The Shopping Bug
*the young technopath had finished his practice this morning....
he /had/ to perfect what he could do... oh he was new yet, and
there was plenty of time... buuuttt... what if he`d met Warpole
/before/ he`d gotten as good as he had... when he was still doing
it unconsciously half the time... of course, that was the reason
he`d stayed in his room for so long... but still, if he didn`t
perfect it..... a skill that you just had without practising...
without perfecting it... was useless... but maybe he`d go for
that walk with Toshi today... he`d found her in the gym
yesterday, so that`s where he`d go today... he wandered down
towards the gym*
*She had thought the same thing. After her own training session
she had gone to the gym. If she didn't see Yohann she would go to
her room, but she had to try to start getting out. Seeing Pole
the day before had helped her to feel better and more confident.
Mettalic and Yohann had helped as well. Fidgeting she looked
around the gym. Please let him come.. She probably should have
checked to see if he had a training session scheduled.*
Toshi! *he turned smiling... the Dutchmans thick accent making it
pretty undeniable who it was... he was most likely one of the few
Dutchmen on the entire base, and almost certainly the only one
she knew.. turning around he stood there... he wasn`t working out
though... he rarely did*
Yohann!! *Smiling she moved over to where he was. She had been
half-afraid that after she had left him alone with Pole he
wouldn't talk to her again. Seeing that he was as glad to see her
as she was to see him she no longer feared that. In fact for the
first time she hoped she had finally found a friend. Someone that
could ease the loneliness she felt.*
*he chuckled and smiled at her* Hey Toshi. You sleep well?
*indeed, Pole hadn`t scared him off... he hadn`t seemed that bad
to the young Dutchman... true it was a first meeting, and a
relatively informal one at that... buuutt.... there lay hope...*
*Reaching him she holds her hand out to him. She felt comfortable
around him.* Yes I did.. How about you? Ready for a bit of
exploring? *She really didn't care if they explored the mall area
or not. It would just be nice to spend time with someone outside
of training.*
*he nodded and took her hand and helped himself up* Thanks. Yeah
I`m up for some exploring today. I mean, you can`t just train
/all/ the time can you? *he chuckled*
*Laughing she helped him up.* Your asking the wrong person that..
Until recently my world consisted of a space smaller than this
room.. All I did was work..
*he chuckled* Well how about I /inform/ you that you can`t do
only work?
*Blushing she ducks her head.* All right, but I warn you I really
don't know much about shopping and malls. I had one friend who
took me shopping once.. *She smiles as she remembers the day with
*he shrugged* Never been one for malls meself. More for finding
out where things are than anything else. Exploration is my thing.
Still, I think I have /some/ money if you want to go shopping.
*It surprised her that he offered to give her money for
shopping.* I've got money.. *chuckling she starts to move for the
door tugging on his hand.* After the shopping with Becca where
she paid for everything I found out I've got an account. Since
I've never spent any money I've got a lot in it.. *Each member of
G.U.A.R.D. was paid a salary.* But I would rather just explore..
*he chuckled quietly at Toshi`s tugging on his hand* Okay. I`m
coming. Let`s explore then shall we? *if one knew what to look
for though, it could never be forgotten /what/ Yohann was, how
/dangerous/ he was.. in particular until he could /totally/
control it... he /sensed/ tech.. he /knew/ it was there... but he
couldn`t... just yet... define a particular piece.... but his
reactions were there for any to see.. if they knew*
*giggling she pulled him along after. She had pulled up a map of
the compound on the computer this morning so she would have an
idea of where to go. Although it really didn't matter anymore
they could have stayed there in the gym and talked for all she
cared. She knew better than most how dangerous he was. Her
concern was still mostly for Warpole though. He would be able to
feel the tech on her. Her bracelets very high tech in order to
control her shifts. They also had the communications and teleport
chips that most G.U.A.R.D. members had as implants. The implants
wouldn't work on her. Her body would eject them the first time
she shifted.* I thought about going to the park more than the
mall.. I don't deal well with crowds..
