After the Party

~*~A low rumbling purr like snore could be heard from Mark's room. He slept sprawled across his bed blankets thrown about. As if there had been a great war atop that mattress in the midst of the night. He streched and snorted a few more times until his eyes opened and focused. He blinked a few times managing to scratch his balls and then snatch a yellow post it affixed to his forhead. He blinked a few more times at the note. ----=Poke fish awake.Feed the dog.=---- ~*~We have a dog?~*~ He blinked a few times and crumpled the note and grumbled. Sitting upwards, removing the remaining dangling sheet from his leg and slid off his bed. Wandering past the fish tank in the corner and blinked down towards the corpse floating in the water. He knew he had forgetten something in the last week. Or two. He grumbled more and with a single finger poked at the floating fish. ~*~Dude, your dead. Man that's the 2nd fish already. . .~*~ He knelt down peering into the tank. Lyeth had actually bought him the tank after the startling discovery of his prized gold fish in the bathtub. He poked at it again watching the fins and tail sink beneath the water surface and sighed. ~*~Damn first jaws, now his sequel, this bites. . ~*~ He stood again stretching and then blinking towards a scruffy mutt that had made its home in the corner of his room. The mutt inclined a brow and huffed. He scratched his head, recounting the events of the previous night. ~*~Okay Went to The Mall, met a few babes. . .~*~He reached towards his smokes and withdrew one sighing looking back towards the mutt, who barely kept eye contact with Mark. ~*~ Sonic got soooo laid. . . , got plastered, I got laid, threw up. . . like I think Geoff got laid twice. . .~*~ He rose a brow taking through the smoke that dangled from his lips. Finally lighting ~*~ Came home, crashed, woke up. . . Nope no freggin dog. ~*~ He blinked in utter confusion towards the mutt, it's scruffy brown grey matted long coat. A slightly missing floppy ear, it looked a mess. Mark lit his smoke watching the dog carefully. The mut then lowered both ears and then closed its eyes and fell back asleep. Scooping the dead fish out of the tank and then wandering towards the bathroom, leaving the mut behind. He tossed the fish into the toilet and lowered his boxers to take a morning leak. Still blinking back towards the door of the bathroom, and then shrugging another time. ~*~ Whatever. ~*~ He tucked Mr. Happy away, quickly washing his hands, and wandered towards the living room. ~*~Yo'. There's a dog in my room.

*One leg draped over the back of the couch.... A far /too/ small blanket splashed over him, leaving his bare feet exposed to the elements. Though he never seemed to get cold or anything. Snoring fit to wake the dead, states away even. Slowly, a large glob of drool makes its way down the side of his mouth towards the floor, where it appears a pool has formed overnight. Within his mind, the dreams of every young boy take place... Money, power, wealth... Aw screw that!!! He's dreaming about girls! Big tittied ones like in all the modelling and swimsuit magazines! Just about to dream about one going /down/ on him when he hears a pitiful, and plaintiff, voice in the livingroom... Damned those Unnatural powers of heightened senses of his.... Slowly blinking his eyes open. Throat feeling like crap from being exposed to the air all night. He closes, and re-opens, his mouth a few times making a smacking noise. Rolls his head over to look at Paul in his lazy boy chair. Rubbing away some of the blurry sleepiness from his eyes....* M....Mark, Duuuuuuude! Yer like, fuckin' up a totally KICK ASS dream! I mean, the party I could forgive... But this dream, it's costing you MAJOR brownie points here. I'm talkin' you're nose will have to be /all/ the way up my ass to retrieve these brownie points...*The earlier question of his bud sticking in his mind though.* No, we don't have a dog.... It's your wacked out, hungover brain... Go back to sleep.*He turns over on the couch, hiking the covers up and over his head, which brings the bottom of the covers up to his knees.*

~*~ He groaned his hands thrust to his hips again nearly yelling, turning to the rest of the Lair~*~ I'VE TOLD EVERYONE THE PARTY WAS NOT MY FAULT DUUUUDE! ~*~ You could hear a few doors slam, a few yells of him to shut-up, and a few groans. He then simply glared at Spike who was watching the T.V. with his head phones STILL on, groving to whatever beat. He then slowly inhaled and looked back at Geoff ~*~ We do TOO have a dog you freak, ddue he is like in my room and shite! ~*~ Just then the dog wandered out, and sniffed a few things, Spikey mostly before blinking and wandering to the large puddle of drool. Mark then simply folded his arms over his chest. ~*~ Dude this better not be onna those girls you had last night. ~*~ Nearly about to leave the living roomish area a little miffed still about the party thing. That /really/ pissed him off, and the constant harping on him. ~*~

