*She bites the inside of her mouth in an attempt to calm herself down. If Toshi had only known at what emotional level she`d gone to for a few moments there. Her hearts still not calmed itself either, raising a hand deftly to her chest to feel it pulsating rhythm. It`s not exerted itself in this manner for quite some time. None of the exercises the Techs could give her in the traing room had ever made her heart rate climb very high at all. But with just the right touching, person, environment, and moment she feel like her hearts going to explode, or jump out of her chest. Maybe she should explain to Toshi that what`d just been doing could be considered as HEAVY teasing. And, though women did it to men on a pretty regular basis, it wasn`t considered something nice to do. But she knows Toshi doesn`t know about sex, or most of the ideas going ito it. She knew that when she`d started kissing her, and for selfish reasons had pressed onward. Though for a moment she`d thought that`s what Toshi really wanted. Wanting nothing more than to press foreward and kiss Toshi until they are both at the level she was just at. But knowing, from what her mother had always said, you can`t force someone in these matters. She doesn`t even have the grasp of the language to start explaining these matters to her in length. the look on her face showing that, for her, it was taking a deep restraint from pushing the passion forewards. It evident that she doesn`t want to stop what`s been started. The only thing she can do is break eye contact with Toshi. Even that small action forceing her heartrate higher and her breathing to come in small gasps. Closing her eyes tightly, after all, for anyone, it hurt a little to be rejected when you are so willing to go farther.* My fault...Puuush too haaard... Buuut thiings you maake me feeel. Suuch nice thiings. Vould like to do agaaain.. Maaybe much moore...*A pained, yet hopeful sound in her voice. Her english suffering greatly for her loss of concentration, another slight testement to how far, and what power, Toshi had been bending over a person who was impervious to most anything.*

*She watches as Nat takes time to answer her question.. It was true she didn't understand what she had done to Nat.. Nat hadn't been the only one affected.. Pole was the only person she was truly comfortable with touching.. That she had allowed and even initiated some of the touch and kissing with Nat was a major step for her.. She wanted to do more.. But was afraid.. The kisses had not left her untouched.. In fact it was the feelings that Nat caused that frightened her so much. She is beginning to think she has done something wrong when Nat finally answers her.. Smiling she shakes her head.* No it isn't Nat.. I didn't know how.. *frowning she tries to think of what it is she wants to say.. But her inexperience shows itself once more.. She has no clue..* I.. I liked it a lot...I just.. I don't.. *Sighing in frustration she looks down an her hands as she whispers...* I don't want you to be mad at me for stopping.. I'm scared...

*Her hearts still a little fluttery, though it`s calmed now that she was no longer looking on the object of her desires. And now that her heart rates normal she can bring herself to look on Toshi again. Her hand moving from her chest towards Toshis knee. But then remembering what Toshi had said about touching being new for her. She smiles and lets it fall short of her kneee. touching simply being a form of expression in passing for her most of the time. Her voice still a little ragged, not completely calmed yet.* Niet..... Niet... Nooot aaangery. Diiisappointed certainly. Buuut naught angery...*She still can`t think of how to explain things to Toshi considering the language barrier. But knowing that part of Toshi feels responsible.* People thaat are so close to shaaaring..*Not wanting to be hurt for admiting too much. That was somthing she couldn`t take. And she didn`t know how far, or what Toshi had felt, only what she did. But if she couldn`t be truthful with her friend, then she couldn`t be truthful with anyone. Saying the word quickly her smile hopefully showing that she's not trying to insult or make Toshi uncomfortable.*..bodiiies, don`t usually stop. Buuut... Iiiit iis always choice of both to contiiinue. Booth muust waaant to. Always iiis it choiiice. Un`erstaand?*Hopefully she`d taught the girl something. Frustrated at herself for not having the literary faculties to illustrate her words more clearly.* Me.... Da, was ready. You... Niet. So no gooood noow.. Maybe future. But you see, always choice...*Knowing that doesn`t all sound the way she means it to sound. A frustrated look coming over her, and always there`s a slight sound of loss in her voice. She was really disappointed, maybe in her inability to have brought Toshi to a point where she didn`t want to stop.*

*She listens carefully to what Nat tells her.. Despite the language barrier she does get most of it.. Blushing when she realizes what they had almost done.. Did she want to do more with Nat? She wasn't sure what she want.. The thought of touching had sharing like that terrified her at the same time it excited her.. She could remember how Nat's hand had felt.. Unconsciously she raises her hand to touch her breast.* I think I understand Nat.. It's just all so new.. It scares me and...*smiling she takes a deep breath* I liked it, but I guess I wasn't ready.. The touching and the way it made me feel...*She didn't want Nat to think she hadn't wanted to continue.. She had just been unsure about everything and needed to pull back.*

