*...she slips into the bathroom. Two things he could do. He could wait or he could enter. He does both, pausing a moment, connecting to the psibernary, getting her to touch the minds about him who see a woman suddenly flicker into being, out of nowhere. He doesn`t /just/ do it, he moves to the side and out of traffic. Thru the superstructure of the bathroom, he still has sight of her heat signature, she`s locked in sight. As a redhead in a smart outfit, he enters the bathroom, mimicking the hip swing of a lady, one foot in front of the other, much shorter in appearance now than he actually was, tho still much taller than the girl. Even the mirror would reflect the hologram, as it was a projection and not an illusion. It was /there/, just not solid. He saunters over to the sink, open his purse, and gestures in the way a woman would to apply lipstick*
*She doesn't even look up at the redhead, sighing deeply instead and running her hands through her straight hair. When she takes a step back, she looks up at the redhead and smiles slightly, politely, but a smile without mirth or hope. Then she turns toward the door *
*Pole glances at the girl as she offers that smile... and he ignores its meaning even as he returns it, the lovely redhead offering a polite, genuine grin back. As Katherine turns for the door, the redhead turns back to applying her lipstick. Before Katherine can get halfway to the egress, tho, the redhead turns. she raises the lipstick for the girl to see. A rather strange gesture, pointing it right at her like that, but it could be nothing more than allowing the color to be at its closest point since it /is/ a small tube...* Sorry... *small chuckle* BUt do you think this is my color? It doesn`t clash with my hair does it? *a woman`s alto voice*
*She looks up, having slightly hung her head as she turned away. She looks back at you, tilting her head. "You might want to go for a more brown or possibly purplish color. Perhaps mauve, chocolate, or maybe even a coral.." She looks back up into the eyes of the redhead, then away. Hell, what did she know about makeup? Not much, admittedly, but you did hear the oddest things when working as a translator. She sighs softly, looking away and closing her eyes briefly. Once again she wondered at the merit of her life and the recent events in it.*
*The image of the face is captured... sent back for the file, perfect full on shot of her too. The redhead chuckles again* Straight forward type, aintcha? I `preciate that. Since you were honest, I`ll be honest with you. *the girl has turned away, closing her eyes briefly, and Pole waits till the words might bring her head back up, make those eyes turn towards him again, connect in curiousity. The redhead grins* That sweater goes beautifully with yer complexion. *she hasn`t lowered the lipstick*
*The words have the desired effect, in bringing her face back up. But seeing that the lipstick hasn't been lowered, she frowns slightly, then takes a step toward the door, even as she turns slightly, so that her back is to the door and her face to you. Something was not quite right. It could just be that you were plain loony, but it might be something more. In any case, she needed to get out of here. Her eyes remain on you, her body tensing up. Here she couldn't fade But if need be, there was something else she could do.*
*All Pole wanted was those eyes... and as soon as he has them... the lipstick explodes in a strange light. The energy net, keyed to her, can`t miss... she can`t dodge it... it`s for her alone. It will inhibit every power she`s displayed so far, rendering her powerless for the most part and the charges sent through the net are meant to hurt, confuse, keep concentration out of the victim`s grasp, half-neuro netting to disrupt pulses go to and from the brain, a specialized kind of tazer, almost, except it pulses continuously in random patterns. Not meant to make the victim wet her pants or anything, just thoroughly incapacitate... very painful, very hard to think thru. This was hardly their first capture, but the procedure was standard enough. All responses are filed away* I wasn`t lying... *Poles brows arch over his eyes, which are still framed in lady`s lashes*
*She couldn't dodge the net. Her eyes widened as she felt it and as every sensation rushed though her in an instant. Then, she simply turned into smoke. She had been prepared before the energy net had been used. It was not something she normally used during the day time only in an emergency. And this was one. The smoke went out the window She reformed nearby, in a short but shadowed alley. She fell against the brick, clutching her stomach. Slowly she straightened up and looked around, praying that she hadn't been seen. So far, no hue and cry. She hoped she had gotten clean away. In any case, she wasn't in any condition to move for a few minutes, her stomach cramping against the food in it, almost forcing her to throw it back up.*