*wryly* Won`t it be a bit cold? *he /was/ European, and all of
Europe got snow in the middle of winter... true, Holland wasn`t
as bad as say England.. or Russia.... but still... it was cold
*Blinking she looks back at him.* Cold? Oh.. No.. The park is
inside.. *It hadn't seemed strange to her at all that the park
was indoors. In fact it never occurred to her to think of it as
being outside. Even now she rarely went outdoors. To be honest
the world outside the complex frightened her. After living in
close closed quarters for all her life too much space overwhelmed
her. She hadn't yet told anyone of her fears. It would be one
more thing that set her apart from the others and might keep her
from being allowed to go out on any missions.*
Indoor park? *he blinked... well that was /one/ way to avoid the
cold* Lead on MacDuff. *a quiet chuckle*
MacDuff? *Confused she tilts her head up at him.* What do you
mean by MacDuff? *Was this more slang like she had been hearing
in the halls? It was little things such as this that should her
lack of education in some areas. Math and sciences she did great
in. But literature was not high on the education list for
G.U.A.R.D. What had been allowed had been carefully screened.*
*literature was... or should that be had been... the dutchmans
life.... true, his love was sci-fi/fantasy.... but he loved it
all... from Dickens to Shakespeare... Watership Down to Leslie
Charteris...* Just a quote. *he wouldn`t go into it* Just lead
on. Show me where the relaxing park is.
Oh.. *Frowning she turned to lead him down the hallways and
elevators to where the park was. It was more of a greenhouse
although a rather large one. As Pole had said the complex had
everything you needed so there was no need to leave. Reaching the
park she turns back to Yohann.* Where is this quote from? Who is
MacDuff? *She hadn't forgotten about the quote. It worried her at
times how little she knew of the world outside. That was just one
more thing that set her apart from others.*
*entering the park he turned to admire it for a moment* It`s from
a play Toshi. A rather old play. But one of the classics. *in
reality he`d mangled the quote slightly* Ever heard of
Shakespeare Toshi? Arguably the greatest playwright /ever/?
No.. Who is Shakespeare? *Turning away she walks over to where
some roses are blooming. Here it comes.. The realization she is
different. She would have to explain everything. After that the
chance were he would decide she wasn't worth the effort. That was
the way it seemed to her that others had been. She didn't know
things others took for granted.*
*he shrugs* A genius. You haven`t heard of him? Thought most
people had. Aah well. Learn something new everyday eh?
*laughing ruefully she turns back to Yohann.* That's me.. I think
maybe I should explain some things about me Yohann.. I was raised
by G.U.A.R.D. But because of my inability to control my powers I
was raised in isolation.. *Biting her lip she waits to see what
his reaction would be. She was slowly beginning to think he
wasn't like the others.*
Aaah... powers must be dangerous then if that`s the case. Gotta
get them under control first. *he chuckled... but after all... he
knew that... if he hadn`t had control of his powers... and he`d
met Warpole then... and that was just the obvious example....*
I`ll have to hire out a video one day. Or else take you to a
theatre if I can find one which is actually showing Shakespeare.
The theatre is much better than the video version. TV audiences
are never as appreciative as ones who`d go to the theatre. It was
made for the theatre after all.
*Sighing she holds up her arms indicating the bracelets.* No
control.. That's what these are for.. If they malfunction, or
break I'll shift uncontrollably. *In that one sentence she was
letting him know how dangerous he could be for her.* I wasn't
allowed out of my isolation until a way was found to control the
shifting. I've tried to control them, but I can't.. I'll keep on
shifting until I literally blow up. Or at least that's what the
doctor's think. *Once more confused she shakes her head.* I know
you are going to get tired of this, but.. What is the difference
between the theatre and TV other than screen size? *She only knew
of the theatre as in movies. Not the live productions.*
Shape-shifter? *he inquired.. he realized quickly what she was
offering him... if he ever had to face her in /true/ combat....
he knew what to do... he hoped it never came to that... and then
he blinked* You really /did/ live an isolated life. The theatre
is where they do live productions. I`m not talking about the
movies as compared to the /real thing/. The theatre. Live
productions. The greatest experience.
*Chuckling she nods* That's what I've been trying to tell you..
For the first 16 plus years of my life I lived in a world not
much bigger than normal quarters.. I knew less then 20 people as
well. It wasn't until the compound was destroyed that I went out
side of the lab. Luckily I had the bracelets by then, but they
were still being tested to make sure there wouldn't be any
problems so I hadn't been allowed out in the general population..
*sighing she turns back to the roses.* When the complex was
attacked and the orders were given to evacuate the doctors, my
friends, tried to get me out.. They were all killed though and I
didn't know where to go. No one else but Pole knew about me and I
got left behind.. You don't know how terrifying it is to be
suddenly thrust out into the world.
You might have... particular reasons to be worried about the
outside world. But everyone has been thrust into the world at
some stage. Perhaps they`ve heard more about it than you...
doesn`t mean they`re actually terribly knowledgeable about
surviving in the real world. No-one is when it first happens.
