The HeadQuarters Reborn

*It'd taken awhile, to be sure... certain setbacks had kept pushing the completion date further and further ahead. Travesty's little fit hadn't helped any. But now the day had arrived, everything was packed, moved, sitting and waiting in its prospective room. Bedchambers had been allocated, boxes stacked neatly... and the last thing to go over was the staff, save for those who had been struggling to make the place liveable. Of course, security was even tighter than before... the walls of the complex vibrated ever so slightly, something no one but a phaser would notice, and meant to keep such intangible beings either in or out. One couldn't ghost through aggitated molecules. The security was immensly beefed up, so much had been done, another stage in the GUARD's evolution, that it would be hard to list all the changes and improvements. And as always, the evolution was in response to RUNner actions, the GUARD had never just busted in with guns blazing and technology high, it altered its approaches to fit RUNner MOs. In short, the GUARD was so brutal because the RUNners had dictated it so, from the very beginning, from the days the GUARD used only shotguns and bullet-proof jackets and never employed a cyhunter on the field. Its all changed... drastically. This rebuilt complex was no exception, breaking into this one would be... an absolute miracle. Even the other bases, France, Australia, Spain... more... they would be refitted eventually, made better. But that was all besides the point as the planes had touched down and the cargo of their bellies was here now... hunters, more techies, cyhunters, ESPers. They gathered outside, their presence jammed from satellites, ESPers covering tracks, illusion and magnetic fields taking care of the rest....*

-=- He stood his ground right next to his superior Scratch. Unwaivering from every motion the larger man made. He hovered seeming like the man's shadow, exceptionally thinner, and more agitated. He was there in silence, only ordering a few people when Scratch was busy, other than that, at Scratch's beck and call. His eyes narrowed as he watched the slew of GUARD wandering in and out of their new home. Knowing he would not stay here for long, seeing as they had left the France base without a superior officer. -=-

*she sighs deeply as she looks around her, a frown corsses her face as her gaze lands on Kincaid awkwardly juggling the package in his arms* Please, don't drop that *he blushes and stops the juggling act as she moves closer to ensure that her precious mirrors are safe, she doesn't want anything to happen to them, and she couldn't bear the thought of having them shipped over unsupervised..she looks over towards the new building* so this is our new home

~*~ His powers had become more useful in the recent move. His eyes rarely waivered up from the boxes he had lifted, being in certain company. He finally was allowed to take a deserved break, placing himself in the shade away from the chaos of the base. Organized choas like that of ants. Everyone had a task for the better of the 'colony' which it was, still half under ground. He sat back wiping the sweat from his form, clad tightly in GUARD regulated uni, the same as most of the rest. He seemed like just another emplyoee. He pondered about this while he sat back, he liked it that way. ~*~

*his back snaps and pops as he had been a long day, somehow he had gotten drafted as one of the workmules...oh well, at least he ensured that his bike and guitar made it over safely..while carrying in the boxes he had managed to get a glimpse of some of the base, it didn't seem too bad, he still doubted that he would stick around too much though, he wasn't a big fan of staying in one place*

*Scratch couldn't help a smile, and he tried to hide it, for Attrait's sake... but the smaller man was so aggitated, nervous energy, probably ansty about leaving the French HQ, much smaller than this new one, unmanned by his presence. He'd miss his friend, one of the very few (the only?) friends he had. He leans just a little downward, towards Attrait's ear and whispers* It /can/ function without you for a few minutes, Jean.

-=- He kept his eyes towards the sea of people, and simply nodded. Never letting the stern and yet odly kind front fall. It was near perplexing. He answered back for the benifit of the unseen ears. -=- Of course /sir/ -=- The word was sharp and heart felt. His mind ventured slightly to the newness of it all, wondering if it would erase from the vetran's minds the carnage that took place. Everything even the smell was different, but it was the very same place that crumbled taking so many souls. So many innocent souls at that. He allowed his eyes to snap towards Scratch for a moment, and still stood at attention. Partly again for respect, and partly for the seen eyes and unseen. -=-

*Warpole, out of his face mask, but few would know, considering they probably DID know he used an illusion over his features before the cloning of his body and the renewal of his dashing, All-American looks (for security reasons, of course. FEW knew the real reasons and none lower of rank then he), glanced in the direction of JAMES, who sat and rested after moving the crates and things about. Pole, himself, could easily lift and a ton about, literally, without exhaustion. A monstrous piece of machinery perched on his broad shoulders, held in place by a single hand, he turns slightly towards Black, pausing in his path, and squints at the building* You'd think they could afford /movers/, eh?