*Pole is quite impressed she managed to concentrate enough through that haze of pain, the neuro impulses that are specifically designed to block such gestures such as initiating new or unseen powers. She`d managed anyway. Interesting. He resets the pole, higher power, now set to inhibit smokeshifters and the like, hardly the first he`s ever met. She forgets, tho, he has more than one way to track and it simply is not that easy to escape a Cyhunter, much less Warpole. Monor setback. She was making it harder on herself. He leaves the bathroom in two quick steps, the net dissolving with her out of it, and he scans onces. She still needs travel time, she`s not a teleporter... he can /see/ her smoke as she pours out of the window. Very sloppy on her part. Cybernbetics specifically designed to gauge powers, convert into spectrums and much more, evolved and altered into the streamline weapons they were now only after years and years of hunting RUNners record her passage, transmit it back, reanalyze... he watches calmly as she slithers away in a heavy mist. He give mental snort of laughter*:::Smoke. Haven`t seen that one in awhile:::*the techie back in the lab shrugs, heads the file with SMOKE, and it becomes the filename she`ll carry throught her career as an unnatural. Pole finishes his analyzing as she fully drifts away, but he`s following, cloaked again, invisible, right on the tail of her little cloud... it was, after all, mid-morning and bright and she was easy to see as smoke. He hangs back as she resolidifies... unseen, silent, he hangs at the corner of the alleyway, watches her face screw up in pain at the cramps and nausea... she can`t move for a few minutes. Perfect. The Pole is aimed... fired... keyed for her and now for her smoke abilities. Cyhunters are very fast, inhumanly and unnatural so... he could move faster than sluggish smoke if he needed to for any reason...*
*She preferred not to use that ability during the day. She knew just how obvious it was. But there were times that you had no choice. Bent over, clutching her abdomen, she has no clue until the energy net hits her. This time she merely falls to her knees and begins retching, the pain shifting the balance between her control and her body fighting her mind. She doesn't even bother trying to fight it, she has figured out that she has lost. Now what she has lost to, or what in the world is going on, she has no clue, but she does know she's lost. Besides, it hurts too much for her to do anything and she surely couldn't try to use her powers again, even if the net hadn't been applied. She was, at the moment, helpless in the extreme, was indeed before he fired that. He could have simply walked in and grabbed her and she wouldn't have been able to do anything about it.*
*Pole makes a face as she retches and he sighs, shimmering back into view, a tall, powerfully built handsome human-looking man. He slings his pole in its holder, on his thigh after telescoping it to a nice, compact size. Approaching, he does so without threatening gesture, tho it most likely doesn`t matter. He`s still making a face as he waits till she`s done. He`s not going to reach into /that/...* You ruined my Christmas shopping... *He mutters, grumpily and sighs. He connects with HQ*:::Warpole, logging in. If you still got those coordinates, prepare for immediate transport. One RUNner to bring in and have the meds stand by, she`s hurling chunks all over the place. Gross::: *HQ responds, trained on both Pole and the signature of that special net... and they`ve seen all that was done thru Pole`s eyes, have it now on visual record if they ever wish to check it. The net will be vanish as the transporter starts, it won`t take the net with it, so that when she ends up in the base, she`ll be free, but surrounded. Its a kindness Pole grants her. He stands very close by her, teleportation initiated at the same time, and they fade out, reappearing back in the HQ, GUARDians about, med crew there to check her over... someone else will debrief her, and she will be treated well... Pole still has to get that CD for Marcy...*
*It wasn't her fault. You were the one that had caused this. She wasn't throwing up before you netted her the second time. She had been helpless enough that you could simply have walked up to her and she couldn't have even swatted at you. But you netted her again anyway. There wasn't much in her stomach and it all came out in a small neat pile. She looks up at you with her pain and sorrow filled eyes and sighs, still holding her stomach, tears falling down her face. This was the third time in a week that she had been captured by -someone-. Why did this have to be happening to her? Oh, she ruined your Christmas shopping. What do you think you ruined for her? She doesn't trust you being close to her, but there's not much she can do about that and in an odd way, when the world fades out, she decides she feels better with you being near her. When she reappears, the net is gone, which helps with the pain, but not the cramps and nausea. She looks up at all of the people and stifles a sighed whimper. God, what else was going to happen to her? She gets poked and prodded and finally the cramps and nausea subside on their own, leaving her ravenous and very tired. All she wants is something to eat and some sleep. She settles for some sleep, not knowing anything about this place, or what the proper procedure would be for getting some food; or even if she would be allowed something to eat. She hated being the center of attention. She hated being kidnapped. She hated being suddenly overwhelmed by anyone, no matter if she was outclassed or not. In short, she was not a happy camper. So, unhappy, she falls asleep in a chair while waiting to be debriefed. They would probably wake her up later, but what could she do about it?*
*Warpole isn't a psionic, so he neither feels, nor hears, nor thinks any of the accusations she seems to aim at him mentally. He doesn't care. He did his job, and that was that. Life /was/ pain and discomfort and the sooner she learned that, the better. That she's vomiting, that she has cramps, that she's in an unknown place... none of that matters to the cyhunter. Just that CD he had to get for Marcy... the rest would take care of itself one way or another...*