*Realizing the questions that are probably popping up in Tohis mind. Questions she couldn`t answer. Only hopeing that Toshi might feel sometimelike going further. Not knowing anyone else she trusts enough to show herself to without her uniform, or without clothes of any kind. Toshi had just said so many things that Nat needed to hear. So many nice things she`d been dieng to hear for the years she`d been with her powers already. It was all very intoxicating, and she`d gotten caught up in it fast. Her face holds the quality that she`s so many things to thank Toshi for already, she wouldn`t hold this against her for more than the disappointing moment it would take to calm herself down. Still not having her best grasp of the language as she`s not completely calm, and wouldn`t be for maybe a few hours. Toshi had woken somthing in her that`d been dead for a while, and it wasn`t going to die so easilly now that it`d been started. So her broken English continues.* New...scaares..Iiis okay. *She shakes her head as Toshi seems to think she owes her an explanation.. Reaching for her hand and pulling it a little so that it comes to her lips. This something that her boyfriend did at one time that always calmed her down.. Kissing her knuckles tenderly for a few moments. Then, when all`s quiet, or seems so. She smiles.* Me da, you..niet. Both muuuust always bee da, or niet for both. Diisappointment for one who da..*She nods.* Always... Aaanger.*she shrugs.* Sometiiiimes. Buuut always choiice. Neever.*She searches for the word, placeing her forehead on the back of Toshis hand to think, raising her head with a triumphant smile.*..neeever obliiigation. Goood both... or nniet. Me good, you..*She shakes head.* Buut iiis okay..*She kisses the knuckles on Toshis hand slowly a couple more times, trying to show her that there would be no bad blood.*

*She gets a lot out of what Nat is telling her.. Realizing that another might be angry at the fact that she had stopped Nat when she had. Nat didn't say it, but Toshi was smart.. Seeing Nat's reactions and hearing what she said she realized that there could come a point when there was no stopping or that someone else might not have cared as much as Nat about how she felt and would have pushed things further.. The realization frightens her.. She tries not to let Nat see how shaken she was by her words, but she can't stop the slight tremble in her fingers that Nat is holding on to. Nodding she whispers softly.* Thank you Nat for showing me how things can be and for not being too upset when I couldn't go further.. *She smiles at Nat as she kisses her knuckles again.* But we will do this again..

*Toshi`s lucky, or maybe unlucky, as the case might be. If Nat could feel the tremblig of her hand beyond some minor shifting pressures then she might question, and be able to help her with her fears. But, she can`t. Thinking everything is alright between them now. Or at least hoping, she didn`t want a friendship that mean a lot to her to be damaged by a desire. As strong as that desire was, she didn`t want to lose her friend over it. She shakes her head, she didn`t need to be thanked for that. But she realizes that Toshi must have been taught to be polite. Stopping her head shaking and kissing the girls knuckles once more before laying Toshis hand on its owners knee.* Niet.. Thanks, no neeed. I promiise show yoou how thiings supposed to beee. Not how thiiings can be worst caase. Caan baaad thiiings haappen? Da... Buut, iiif fear rule liife.. Liife waasted because fear all the tiime. Muuust overcome fears..*She smiles and pats the girls knee affectionately.* Biig step you maaake todaay iinto larger world. Goood step. Be proud.*She smiles and draws close to her ear, feeling the need for some sort of secrecy from the room for some reason.* I thaank you.... Maaake mee feeel...*It`s hard for her to say, but the way people treat her all the time. the way they look..*...liiike person agaain. Feeel liiike woman. Naught experiiment. Maake feeel... Needed...cared for. Speecial.*Her voice close to breaking up, on the verge of tears again. But she doesn`t want to be held or embraced, it`s just something she wanted to say.* So thaank you... My friiend. * A word she reserves for dear friends, useing comrrade for all others. Before she can be embraced or hugged, she stands up. Tears rimming her eyes.* Now I goo... Will see you agaain soon. Entiire Guard could not keep me away..*She smiles, the first of the new tears starting to fall as she turns around and heads for Toshis door. Stopping at the door and looking at the bed.* Sooorry for bed...*She presses the button for the door, looking out in the hall both ways, seeing no one either way. She starts to walk down it. Only waiting until the door closes to slump against the wall and hold her face in her hands. She didn`t want to be alone in her room at the moment. But she`s afraid of things that might happen should she have requested to stay there. Hopeing that Toshi won`t come out to make sure she`s okay..*

*Again Nat says the right things to make Toshi feel that everything is ok.. Nat seemed to understand her fear of touching and how far she had come by allowing the amount of touching that they had done.. She knew that it wouldn't be as hard next time.. Her natural curiosity making her wonder about where the touching and kissing would have gone.. When Nat leans over to whisper to her she is shocked by her words.. She had done all of that with her kiss and touch? It is only then that she truly starts to understand the power behind a kiss. She is too stunned by the revelation and realization to do anything as Nat turns to leave.. All she manages is a whispered.* Next time..