*He winces slightly as all the doors and wails of ''Shut up'' erupt from the various rooms. Actually /hearing/ the animal come close to the drool puddle on the floor... He looks over his shoulder at the beast.* Shit..... We have a mutt. And an ugly one at that, reminds me of you Mark. So he must be yours. It definitely ain't one of the bitches /I/ had last night. After all, it's not walking with a limp. They were...*Smiling to himself quite a bit. He rolls over to watch the dog and MARK. Seeing that the pizza guy was still here.* Hey.... What the hell is he still doing here? Lyeths gonna have a shit fit when she finds out about this! Man, you are like, so toasted when she gets wind of this. You might as well hang out on a street corner and sell yourself so you have a place to stay everynight. But, you won't be of much use after she pulls a bobbit on your ass.

~*~ He rolled his eyes. ~*~ Funny dude, ~*~ Taking a lon drag offa his smoke ~*~ All I heard last night was - Where is it? Gee done already? - Then again I wan't really concentrating under the groans of the blonde godess, ~*~ He smirked turning back towards Goeff ~*~ Dude, you see her set. . . man. ~*~ He looked at the dog, near distastefully, and then sniffed. ~*~ Smells like shit, maybe it's Sonic's? . . .~*~ Then glancing at Spikey and then dropping his hands towards the floor ~*~ DUDE I never invited the prick in the first place! Why am I in trouble because a random stranger wanders here??? Man for all I care he can be BONIN' Lyeth. ~*~ A bit miffed at everyone in the lair since their nice little 'talk' with him about their safety. And the disturbing news of no more pizza. . .. . . .ever. ~*~ Man ~*~ watching Spikey wandering closer to Geoff ~*~ He hasn't moved from that chair in like. . . three days. You think he can still walk? ~*~ Aside from the random banging on imaginary drums, and reaches to the phone to call his boss, the guy was a new statue in the lair ~*~.

*Eyeing the stranger for a moment.* Well, if he didn't have an occasional movement.. I'd wonder if her were dead. But, seein' as he's doin' some boss Air Drummin'. I'm guessin' that's not the case.*A slight smile is drawn to his face at the idea of Lyeth gettin' boned. He always thought she was a little more uptight than she needed to be. Maybe a little ''loosening of the lips'' would loosen her up a little bit. Though he can't imagine her ever letting somone within that little inner sanctum of hers.* You're in trouble because you ordered the pizza, and then failed to, kick his ass when he tried to push passed you. Then, you let him use the phone from our LAIR. Majorly uncool man. I think we should cap him. After all, he can't like, be allowed to know where we live and shit. I wanna know how he keeps his job seeing as he's called in everyday for the last three days! Man, all the bosses I knew in short timer jobs like that woulda lit a fire under your ass on the way out the door... Then kick you to shove the rocket into your colon. And the only thing that gets smaller aroudn here with each ''replication'' is you dude. My purple helmuted soldier was strong and proud all night last night. Which is more than I can say for that ''Blonde'' goddess when she walked out of here this morning talking about ''Limper than a wet noodle.''

~*~ He smirked, too tired for the play of wit, he instead looked at Goeff, and ppointed out his incrediable thin-ness. ~*~ Dude, hello I am a whimp, I am ehre to like warm the couch, eat the food, and make sure the T.V. works! That's it. You expect me to take on Mr. Super Fly over there? ~*~ Pointintg to the man who now had successfully balances three two litres on his chin. He looked at him with a very flat expression. ~*~ Aside from that he's like /hella/ fast dude, faster than you. ~*~ He proped up on the couch arm and watched the freak for a minute or two. He took the last drag from his smoke before tossing it towards the guy who was again drumming in air ~*~ Dude he's one big Spasim. ~*~ He watched in mock awe before flipping tot he other side of the couch,m landing on Geoff's legs and snatching the controller. ~*~ Dude, see, this is why I kiss your ass ~*~ As he sucessfully flipped through the channels. ~*~ I can not fight. I can't use knives, dude I can't hold a gun, I don't think I can even bitch fight right. ~*~ He shrugged. It didn't bother him he was a whimp and knew it ~*~ See, you on the other hand are Bruce Lee John Wayne incarnate , thus lil dude, why I have so carefully chosen to keep my ass near your ass at all times. ~*~ He nodded trying for the brownie points ~*~ Most bodacious dude best friend of mine.