~*~ His eyes danced from the dancing and long stretching grasses that framed the base, and fell upon Pole. Only his back, unsure what the large man was doing. Taking a deep breath he pressed his way out of the shade, and wandered towards him. Flexing his hand a few times, not out of fatigue but out of near nervousness. Approaching behind the man and saying, when in earshot ~*~. . It really looks different. ~*~ He gave a quick motion with his free hand before allowing it to fall to waist length. Venturing closer, though not wanting to disturb the man if he was incredibly busy. Weaving through a few techies who were placing the final touches on equipment before placing it in the base. ~*~ I'd say near fool-proof, but I don't have any wood to knock on with-in reach. ~*~ He tried for a smile and relaxed his hand a bit. He hadn't really conversed with 'Pole after the incident where he was flattened in the Intensive care unit. Except after the big bout. . . and that was mostly formal. ~*~

*she continues to look around her gaze pausing briefly on James a smile crossing her lips before her gaze continues on to Pole..her emerald gaze travels the length of his body as he stands there easily holding the she loved a strong man..her gaze never leaves pole as she talks to Kincaid* just put that in my room, I will deal with it later *without a glance towards her current 'servant' she heads over towards Pole...her gaze wanders from him back towards Black then continues to look over the new building....suddenly she stops, her gaze frozen to what appears to be a blank spot and she pales as she once more remembers her encounter with Aerik during the fateful night*

I do not like it. *Rikky, half-hidden from most of his fellow GUARDians, psionically as he was commanded to do, he turns towards RIKA. He heard her comment, his hearing so sharp, and frowns deeply at the new building. He was born in France, it was his home, he'd barely stepped foot on American soil. All he knew was thousands of miles away. As yet, he's a safe distance away from the woman, shields up of course, keeping her influence out. He wasn't even exactly standing close by, he'd just overheard her* I do not like this home.

*Scratch chuckles, and shakes his head just slightly* At ease, friend, you CAN relax, every now and then. *Look who was talking. But Scratch had very good stress control, and was usually very casual, whereas ATTRAIT was not. Hardly ever. Just once, he'd like to see Attrait let his hair down as it were* Too bad yer not staying longer. There's a good coffee shop not too far from here... *he grins, teasing*

~*~ His eyes shot towards Metalic as well who was well within ear-shot. he actually liked the punk, expecially after the show at the state fair. He smiled fully and waved for him to come over, ~*~ Can you take five? ~*~ Actually being social, and not stalked by half the woman on the base was. . .needless to say. . . nice. ~*~

*He catches sight of Black and nods* thats what I was planning on *he continues to stretch as he walks over* unfortunately I just don't have the powers for this think they would let us use some forklifts or something...this is ridiculous

-=- J.X. rose a thin brow, and almost smiled. His warm features looked nice with a smile. -=- Relax? Is that an order? -=- Sounding as serious as he possibly could before straightening his collar and cuff and truly smiling for a brief moment. He couldn't relax. Too many thoughts and too many things that plauged his well protected mind for him to relax. And he liked that edge. He thrived on it in a way. Or adapted to. Tugging on his GUARD suit, which was drastically different from the Uni's. It was indeed a suit taylored from the finest taylors in France, GUARD employed of course. How it fit put his armani's to shame. He slid closer towards Scratch and said.-=- Perhaps we could do with more coffee. I am unaccustomed to the time difference. -=- Nodding to a Hunter as he wandered by. Saying then. -=- They seem to be taking pride in their work here, it is a very good thing.

