*he smirks, shrugging as he follows you along* Yeah, well, with a name like Dick Seed, you know he can't be all there upstairs. *he laughs at his little joke, a sly grin on his face. He walks with you to the arrivals room, just looking around curiously, whispering under his breath* Whoa...this place looks like it's straight out of a science-fiction movie or something...*he looks at the head techie with a bit of confusion, then nods, smiling* Hello...*he looks over at the table before walking over to it. He leans slightly on the table, unsure if he was supposed to sit on it like it were a medical table* Uh, my name? Jason...Jason Sean McCallister. *being uncertain if the head techie wanted his full name or not, he just supplies it, just in case*
**The Techie scrolled the name upon a small clipboard like computer and smiled a bit. Saying then ** We just are going to perform some tests. . .Mr. McCallister, Primarily reflex, tests and blood tests at the moment. ** She moved back towards her instruments as J.X. watched the boy's attitude, any uneasiness. He watched nearly like a hawk, looking for fear, fascination, anything. He then called towards the boy, using a soothing, near echoing tone, something that was almost reflexive after all these years. . . his power seeming to make the words feel nearly warm. . .** Jason, just relax, ** Even though he had not seen a great deal of discomfort. Perhaps it was to place his own mind at ease from the tests. The words would effect no one aside from Jason, and he neared the boy a few steps. ** Tell me about yourself. . ** A few Technicians continued to type small cameras and microphones whirred below the level of absolute silence. The surveillance of the base was amazing. . pressure sensors on the floor, cameras in cracks, and microphones in holes that seemed impossible to hold them. **
*he nods to the Techie, smirking a bit as he sits on the table. J.X.'s calming words ridding him of the slight anxiety he was feeling at the moment. As you ask about him, he blinks, slightly confused* Uh...sure thing, J.X., what do you want to know about?
** He circled around the boy, his hands again picking up their usual rests, one at his chin, the other draped over his chest and supporting the first. He watched the techie for a moment who fell silent and performed a few reflex tests, primarily on the knees, and then on the tips of the fingers with small pricks. Taking a syringe, she prepared to withdraw blood samples, and would later ask him to give urine and other samples. J.X. managed a shrug and then spoke in one of his more soothing tones again, a near uncle feel towards it, though none of his powers seeping through. The last thing he needed from ANY UNnatural was to be viewed as a father figure. . .uncles were safe, friendly, demanded respect. . . and distant enough to be effective. ** Anything, your favorite color, your favorite food, music, . .
*his reflexes are fast enough...faster than the average person, but not superhuman. As best as he can, he tries to ignore the needle...but he shivers a bit as he is pricked...he didn't like needles* Uh, well, I like Chumbawamba. *he smirks a bit, thinking a little* My favorite food? Ehh...dunno. Fast food, I guess...*L* And I've always been partial to red, but then I see it every time I look in the mirror...
** He nodded looking towards the hair and saying ** Red hair is a sign of a distinguished person, I have heard. And you have failed to prove otherwise. ** He watched the boys reaction to the needle carefully and then looked to the Techie who noted it too. Making a small mental note and proceeding in the conversation. ** I see, how old are you Jason? ** Adding to the idle conversation speaking suddenly to the Techie in French. . . ** {Be a touch more tender, I don't want him frightened away. He came mostly on his own will this one. . } ** She nodded as he turned his attention back to the boy completely as he then smoothed the plastic covering over the table. He smoothed it with his fingers then as the Techie withdrew two large syringe fulls of blood. And then moved on to the next tests. Not bothering to tell the child what they were. She leaned over the com and called in the same Telepath at the gate. She then looked back towards Jason and retrieves a few pinpoint lights, and retinal tracers, q-tip to take saliva and nasal cultures, and loomed about showing him the instruments before she began, not saying a word as to disturb the conversation **
*he laughs a little, smiling at you* Heh...thanks J.X. *he looks over the various instruments that the techie was going to be using on him and nods, to give the go-ahead* Old? Well, I just turned sixteen a few weeks ago, actually...
** He turns as the same Telepath wanders in and looks towards the boy, without warning simply scanned his mind, with ease and near undetected. J.X. watched carefully, as the Telepath relayed back about the lack of shielding, lack of defenses. J.X. nodded a few times. . . placing his own mental shielding, which was not much to speak of a neutral, and then nodded towards the telepath ** You are free to go. . . ** The telepath nodded a few times as he exited the room a few minutes later. J.X.. in the mean time was continuing the conversation as if nothing was odd about a man simply standing there. ** Sixteen, that's a good age. Young, agile. . . still think the world has everything to offer? It does. . .at sixteen ** He smiles honestly in remembrance for a moment and then rolled his hand off the plastic covering and into the buzz of machines. He looked towards the Techies at the computers and said lightly ** Play some. ..Chumbawamba for the young Jason, ** Soon from small speakers their hit rolled through the buzz of the room. He smiled back towards Jason and asked then again ** What do you want to be when you are older?