*And of course, Geoff simply REVELS in the ass kissing part of this... His ego being fueled propperly by his buddy.* Bruce Lee, and John Wayne eh? Now, how, and why, would I argue with something like that. When you got it, you got it.*He pulls his legs out from beneath Mark before he can land on them. Mark only getting the fronts of his feet before he lands. Bereft at the fact the controler has been taken from him however. He makes a slight illusion of a girl going down on one of Marks favorite soap opera guys. And then, when the scene cuts. A different girl is going down on one of the WOMEN of the show!* Man, they'll show anything these days! Hopefully though, you don't keep your ass /too/ close to my ass m'man. That would just be wrong... And WHACK!

~*~ He looked at the dog, who was startled by the sudden motion. He started sniffing again and blinked ~*~ Dude I ain't the only one close to your ass. . .~*~ As the dog started sniffing more, and rested it's head in Goeff's lap. Mark smirked ~*~ I think it likes you. ~*~ And the dog proceeded to perfect the definition of brown nosing. . .Mark smirked and continued to watch his soap, as if it was not hing out of the ordinary. ~*~ Dude best shite since Springer croaked. ~*~ Crossing his legs and ploping them on the cofiee table kicking some os Spikey's shit outta the way first. ~*~

*Geoffs smacks the dogs nose away from his crotch, not really trying to hurt the animal or anything. He liked dogs, but this one seemed too much like thier visitor for his tastes. Finally sitting up on the couch, he stretches big. Letting out a slight sound as he does, almost sounding like a whined ''Waaaaaaa!'' He pickes up one of the shoes, who know whos it is, and throws it at Spikys head.* Hey, when are you leaving man! It's been /DAYS/. We're gonna have to assin you your own zipcode soon! And take this smelly mut with you!*Looking over at MARK for some sign of approval.* Like dude!!! Don't you hve rent somwhere that's due or some shit? They prolly called the cops by now.

~*~ Mark watched as his theory was confirmed, the shoe instead of flying through empty space, as Spikey was standing and blinking, his head phones half-way off. ~*~ Man.. you got the phone? ~*~ Moving so quickly it seemed as if he were standing the whole time. ~*~ Mark simply sat back smacking the dog away from his feet where the dog huffed and hoped on the couch and curled up on Geoff's blanket. Mark simply flipped through a few more channels and then glanced back to Geoff ~*~ It's no use dude, I've tried everything, checked missing persons everything. It's like his parents don't want him or some crap. . .not that I blame the poor old folks. ~*~ He reached for a nother smoke and scratched his chest. Glancing once at Spikey before yawning. lighting, and inhaling . ~*~

*He watches, not having actually ever seen somone that fast. Though he'd heard they existed. This guy was definitely Unnatural... But, was he like, a G.U.A.R.D.? Though he's got suspicions that if he were, they'd have been here already.* Dude, like as long as he stays away from that Ex-Marine, Alan, or whatever he was. I think he'll be okay. That dude gets pissed and just starts shooting without asking questions at all... But like, he's one of us man! A pizza delivery guy who's on our side! Imagine the possibilities! Like, free deep dish! This is just like, the COOLEST thing E-V-E-R! Well, accept for that time I caught you and agro bitch having a ''sentimental'' moment in that restaraunt... That was major blackmail material. *Seeing as Geoff could always trump the charges up a few more notches or so, and actually pull off making it credible.*