*Pole grins slightly, chuckling* I don't think there's wood anywhere /in/ the place, you ask me. *he sighs briefly and adjusts the huge load on his shoulders. Part of the corner was pressing into his flesh, part of him that actually WAS still flesh* Yeah... yeah it sure does, doesn't it? *he narrows his eyes, either against a glare or something else entirely* But still the same, you know. Smells, different, looks different... feels the same. Dunno if that's good or bad. *things had been strained since Exit died, Pole knows, especially since it was HIS order that Kept James inside the transpod, and not allowed him to go help, or TRY to help, his best friend. Pole wasn't happy about what happened, he took his responsibilities seriously, and his men were his men, Exit had numbered among them. He'd never formally talked to James about that day, and it had just... stretched between them. Soon, he thinks. I really gotta talk to him soon. Right now he's just happy James is still on speaking terms with him at all...*

~*~ His mouth was poised to speak again, and his voice half choked in his throat as he saw Rika, slowly he narrowed his eyes just that much. Praying to whatever God decided to listen to him that she was. . . well through playing her sick demented games. He cleared his throat and looked towards Pole and nodded. ~*~ The more things change. . . I better get back to unloading these transports. . . ~*~ He looked at her again before wandering towards what Pole was lifing. Looking back towards Metalic, flicking a gaze at him quickly. Then lifting with benefit of his powers about 1/4 what Pole was easily propping upon his shoulder. Commenting under his breath something to the effect of ~*~ Strong bastard

*Mettalic chuckles at James as he watches your reaction to Rika*looks like troubles on her way *he smiles and looks Rika over* not that I really mind that type of trouble ...*he shakes his head and laughs as he watches you pick up another piece of machinary* look who's talking *he sighs and looks at what is left to be carried in* man this shits heavy *He grunts as he picks up a console, its weight maybe a quarter of James load*

*Pole blinks over at METTALIC as James calls him over, and the cyhunter smiles in a friendly manner, saying silently that if the youth would like to join them, he had no objections. He hadn't really met this one before. Knew of him, of course, but hadn't met him. Then he pauses and slowly looks over to PIRANHA, having caught her out of the corner of his eyes, approaching. /Shit/. He sighs inwardly, and adjusts things cybernetically, hoping it would keep him immune to her effects, or at least able to let him keep his own mind. He knew of her, of course, and had purposefully avoided her all this time. Then she stares out into nothing and he can't help but look in the direction... nothing. His brows furrow. What was her problem?*

~*~ He glanced back at Mettalic smirking. . . saying as he heaved the crate further, nearly glowing in the daylight. ~*~ Why need a forklift when you have muscle like that. . .~*~ Nodding towards Pole, and then heaving the box towards the complex, a route oppisite the lovely Rika. ~*~ Any clue where this belongs?

*Pole grins and looks back towards METALLIC* We ARE the forklifts, son. Guess they figure if they pay us, doesn't matter what we do. *then he nods towards BLACKDAGGER, having caught his glance to RIKA* Yeah. Don't hurt yerself or anything. *he offers a broad half-smile, winks, and starts forward again, trying to go give RIKA a wide berth*

*with effort she shakes off the memory, banishing it from her thoughts her gaze wandering back toward Pole and BD a smile crosses her face as she recognizes mettalic with them* hmm, good hunting *a moue of dissapointment crosses her face however as they seem to cut a wide berth around her* oh well *S* There will be other times *her gaze passes back and a brief shiver runs through her, then she moves on, away from that place*

~*~ He peered around the crate towards Pole saying in the most dead tone he possably could. ~*~ I'd rather tongue a snake honestly. ~*~ Before glancing back Rika's way. . . and then back towards Metalic. ~*~ I am suprised they volunteered you, seeing that you can't lift 50 times your weight. . . hey Pole, isn't that standard GUARD Requirements now-a-days? ~*~ He tried to grin, slowing as he neared the entrance of the building passing Rika, saying to Mettalic ~*~ Stay /far/ away from that one. . .as in another zip-code.