*After a few more minutes. Sure that Toshi isn`t following her. She pushes herself off the steel wall at her back. Her face wet with fresh tears. Even though she`s found a new best friend, and had been given back things she`d thought never to posess again, she feels so lonely that she could almost choke. She puts two fingers between the collar of her outfit and her throat. Trying to breath a little easier. She puts her hand over her heart, having felt a pressure there but knowing that there`s nothing pressing on her chest. Trailing one hand against the wall as she starts to make the walk back to the rookies quarters. Trying to stop crying, but unable to. Hearing a few sounds in the hall behind her, she turns her face slowly, catching two heads popping back around a corner. Beggining again.. She frowns anew, most people might be down trodden that such a face could be because of them. She can feel the emptiness in her heart at returning to her room. So she turns around and heads back for Toshis door, hoping that she`d not see fit to lock it yet. She preses the button to open, at this moment thinking that if it didn`t she would rip it from the hinges. But it opens just fine, walking in, face full of tears. Seeming to lose some of the grace she normally carries as she almot stumbles back in Toshis door, the metal construction closing, but not before two heads can be seen peering in before it seals.* C...*She looks real weak.* Alone...*She drops to her knees and passes out on Toshi's floor. The explanation is simple. He body had become so strong, along with her heart, that it hadn`t adjusted for having to actually work so hard. And, if someone checked her pulse she`d be just fine. Appearing to have passed out. The pressure on her chest though had been a serious thing, thanks to her mind though she can feel no pain. She`d suffered a bad heart attack. But since her body will NEVER truely fail her in the physical sense. Her heart started again on it`s own. That being how strong her heart is for her.*

*She had looked up in surprise when Nat had returned. Her surprise turned to shock and fear when Nat passed out. She had moved immediately to see what was wrong with Nat. When she couldn't find anything wrong she tried to wake Nat up by gently shaking her.* Nat...Nat....

*She lays there, the blood seeming to have drained from her body for a moment. Almost appearing white. Though after a few minutes the bloods flowing as normal again. She seems to take a deep breath as Toshi shakes her. Squinting her eyes tighter before slowly opening them to look weakly on Toshi beside her. Momentarilly disorientated, without moving her head, her eyes roam the room. Trying to figure out where exactlly she is. Then she can tell she`s being shaken as the feeling of pressure on her back and arms returns to her. She tries to bring her arms beneath her to push herself up. But appears to do so slowly. Even though she`s as strong as she is, for the moment she`s weak. She deftly puts a hand to her chest again, noting that the pressure`s gone. Then her eyes wander around a little frantically. Still not completely remembering how she got back into the room. She remembers not wanting to be alone and starting to walk down the hall. Remembers seeing some techs behind her after she`d started to feel pressure on her chest. But not how she got back into the room. Her eyes still darting around, maybe searching for some sign as to how she got back into the room.*[How did I get back here?]

*Sighing in relief she moves to help Nat sit up.. She had been so worried about her.. If Nat hadn't of woken up she would have called medical. She can see that Nat still isn't doing so good.. * English Nat.. *smiling she reaches out to brush back a strand of Nat's hair.* We haven't started to work on my Russian yet..

*She looks back at Toshi as she finally hears the girl. Having not heard her name when she`d first woken. Sitting up easilly as the girl guides her along. Her mind finally translating the words that Toshi uses, making the connection to their meanings.* Hoow..get herrre?*Bracing a hand on Toshis shoulder. The smile reassuring her a little that she hadn`t done something wrong in her few minutes of forgetfulness. She braces her back against the steel wall. Leaning her head back to rest a little. Wondering why she feels so weak, she`d not felt weak in a long time.*

I don't know Nat.. You came in and passed out.. *She is still really worried about Nat. Something is wrong, but she can't tell what it is...Nat seems to be fine.. Again she closes her eyes letting her touch guide her.. Could she find something wrong? Would she know what it was if she did find something wrong.. From her shifting she had a good understanding of how a body worked, but she didn't have any real medical knowledge.*

*Her eyes snap to Toshi. That`s never happened to her before.* Paaassed out? Neverr haappened b`fore.*Seeming a bit surprised and scared about that fact at the same time. She takes her hand away from her chest, letting it fall to rest on her knee. Embarrassed that she couldn`t have just gone back to her room. She lowers her head a little, hating though that with all she`d told Toshi that the girl might have wanted to be alone with her thoughts for a while. She`s beegun to understand that Toshi keeps her feelings, and life for the most part, very private. Searching for the words to convey her thoughts.* Were follooowing me agaaain.*Her face is saturated by the salt from her earlier tears, forceing it to appear grainy when hit by the light and flushed by the blood that`s begun rushing back through her veins again.* Diiid naught waaant to go baaack to room... So aaalone there. I naught aaaalone here. Buut know caaan`t stay all de tiiime too..

