The Report

*The glow from the screen illuminates her face as fingers fly rapidly across the keyboard....occasionally one hand stops typing as it raises the glowing ember of a cigarrette, or adds its dying butt to a pile of its fellows....with a seeming finality she hits the enter key and leans back in the chair...vertabrae popping in her back as she stretches..she looks up noting the dark empty room around her then glances to the clock displayed on the computer....3am...she had been at it for hours, oblivious to all around her, but it had to be done*

*the report, a summary of all her years away....even as a summary it was huge..she still had the cross references to write, reports on every RUNner she had encountered, every back door and trick they had used on GUARD....Full details on her years of self imposed isolation, those in themselves boring, inconsequential...her only contact with GUARD the rare break into an account as she struggled to start the farm, her association with RUNners non-existant. In fact no association with them, until somehow, some way she had heard of the tavern...and for some reason desired to go there, to seek out others of her kind...her first run in with RUNners, her somehow pathetic attempt to avoid detection.....and she had 'accidentally' run into Ei-que at the same tavern, how she had taken her under her protection.....What where the odds of two renegade GUARDians accidentally encountering eachother?...Every encounter with a RUNner laid out in detail, each battle with GUARD listed in brief..they would have their own files on them, besides, she would have to write individual reports for each....she lists everything, every detail she remembers, betraying those who for the last several years had called her friend...not even the slightest remorse touching her...she had been a pawn, the last several years a farce...she had been an actor in a play for which she had no script, but now, she was the author, she directed the play...her only regret that some of these talented unnaturals were RUNners, that many would never freely join GUARD..the report carries through to the planning of the assault on the american base, her capture, and her escape then it journeys on covering her revelation, her speculations...and the events of today*

*.....yet somehow amoungst all this detail, all these facts, there is one factor which she has neglected, one she only briefly skimmed over, passing him off as yet another friend of Gilds who occaisonaly crashed at the farm.....She had mentioned nothing of Zakai or nothing of true note.....She still felt an obligation to him, perhaps she even still cared...he was after all, her son...perhaps not of flesh, but still hers...she was responsible for all that had befallen him, it was because of her that he was listed amongst them..he is perhaps the one regret she holds from the last several years, the one thing she looks upon without anger and resentment....he was, because of her, one of the hunted and she would let nothing happen to him..she doesn't know if she could convince him to join her, but she knows would do anything to protect him...perhaps maybe even betray GUARD again...*

*she looks once more at the clock in minor shock.....3:35...over a half hour had passed while she reviewed things..she sighs and once more stretches, then leans again over the keyboard...and begins the individual for each RUNner she knew, or had ever encountered..powers, skills, hangouts, foods, friends..every minor detail she can bring to mind about everyone...then she goes on to describe the Lair, its location, the layout, th much GUARD had she didn't know, but her reports were thorough, every detail laid out imaccuately. Maps drawn to scale indicating enterances she knew and those she speculated on...weaknesses, everything....Then she moves on to the GUARD encounters,listing every one starting at the tavern onto the encounters with Aerik and Scratch.*

*...then finally she moves onto the final report...her realization, the breaking of the barriers..this one she struggles over, each word seeming to drag painfully from her ...the report forming slowly as she backtracks, rewriting scentences, struggling over painful memories and feelings of betrayal...fianlly she settles for a rough synopsis, not wanting to go into full details of the past....uncertain who would read the final copies of her reports, some things she didn't really want known...finally in the dusky hours of the morning she finishes....she files the reports, but a few she shunts aside to Scratchs personal files...he should read them first, decide what should be done...then and only then will they be properly filed....her imprisonment, her escape, her 'awakening' and the events around them...wtihin them are details that should not be available on open records...the true reports will be edited before release...these files she locks down, only high clearance can gain acess to these....once more she leans back stretching then reaches forward, killing the power to the monitor before standing up and heading down to a weight room*


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