*He smiles and nods at Pole..this is the first time he has been near Pole since the breakout, he had never had much contact with him before but since his 'little sister' was injured while under Micheals command..mettalic had been keeping an even wider berth.....He shakes his head at Black* I have no idea how I got volunteered for this...all I wanted was to get my bike over here safely *he looks back over towards Rika* dunno, she doesn't make a bad distraction...then again, I'm not on base that often

Would it work if I said yes, it was an order? *Scratch pulls his sunglasses from his front pocket and slides them into place... nice effect. For a man his age, he looked much younger, thank god for healing factors, and his straight, sharp lines didn't quite fit what most people thought of when they heard his name mentioned. He was rugged, handsome... someone once said he looked a lot like a young Clint Eastwood. He didn't think so. Eastwood, at age of 20 years, looked far too pretty. But the structure, face-wise, was similar, true. ATTRAIT, he knew, was one of those who lived for stress, lived for deadlines, lived for drama. Scratch himself was much more laid back* Nice suit. *he grins* Maybe I should get myself one of those. *then he raises a brow* You tired? Should be coffee around here somewhere.... prolly tastes like crap, though. *Nice thing about such a healing factor, kept fatigue easily at bay. Scratch needed very little sleep*

*Pole chuckled at BLACK as he strolled his way to the loading dock where the machinery was needed.... big flipping console for something or other, but he looks back over his shoulder, white teeth flashing* Would you? It can be arranged. *meaning the snake comment**Then, cyberhearing active, he glances at METTALIC, nodding* You listen to him, son... *he jerks his chin to indicate BLACK, his warning* She may be eyecandy, but keep it that way. And read yer damn files. *then he's in the bay, maneuvering through other massive crates and around techies*

** Her long black hair was tied and hung down her back. Her eyes seemed near bored as she waled with her load. If these damn americans would stop persisting to get in her way she would have had twice the work done by now. She walked past the 'men' heaving over their loads and only smirked saying very audibly in French ** //That's all you can handle . . . and you call your selves men? // ** Her jest of course was more spiteful than anything. He wandered to the base and inside. Minutes later emerging without any cargo, and going to pick up another load via magnetics. Her clothes were 'shabby' seeing as she dressed in class. Jean shorts a guard tank-top used primerily for the work-out room. And she moved her ears entertained with utter silence. Aside from the fuzzes that ocassionally popped on in her internal com, which even didn't pass the sound barrier problem. She paused at Rika, ajusting her shorts and rolled her eyes saying again loudly. ** //I am so glad you american -trash- are out of our base. Expecially /you/ // ** Even though Rika was not American from what she knew, there was no one she loathed more, aside from Chamelion, in the base. **

*her gaze wanders briefly towards Emme, she merely shakes her head..the spite of women she knew well..she didnt' even allow it to bother her anymore* Believe me none are more grateful to leave your prescence than I

-=- He shook his head. -=- It probablly would be an order I coudn't obey. . -=- A jest surely. He looked to his suit and said lightly. -=- It cost more than they are paying you and me together. And I am still not allowed to go to dine in it. -=- He lowered his eyes as Emme wandered past them lifting easily 3 tons of metal equipment he rose a brow, as seeing he hadn't touched a peice of it. He would have called to her, asking her to be a trifle more careful, but would have known it would have been to no effect. -=- She is a hard worker. . .

~*~ He entered the first part of the base, looking towards Metalic, ~*~ She's even crappy eye-candy if you ask me. . . ~*~ And looking towards Pole adjusting the crate so he could turn his head. ~*~ Sure, just in case I ever have to chose between certain demise and her. ~*~ His voice was perfectly serious. Much like those people you hear saying "shove me in front of oncomming traffic if I ever get that fat. . . that lazy. . . that ugly. . that old etc. . ." He heaved his equiptment into place before turning to Metalic and helping him with his. ~*~

*Scratch arched a brow at EMME as she strolled casually by with three times what Warpole hefted* ....Damn.... All we need now is Tytan and the rest could take the day off. *tytan was probably helping in the machinery bay alongside Warpole, or something* Hard worker? Showoff, more like it. *but he smiles and glances out of the corner of his eye, past the shades, to ATTRAIT* Yer cursed with good taste, my friend. Luckily for me, I was never so... burdened.