*She barely hears Nat's words as she is distracted trying to dig through Nat's DNA. She was sure there was something there that would tell her.. The problem was she wasn't very good at reading a lot of the more subtle pieces.. Oh she could sort out what made a person have red hair or brown.. It was some of the other pieces that were harder to figure out.. What caused a genetic problem.. She would need to start learning about that again soon.. * Nat.. I think we should go to medical.. I can't find anything, but I don't have all the knowledge I need to find it.. *She smiles as she pulls back from reading Nat's DNA.* I don't want to lose my friend.. Maybe if I talk to Pole I can move to a room near yours.. He is always telling me to get out and make friends.

*Toshis suggestion, to put a delicate point on it, shocks her. A slight bit of fear entering her eyes. The last time she`d been in medical was for her entrance exam. That had been rather....Unpleasent. And it was before her skin had hardened. The doctors couldn`t even get needles into her skin for samples anymore. Everything they tried simply got destroyed.* Don`t liiike thaat plaaace. Aaalways they try thiings on me. *She didn`t even know that Toshi could find problems with people. She knew the girl could transform into things she sampled, she`d told Nat that much. Offering a weak smile, hoping that Toshi won`t insist that she go see the doctors.* Aaam alriight now, see?*She puts a deft hand on her chest, tapping between her breasts a couple times.* Pressure goone now. Aaam ookay.*She summons up a bigger smile, doctors are to her like the surface world is to Toshi. All that they`d done to her when they were studying her before her powers totally manifested had convinced her she never wanted to see them again. And besides, everything they tried, other than taking her hair, for a sample only failed.* Iii staay? Woon`t be trouble... Staay on floooor!*Desperation taking her tone before it grows soft again.* Noo one waatch me heere. Ooonly you heeere, no moore aalone.*Dropping her face in a sign of shame for asking to invade on Toshis privacy enough to stay in the room.*

*She understood how it was to be alone.. She had never been alone a day in her life until the compound had been attacked.. It had been terrifying.. Smiling she reaches out to take Nat's hand in hers.* It's ok.. You can stay here.. It will be nice to have the company.. *While Nat didn't want to go see the doctors Toshi did.. She would go and find out anything they had on Nat. Talk with them.. Maybe together they could figure out what was going on..*

*She raises her head quickly as she`s given permission to stay. A fast smile forming on her face that she wouldn`t have to be alone again tonight. Being careful not to squeeze Toshis hand to tightly as she closes her and around Toshis fingers.* Yoou meean? *Hoping that Toshi wasn`t simply playing with her about staying the night. Unlike others, she`s not really afraid of Pole enough to stay away from Toshi or feel strange about being in her room. When it came down to it, there was really nothing Pole could physically do to her. And in a fight, she could crush him like a beercan. Though he could have her transfered. But she`s so happy she doesn`t even bother thinking about it.*

*Laughing softly she nods* Yes Nat.. I don't want you alone tonight.. Not after what happened.. *Since she can't find a reason for Nat's passing out she is worried that she will do it again.. It would be better if Nat stayed there with her.. Although her thoughts are only on the two women talking and sleeping together.. Nothing more along the lines of their earlier endeavors. Toshi still doesn't understand totally what was going on then.*

*She smiles plesantly. Moving foreward slowly to hug Toshi loosely in thanks. Though she doesn`t kiss her. Not wanting the girl any more confused than she`d already been. Drawing back after it.* Thaaank you. *She turns and manuvers herself so she`s lieing on the floor on her side, propping her head on her on an arm folded under hear head. Watching Toshi for the moment, though her eyes are growing heavy. Exhausted both from the small bout she`d had, as well as the emotional exertion of thier earlier activities.*

*She moves over to the bed grabbing a pillow and blanket which she lays down for Nat. She would wait until Nat was asleep before she moved over to the computer in the corner to start doing some research.. There had to be something in Nat's genetics that was causing the problem. The first thing she would do would be pull up all the medical information on Nat.*

*Seeing Toshi grab her a pillow and a blanket, she smiles and nods her head in thanks. Taking them, she places the pillow below her head and pulls the blanket over her form. though it`s a little short, she`s a pretty tall girl. and most things in the rooms are ordered to their users needs. Her breathing grows rhythmic and slow. Closing her eyes after about half an hour to not open them again this day. This, the first time in many nights she`d not cried herself to sleep.*

*Once Nat is asleep she moves over to the computer.. Pulling up information on Nat.. While Nat slept she combed through the information.. Trying to find everything she could without leaving the room.*

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