True.. But I bet you knew what a car was. Or what the lights on
the street meant, or money.. How about that you don't walk into a
home without knocking. The difference between a home and a
business. I didn't have any skills. I survived though.. It wasn't
easy, but I managed.. Pole finally found me and came to get me.
*Smiling she turns back to him.* Amazingly enough it was my skill
as a shapeshifter that kept me alive. Watch.. *Her body seemed to
shimmer, shifting.. In moments a rose bush spread out from where
she had stood. Her bracelets now dangling around the central
shaft of the bush.*
*he sighs* As I said Toshi, your problems were greater... but
never forget that other people have them as well. *he watched her
for a moment as she changed... interested.... if it weren`t for
the bracelets, he wouldn`t be able to tell her apart from all the
other bushes in the park..*
*Since she couldn't talk as a rose bush she starts to change
back.. Then remembering her clothes were now torn when she became
the rose bush and remembering how most people reacted to nudity
she alters the change. Changing to a tiger instead. A tiger with
one minor difference. This one could talk.. She had worked on
being able to talk in her changed forms. Learning how hard it was
to communicate during Venin's escape. With the added bulk of the
tiger the bracelets disappear. If he felt around the front paws
he would be able to feel them under the skin.* Your probably
right.. I'm learning so much.. I get lost and overwhelmed at
*wryly* I`m not surprised. *he chuckles... then* You`ve proven
your point ya know... why not change back to your... human form?
Not that I can`t see how useful a tiger would be but....
*If a tiger could blush this one would be. Still he could
probably tell how embarrassed she was. Her voice a little
sheepish.* I can't.. *Reaches over pawing at the torn clothes.* I
um.. forgot that nudity isn't a um.. *The tiger ducks her head
looking any where but at him.* Sorry... *Nudity didn't bother her
at all. Ever try to find clothes that were all natural?
Especially for young kids? Besides with the constant testing of
her skills and the fact she was monitored 24 hours a day in her
isolation what did it matter? Then it had only been a small
handful of doctors that ever really saw her, but she hadn't
learned that nudity was taboo.*
Oh. eheh.... you wanna go back to your room and get some clothes
then? I don`t quite know what to say to a tiger.... if I say the
wrong thing you might eat me. *he chuckled... he was obviously
joking.. or at least, it was obvious to him*
*Laughing she shakes her head. Or at least to her it was
laughing. It sounded more like roaring.* Yeah.. One problem to my
abilities.. Never a set of spare clothes around when you need
them... It didn't matter in the lab, but out here. It was one of
the first things I learned! You should have seen the stares I got
wandering nude down the streets of Seattle!
*he bursts out laughing* I`ll bet it did. *he shook his head*
Come on then... where`s your room?
*Grinning, which can be a frightening thing to see a tiger do she
turns to head back the way they had come.* I'm over in the
command section. *She wasn't in the area where most rookies were
or even most of the G.U.A.R.D. Like in France her room was next
to Warpoles. And like in the lab she was sure the room had more
surveillance in it than most rooms did even if the cameras were
hidden now and not in the open.*
*he chuckles quietly and followed her* Never do that to me again
Toshi. I prefer talking to people.... and also prefer em clothed.
I'll try Yohann, but *shrugs as she sits down to wait for the
elevator* I forget sometimes.. But I did remember not to change
to a human form where clothes would matter this time...
*he coughs lightly* And am I ever glad of /that/....
*Laughing once more the doors open several people in the elevator
jumping back at the "laughing'tiger. Ignoring the looks she
gets she steps on the elevator. Some of the people deciding they
want this floor after all. Grinning she leans over to whisper to
Yohann.* What's there problem? You would think they've never seen
a tiger before.
*he chuckled* They are probably not used to a tiger wandering
around. *dryly* I think if *I* saw a tiger wandering around I`d
be tempted to scamper. Tigers are known to be man-eaters at times
after all.
Ah.. I thought it might be cause I was the wrong color.. *Closing
her eyes she tries the new trick she had been practicing. Hoping
it works.. If not.. Well she might not see Yohann for a while...
Slowly the tigers fur changes color so it is now bright blue and
red. The colors one would see on a macaw. Almost afraid to look
Toshi slowly opens her eyes.. She hadn't felt her form shift so
at least she thought that was ok. Still she looks at her paws and
then the rest of her.* What do you think Yohann? Better? Think
I'll blend in now? *She was having more fun than she had in a
long time. If only Becca were here.*
Umm.... *he gave a look* Well they`ll probly know that you`re not
a /real/ tiger now. They tend to have black and orange stripes...
rather than blue and red.