*he laughs in a bit of disbelief when Chumbawamba starts to play in the examination room* Man...this place is decked out...hey, you guys get cable in here? *he doesn't even seem to have more than a passing notice to the telepath, even as the mind-reader scans him* What do I want to be? *he sighs a bit, thinking for a moment* I don't know, really...I never gave it much thought, to tell you the truth...I didn't think I'd bother with stuff like that until college.
** He blinks as he then shrugged and said ** We have everything in here. . . cable, Direct TV, other satellite providers, ** A small sigh seeming as if real disappointment, and honest reluctance. ** The only thing we are missing is a McDonalds actually, it seems the burger flippers didn't want to pass security everytime they went to work. . . ** He offered a small smile as he circled back around the boy and stared at a few test results. He asked as he looked towards them this hands taking the habitual position as he flipped through a few papers the Techies already filled out. Their fingers moving at faster speeds than most people's though they were perfectly natural. Asking then ** So you haven't thought about your future terribly much. . . but want to go to college. Interesting. What about abilities, perhaps a . . Football player, or baseball player. . ** Trying to coax the child to divulge more about himself before J.X. could read it on the TP scan. **
*he laughs, shaking his head* Yeah, well, I'd imagine that's a bit of a hassle for your every day whopper-flopper. Damn... *he thinks again moment as you quiz him* Football? Baseball? Nah...sports are okay, don't like them that much. I've had thoughts about joining the military ...I mean, I know I'm at least as good as the average G.I., if not better. If nothing else, I could move to the States, join the Army, have that pay my way through college, then decide what to do from there...
** Pleased, very pleased. He slid the papers back to where they were and spoke again saying ** You know, even some of the top military personnel don't know of this base. . . it even has a college-like facility built in, training facilities. . . living quarters. . gyms, rec rooms, wars that are waged from here are on a grander scale than you could imagine. . . ** he said then absently. . as the tests slowly ran through conclusive. . .** And young Jason we would be so pleased to train you to harness certain abilities. Your parents will be contacted, and I am assured they will comply. ** knowing this was moving incredibly too fast for the boy to understand, and preferring it that way. In the swirl of things, decisions were made, hasty ones, and ones that could form perfect soldiers. He then rolled his hand over the papers beneath his fingers and drew away from them entirely. He straightened his suit again, pulling off another random fluff that managed to fall upon the black surface. * Before I say more I must know. . .one single thing. ** Looking back towards the boy a smile on his face. . ** Would you love an opportunity that would happen a mere once in your life, and better than anything you'll ever be offered again?
*he look of disbelief washes over him as you make your offer to him. This was all happening too fast, like a dream almost. He tries to speak a few times, then finally succeeds* ...are you serious? You mean staying /here/? *he laughs, running a hand through his hair* Uhhh...yeah, sure...I mean, if you can talk my parents into it, sure!! This is too cool...
** He smiles and says as the music then stops a single word to break the silence ** Good, ** He pauses and nods to the Techie who then nods to the boy and back towards him. No telepathy had taken place, instead a far too familiar scene. He smiles at Jason and then nods towards the door ** We shall proceed with the testing later. . . Welcome to the base. There is only one person you need to worry about above /me/ Old Scratch, as long as you apply your best, he is nothing to worry about. . . ** -Too Much- He smiled and then wandered towards the door a hand falling behind his back and the other motioning towards the hall. Saying ** I will show you to your room, and after you look around your quarters I will contact your parents, and actually arrange to meet with them /personally/. If there is one piece of advice I may offer you. . .** his voice lowered, ** follow the orders given to you. . . Scratch's orders, then my own, the other ranks you will learn and the crew here. . .is like family Jason. It truly is a wonderful place. . .** He watched the boy and then wandered to the hall knowing if he lived on a military base from when he was born he'd have no trouble fitting in. In fact he'd be /perfect/. ** ** He smiled then as he motioned with his hand casually. . .saying ** You are free to use all the facilities, and in a few days when you have adjusted, I will personalize a training program for you, which will prove to be most interesting. ** He paused mid stride as he moved towards the door. Saying then while motioning to a set of drawers that lined a part of the wall, ** There is a few things in those, ** his hand lowered, and he then turned to leave. . the top drawer containing a few uniforms, nothing -too- demeaning, mostly a GUARD tee-shirt, a few under things, a few pants, and a jacket. All wrapped in plastic, brand new. ** I am going to go now. . . ** He paused his back turned as he opened the door with a simple press of a button, and a fingerprint scan. ** I shall contact your parents personally, if you require anything, you can locate me via holo-optics, or simply come to my office, the computer should inform you where it is, just ask. ** He turned then without another word, and exited the room, the door sliding shut behind him**