~*~ He glanced at him and shrugged. ~*~ Yeah who'da'thunk. . . the only man on this planet lazier than I am , who happens to deliver pizza here, is UNnatural. But if he were GUARD . . .um don't you think we'd be /dead/ by now? ~*~ He watched the T.V. for a bit longer, saying then absently, a a bit harshly. ~*~ And you know dude, for an ice cold bitch, who was like alone, confused, and kinda scared, she is okay. You know, she is actually fun to hang around. I like her. ~*~ His voice hardly getting sentimental, but a bit tired of hearing her ripped to shreds. ~*~ As much as I like you dude, I think yer wrong. ~*~ He glanced at Geoff for a moment and shruged beforeblinking then and turning to his pal. ~*~ Hey you know I haven't seen her in like weeks. . .you think G.U.A.R.D. got her? ~*~ His tone was perfectly serious, one could tell he was worried. And no matter what his Amigo would tease he could no sonner bone her than Spikey. She was just. . . a pal. He didn't expect Gild to answer seriously so he changed the subject instead. ~*~ Dude been to The Mall lately? New game I gotta score. . .Final Legacy Eight dude. . . Out in a week, with tee-shirt and everything. ~*~ A smirk falling upon his lips as Spikey found the phone agian under some crud and pizza boxes, to inform his boss he needed another pizza delivered. ~*~

*He shoots his bud a sidlong look. As far as he was concerned the bitch could fall off the empire statebuilding right on her rock hard head. He could give less than two shits about her. He didn't care for her at all, could be that she's too much like himself. Sure, she had a rack on her and all, even a pretty good face. But, just her 'tude. It was enough to make you sick. Sure, Geoff's an ass, but at least he'll admit to his own handiwork with pride. She seems to be just too reckless in things she does. Not to mention stealing like an amature, and /dealing/ in drugs. That was like the major downfall of her there. Those things were just uncool with Geoff no matter who you were. He didn't do them, and only made a few exceptions to those who did. She wasn't on that list. * Well, she'll turn up. One way or another. You could always go looking for her. Maybe that Marine dude will help you. I'm not into it, she's not my bag. I tried bein' nice to her, tried showin' her the ropes. She snuffed me, so now she c'n kiss m'ass fer all I care.

~*~ He glanced at Geoff for a minute and then simply turned his attention back to the T.V. As much as the Rock Bitch grew on him, he wasn't about to ask the Mariene guy (who was more like a paranoid muscle) for help or even to go looking for trouble. He instead said with a shrug. ~*~ Dude no one asked you to give a rat's ass, just stop talkin' about her like that. ~*~ He took a drag from his smoke and then stood up. He had been getting so much from every front. The "party" "he' hosted, to Spikey refusing to leave. The gold-fish, and he knew he'd get it for the dog. Instead he wandered back to his room without so much as another word. As much as he liked Geoff too, he hardly thought at times that the guy cared for anything but himself. Something he had learned to expect, although not appericate. He ploped on his bed, locking his door again, so he wouldn't get chastised for something else he didn't do and tried to fall back asleep. ~*~

*He watches Marks back as he makes his way towards his room. After the door is closed and locked, and he distinctly hears Mark flop onto his bed. He utters something aloud to the guy with the headphones on. Unsure if he can even hear him over eveything going on in his head.* Think it was somethin' I said?*He shrugs to himself once. Mark was acting a little stranger than usual, which isn't saying much. He's bagged on the rock whore as much as anyone around here. And Geoffs no where /near/ about to stop because Mark spends a little ''quality'' time with her a couple days. Maybe Mark liked her, that was his business... And though he doesn't kow exactly what Mark was thinking about him. Mark was right about one thing. About anyone, other than his friends, he couldn't give a shit if they were dead the next day. About his friends, well at least he'd attend the funeral for alot of them. Maybe break a few tears at others. But, he's been without feeling for so long due to his own problems, he doesn't waste themon others, especially in the dangers they all face. Why care about somone too much, when the next day they could be dead? He;d broken his own rules when it came to Yndia. But, there's not too many others he'd break that rule for. Nott o mention, you can never know who to trust. So, he makes his way to the kitchen, grabs a warm coke from his /secret/ stash. Then heads out for the city, he'd some five finger shopping to take care of.*

~*~ The dog followed Mark until the door was closed on it's face, and then Geoff, until it lost sight of him. Instead then it wandered back tot he living room and ploped itself, much like their other guest, in front og the T.V. It didn't bark when the door-beel rang (Spikey's pizza) Or hardly moved, unless Spikey threw it a peice. Mark on the other hand, who was growing a little more than pissed off, simply stared at his ceiling, nearly praying to whatever forsaken God placed him in this hole, to get him out. Perhaps he'd need to talk tot he mute chick. . .a shudder ran the length of his spine. Or perhaps just find his own place. Maybe try for a job, . . . or something. But as he started weighing, anywhere was looking a bit better than 'here' ~*~

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