I kinda like this color.. *The few others left in the elevator
only chuckle at what is obviously a rookie. Toshi waves at them
all as the doors open for their floor. Carefully she makes her
way out of the elevator not wanting to hurt anyone. Waiting for
Yohann before heading down the hall to her room. Receiving stares
all the way.*
*he followed her, not wanting to get totally and absolutely
lost..* It`s a cute color. Depends what you want it for I guess.
*She thinks for a minute.* Isn't there a day where people dress
up and eat chocolate? *To her the only candy was chocolate.. She
loved it partly because the first time she met Pole he had given
her some.*
*he blinks for a moment..* Oh Halloween? *he chuckles* Yeah, but
that was a couple of months ago now...
*Sighing she sits down in front of her door.* It was? I remember
Pole telling me about it.. *Luckily her door was keyed to respond
to her in any shape.. As the door opens she moves in.* If you
take a seat I'll be right back.. *She continues on into the
bedroom remembering to shut the door before she goes on into the
bathroom. Getting rid of the excess bulk would be messy. A shower
would definitely be in order before she could go out again.*
*he chuckled quietly and just waited... he was quite patient*
Okay. I`ll just wait here.
*As quickly as she can she cleans up and dresses. Stepping back
out into the sitting room. Once more in jeans and a t-shirt.*
Isn't Christmas coming up? *She hadn't paid much attention to
holidays before. Not like she could get out to shop. This year
she wanted it to be different.. Pole always got her something.
Which since it couldn't be organic was normally a glass figurine
and chocolate.. Processed food didn't force a change as clothing,
paper and some other things did.*
Yeah... I think it is. December 25 I think... *he was dutch, and
therefore celebrated St. Nicks... which was right at the
beginning of December* You wanna buy something for your friends?
*Sighing she picks up a small glass parrot.* Friends? Friend you
mean.. Unless.. *hesitating she seems to become more interested
in the figuring as she blushes.* Maybe I can call you a friend?
*he chuckled slightly* Course you can Toshi. *he raised his brow*
Only one friend? I mean I know you grew up isolated but...
haven`t you picked up more friends by now?
*Still not looking at him she shakes her head.* No.. Most people
are afraid of Pole. I may have one other friend, but I don't know
where she is. *She should ask Pole where Becca was. Becca would
be the perfect person to go shopping for Christmas presents. She
knew everything about shopping.*
They fear Pole... and therefore they can`t be friends with you?
That`s crazy.... *he shook his head*
*Chuckling she looks back over at Yohann.* You haven't seen Pole
on a rampage yet.. No one wants to be on the wrong side of his
anger.. *Shrugging she sets the parrot down getting up to grab
her id. She would need it if she was going to buy anything.* Pole
is my brother.. He isn't, but he is.. Everyone seems to be afraid
that if they upset me then Pole will come down on them.
*dryly* And they don`t think that by /not/ befriending you
they`re upsetting you? I mean... I`m sure Pole /can/ be extremely
bad if he`s on a rampage.... smarter thing to do rather than not
be your friend because of that, is make sure you don`t get on his
bad side. Seems like common sense to me.
Well you're the first that seems to have figured that out..
*Although she had to admit Mettalic had been really nice to her.
Maybe not a friend, but at least someone that would talk to her.
Smiling she held her hand out to him once more.* Shall we go
shopping now? I promise not to shift again..
Others will. Give them time. *then he chuckled and nods* Sure...
let`s go shopping. *muttering slightly* And hope the crowds
aren`t /too/ bad...
*She shudders at the thought of crowds. While she was adjusting
to all the open space she was having a much harder time adjusting
to people being everywhere. Bumping into you. Touching.. Taking a
deep breath she nods moving out the door.* I hope so.. *Whether
she was responding to his statement about others or the crowds
wasn't clear.*
Well it /is/ close to Christmas. The shops might be packed. Have
any idea what you want to get?
*Biting her lip she shakes her head* No.. I've never been
Christmas shopping before. *Suddenly this seemed like it might be
harder than she thought. Where was Becca when she needed her!*
Well... what are his interests? *he wasn`t /great/ at shopping,
but come Christmas time, or even birthdays, he did well enough to
get by..*
*His question stops her cold.* I don't know.. *She had known him
for years and couldn't remember him really talking about
anything. He had read her fairy tales and helped her with math
and other 'school'work. Told her about some of his hunts, but she
couldn't remember him really talking about himself.*
Come on. Bookstore. When all else fails, get a book. *in fact, he
nearly /always/ bought books... no matter what ones interests,
you could almost be certain that you could find a book they`d be
interested in*
*She could only follow him as they headed for the stores. In this
she would have to trust him.* All right. Would they have
something on.. *thinks for a moment.* Shakespeare?