** The words failed to ever reach Emme's ears, let alone penetrate them. Instead she wandered back towards more metal loads which she heaved without even a flinch. tosseling her hair back and afixing her hands into her pockets as she passed Scratch and Attrait again giving a half-hearted salute, as it was the first time she actually saw them and proceeded, with her haul hovering directly in front of her and vanishing from view once again. **

*He glances over at Rika* I don't see anything that bad * a low chuckle leaves his lips* though I will admit, she is like a drug *A sigh of relief leaves his lips as Blackdager takes the crate from him* man that things heavy *he shakes his head as he watches you toss the crate with ease* sometimes I wish my powers were a little more useful

-=- He smirked at the show-off comment and nodded. Looking towards his clothes again and simply stating -= I could make them burden you if you wanted. -=- His arms straight at his sides as he moved along with Scratch pausing here and there. Saying then in a very low voice. -=- The only good thing about 'upper mangement' is you never have to get your hands. . . dirty. -=- Watching The comp techies "N.W.O." haul more stuff, struggling seeing as they weren't UNnatural. The three stooges was more like it. -=- They should be pleased with their very comfortable work stations. . .

*Rikky arches a perfect brow as he watches RIKA alter her course, the men having been too smart to actually stick around and allow themselves to become victims. He even chuckles to himself. Anyone who was dumb enough to purposefully allow himself to--- and she veered towards him. Now, he'd met her before, helped fix her powers (which is information that would probably get him beaten if any of her victims knew), and he was aware of her abilities... keenly aware. Tight shields tighten more. If she gets too close, he'll have to turn things, like chemicals, off for a moment. He nods a greeting and smiles softly, amber eyes bright and beautiful. With grace he lifts a very large piece of equipment upwards, steadying it with one hand... twice as much as Emme's load, but made much lighter by the fact that he ghosts it. Still, his demonic strength was nothing to sneeze at. Oddly enough, the young man is swaddled in specialized clothing, creams applied... sunlight, he'd learned, was not.... good for him. Not at all. In fact, he was standing in it only through his many protections and his own telepathic powers, literally holding himself together under the onslaught of sunlight* Not well. I cannot stand outside much longer. *he sighs, frowning, then smiles again* And yourself?

*as she nears him she puts as much of a damper on her powers as she can, she can't totally eliminate the effect but she can lessen it..she did that for noone, at least noone except was her way of thanking him* I'm doing well, thanks to you *she looks him over* having difficulty?

~*~ He glanced towards Metalic and blinked ~*~ Your powers are useful, just not in heaving tons of crap we'll prolly never use ~*~ He tried to chuckle ignoring his drug comment, knowing that was EXACTALLY what she was. He despised it. He flexed his hands a few more times looking towards the entrance, and then to Pole nodding back towards the remaining equiptment. He'd need to power up again, and soon if he were to carry on at this rate. ~*~

*he chuckles* yeah, they work great for my tunes *he looks around at the masses of machinery* well I'm sure it will be used.....for dust collectors if nothing else *Another sigh leaves his lips as he looks back towards the door* oh well, time to get more

*Pole grins at BLACK and lifts a new piece, moving it, gently setting it back down* You've had a bad brush with her, have you? Me, I just avoid her like the plague. Gorgeous, yeah, but way too much trouble, and I seen her men, the way they act. Shoot me, if that ever happens to me. *the last said maybe in jest or earnest* *then he looks at METTALIC and shakes his head* Maybe they need to lower the 50 time-yer-own-weight requirement to just... 10 pounds or sumthing.

*SCRATCH blinks over at ATTRAIT, having paused in his steps to sign a work load order, handing the clipboard back, and pocketing the pen* You never get you hands dirty? Man, wish I had yer job, then. *he sighs and glances about, catched NWO and smiles, nodding* They got what they wanted. You hear about the new boy we picked up? Haven't run tests on him yet, but he's a Dutchy, /technopath/. How valuable is THAT? *he raises a brow at the struggling naturals and chuckles* Can't imagine how it must be to be /natural/. *then he remembers....* Take that back, I can immagine, and it sucks. *he motions to EMME to help them, but she vanishes too quickly to see it* Ah well... they'll find the dollie soon enough I suppose.

