can use this, but it's about out of
juice. A simple scrambler of Pops design. The Sat's and mike's
will show something, but they won't know it's me till now.
Anyway, I told you Blackdagger because you're my friend and a
hell of a lot more than a simple peon to me. Plus, you're
obviously higher in rank than me by now
You're right I'm higher rank. You're lucky I don't make you drop
and give me 20. . . :: He heard sincerity. And smiled at the
assured touch. :: You promise. . . ::He blinked at the device and
asked quickly. :: Is that thing on? We can get killed for
something like that! Put it away! :: trying to bat it out of his
hands. :: We've got that blue haired ice woman on our side again.
Though I've heard she's melted her devices would put that to
shame. . . Aside from that that new tech team that was being
recruited when you died, are not just kids. Their devices are
supposed to uncode anything :: He glanced at the device and then
back to the road. :: I . . .think. Too technical for me.
*He straightened up* Ei-Que? Really? Great. That's one step above
the Juniors. What the hell else has been going on?