*he chuckled lightly and nodded* Yeah they would. They`d have
transcripts of his plays. I dunno though... you think he`d like
the classics?
I don't know Yohann. *chuckling ruefully she tosses up her hands*
It's hard when you don't even know what they are to know if
someone else would like them..
This is true. *he frowns for a moment* So you really have no idea
what he`d like? *arriving outside one of the bookstores and
ducking inside*
*Frowning she shakes her head* No.. I hadn't thought of it until
you asked. Pole was just always there. From what I've seen in the
last few months the Pole I know and the Pole everyone else knows
are very different people.
well we`re not really interested in the Pole everyone else
knows.... you`re the one buying him something. So it`s the Pole
you know that`ll be getting a gift.
I hadn't thought of that.. I guess I'll look around and see if
something looks like Pole.. *She felt overwhelmed in the store.
Despite spending time in the library she hadn't realized there
were this many books! And in so many different categories! With
all the people around she tries to stay close to Yohann.*
*he chuckles, and walked around with her... he didn`t actually
/know/ anyone well enough to know what to get people... he didn`t
really feel he even knew anyone well enough to need to get
something.... Toshi... perhaps.. perhaps Metallic... but neither
were /certainties/*
*She saw several books that looked interesting. Nothing yet that
really said Pole. Her eyes seemed to devour the titles and the
whole atmosphere. She was like the proverbial kid in the candy
store.* I never knew there were so many books....
*wryly* This isn`t even one of the bigger bookstores. *he avoided
them this close to Christmas... but still, it was big enough*
*And then she saw it.. A large table top book on planes.* Oh..
*For the first time since entering the store she rushes away from
Yohann's side as she moves over to pick up the book.* I remember
him telling me once about how in a war pilots drew pictures on
their planes. He showed me a picture of it once. It was like
*the young man was Dutch... and all that that entailed.... being
brought up in the Netherlands... and they had not forgotten
WWII.... the look of the warplanes brought back all he was
taught... a choked voice* Why don`t you buy that for him then?
*His tone didn't escape her. Even as she hugged the book to her
she looked over at him.* What's wrong Yohann?
*he shook his head quietly* Never mind Toshi. Let`s buy the book
and leave... please.
*She wasn't sure what she had done, but if he wanted to leave..
Nodding she moves over to buy the book. Stopping to reach out
towards a copy of the complete works of Shakespeare. Smiling she
let's her fingers trail over it before moving on. She would come
back and pick up the book later.*
*he nodded quietly.. and then he shrugged.. he murmured* Just
stay here a moment if you don`t mind. I have to get something...
*his eyes fixed.. not on the Shakespeare... he actually thought
that was a tad too complex for someone who had never been exposed
to literature... but on the fiction works...*
*Nodding she sat down on a bench outside the bookstore. The
people had wrapped the book for her. Surprised when they asked
who it was for. She hopped Pole would like it.. For the first
time she could get him something.*
*he is out a few moments later, it was a risk.... but still, he`d
like it when he was 10-12, and although physically she might be
older... her isolation made her younger in terms of literature*
Come on Toshi. *snicker* You want to wrap it?
The store wrapped it for me.. *She opens her bag showing him the
wrapped package.* It looked complicated to me..
*wryly* I`ve always found that part of the fun. *holding his own
bag behind his back*
*Laughing she pointed to a store across the way. This one had
prints.* Well I was looking at that picture there and thinking of
getting it for Pole as well. *She pointed to a Vargas pinup. * I
know he would like it.. *She was starting to get the feel for
this shopping.*
*oy... what had he done?.. he hated shopping.... but he swore,
there was some genetic imperative which meant all women, once
they started, just loved to shop... and frequently dragged the
men along with em* Okay then. Why don`t we go and buy that as
well then...
*She didn't know what had gotten in to her, but this was fun..
Jumping up she hugged him before quickly moving away.* Thanks
Yohann!! *It didn't take long to get the print. This time though
she would wrap it herself. Or at least try.* Where do we get the
paper to wrap at?
*he just inwardly groans.... now it`s wrapping paper? What
next?... he leads her towards the wrapping paper store* Oy.