*he looks over the stuff still laying around and selects one of the smaller ones* with you powerhouses around I ain't going to kill myself trying to move that shit *he glances over at POLE* yeah, somehow I got stuck picking the kid up *he chuckles* myabe I should stop coming back to the bases when I need to fix my bike...seems everytime I do something happens

*With RIKA dampening her powers, Rikky is safe. Full force on him, or simply no help from Rika at all would probably cause a problem, but seeing as she's making an effort, his shields should be all he needs. He smiles in thanks at her and nods slightly, not looking into the sunlight, trying to keep every part of him out of it. It wouldn't matter if he wasn't a telepath, all his precautions. Sunlight is anathema to his kind of demon, it would reduce him to ashes should he lose his grip on himself* I am glad to hear it, Rika. *he towers over her, and should be holding a superior air, but he was never good at projecting the arrogance most other GUARD ESPers held for simply being telepathic. Pride, yes, but not in-your-face arrogance* Sunlight... it hurts me. Join me inside, perhaps?

*She looks up at his gorgeous eshvan features, his black hair seeming to glisten in the bright sunlight* certainly, the sunlight isnt' good for anyone anyhow *she smiles up at him* it ages the skin *a very weak attempt at a joke at herself*I'm of no use out here anyhow

-=- He watches them and says quietly. -=- With the excess of workers we didn't transport dollies. . . sir. -=- he left it at that. He had his hands waist deep in 'dirt' though not the kind that leaves grim beneath the nails. Scratch knew, and knew all too well.-=- A techno-path, near demonic if you ask me. . -=- His expression changed for a moment as he then quietly excused himself. He jaunted towards Rikky, having been observant through the whole process, and approached him as he would a child. A smile broad over his face, Nodding to Rika, saying in her native tounge -=- // A pleasure as always Ms. Storm, // -=- Then turning towards Rikky unsure if he was informed, knowing of the sunlight exposure factor, -=- You are to work inside, after this load, if you would like Ms. Storm to help you, that can be arranged, -=- He did like Rikky, and would have gave him a pat on the back but instead straightened his cuffs again. He nodded towards the door again. He admired the kid. One thing he was incredibly careful about with all UNnaturals was being saut as a father figure. He was /no ones/ father, and wasn't planning to be. He knew what lovely messes family brought forth. But he did offer again another deepened smile and gestured towards the complex. Rikky's amount of work would be missed outside but they would have to deal. They were after all trained professionals. -=-

*A smile crosse her lips as she notices ATTRAITs approach and unconciously she releases her control* /good day/ *She in turn responds in gaelic, it wasn't often that she heard her native tongue spoken, it was not a comon language and she appreciated the effort* How are you? *she subconciously winces as she realizes that she is no longer restraining her powers and after casting an apologetic glance at Rikky once more reins them in*

I've learned. . . ~*~ A steady lift and a deep exhale, ~*~ When volunteer work is needed, your room is the worst place to be, and off base is simply dangerous when they need bodies. The library, as odd as that sounds, usually is the safest place to hide. . ~*~ He strained a bit harder with load his eyes drifting towards Scratch before heaving the crate so it blocked the man from his view completely. ~*~ I think they figured out though, seeing as that is where they hunted me down. ~*~ He moved with a bit more effort again, his muscles rolling smoothly under his flesh, taut, and defined. ~*~

*he chuckles at BDs comment* I can probably count the amount of times I have been in my room on one hand....they always seem to track me in the garage..... GODDAMN IT!....*his curse seems to echo off the walls as a box shifts, sliding onto his hand...he mutters a few more curses as he extracts it and tries flexing it* Perfect...with my luck I broke it...*he sighs deeply as he painfully manages to flex the fingers* I gotta play in three days damn it

*Scratch sighs and throws up his hands* Of course, why should I expect anything... logical? *Then he blinks at ATTRAIT excuses himself and jaunts over to RIKKY, and he just nods, turning to sign a request sheet someone presents him. Both were neck-deep in invisble dirt, and both knew it. Fortunately, Scratch trusts Attrait completely... or almost completely. he HAD to allow for a modicum of doubt, just to be safe*




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