Didn`t you have some other friend as well? *inwardly wincing...
this could mean /more/ shopping..*
*Grinning she reaches over to poke him in the ribs* Just you
silly.. Maybe Becca, but I'm not going to buy you something while
you're here.. *She wasn't at all sure what do get Becca until
there right in front of her was the perfect gift. A t-shirt that
had 'Shop tell you Drop.. ' on the front and'then crawl...'on the
back.* That.. I'll get that shirt for Becca...
*as he noted the wording on the shirt, he groaned... he made a
note that if he /ever/ saw Becca... to either give her a piece of
his mind for /not/ being the one to take Toshi shopping... or...
run for the hills.... he hadn`t decided yet* Well let`s buy it
*She wasn't sure what was wrong with Yohann, but she didn't let
it bother her mood. Getting the shirt and then the wrapping
paper.* All right.. Shall we go back to my room to wrap these?
*She really hoped he would help her out as she had no idea how to
wrap anything.*
Hang on. *he chuckled, nodding towards a music store* Have to get
something. *he slipped inside, bought a CD, and headed out again*
Come on then.
*Smiling she heads for the elevators and her room. This Christmas
shopping felt good.. Later she would do some shopping for
Yohann.* Yohann.. Can you tell me a bit about what Christmas is?
It`s a... religious festival. Although some people now think of
it as just a way to bring families closer together again. But
originally... it was meant as a celebration of the birth of Jesus
Christ, our saviour. The son of man. The son of God.
*She just blinks at him.. Completely lost. Holding a hand up she
shakes her head* Never mind.. I don't understand any of that..
I'll go with buying presents for now.. *Chuckling she realizes
there is so much she needs to learn.* I think it would take too
long for you to explain.. It seems that each question I ask you
leads to a dozen more..
*he pondered for a moment about giving her his pocket bible...
then he chuckled quietly, and realised that he was heading back
to his room... not Toshi`s* Oops..
*Caught up in her own thoughts she hadn't noticed they were going
the wrong way until he said oops.. Looking around she tries to
figure out where they are.* I've never been here before..
*he shook his head* Sorry... not used to having company. This is
my room... *he trails off*
Really? Can we go in? *Steps toward the room then stops realizing
that might not be something that is done.* I mean.. Is it ok?
*She hadn't been in anyone else's room before.*
*he blinks...* Aaah... it`s not really built for company. I`ll
just drop off my presents I think... it`s a bit too squashed for
two people... so aah.. you just wait here.
Ok.. *She tries to hide her disappointment. Not at all realizing
what it could look like if she went in. She moves to lean against
the wall on the other side of the hall.*
*he slipped inside for just a moment, putting his two presents
away, and then came back outside again* Sorry about that...
*Smiling she pushes away from the wall.* No problem.. My room
then and you can help me wrap my presents..
*he shakes his head... he can`t believe someone /hasn`t/ wrapped
presents before... he wasn`t great at it, in fact there was no
real use trying to save any paper that he used to wrap things
in.... but still*
*Seeing him shake his head she laughs. She had a feeling this was
going to be interesting. It hadn't looked that hard when the
ladies in the bookstore had wrapped the book for Pole, but the
way Yohann looked now... In no time they are once again at her
room. As the door slides open she steps in looking around the
room. There isn't really any table large enough to wrap the
packages on.* Ok Yohann.. How do we do this wrapping?
*wryly* Well you don`t have a table but.... I usually use the
floor anyway. Just clear some space...
*nodding she slides the coffee table aside giving them plenty of
space to work.* All right now what? *She pulled out the framed
picture for Pole and the t-shirt for Becca. The store had already
put the t-shirt in a box for her. She then pulled out the
wrapping paper, bows, tape and everything else that Yohann had
said they would need.*
*Yohann started to explain how to wrap things, starting with the
picture, as that was just easier to wrap than a shirt.. at least
he found it so*
*She listens quietly before she starts laying out the paper.. The
roll seems to get away from her and rolls up under the couch.
Laughing she goes to retrieve it. It takes several tries..
Several tears in the paper covered up with tape or bows. Somehow
Toshi ends up getting bows, tape and paper all over her and
Yohann. Eventually though both packages are wrapped and 3 rolls
of paper have been used. Sitting back with a smug smile on her
face she looks at the 'colorful' packages.* We did it!
*he blinked slightly... not even /he/ was that bad at wrapping
presents... not even on his first try from memory... of course,
he hadn`t worried about bows and the like... he just chuckled*
Yeah... yeah we did. *he chuckled* I hope he appreciates it...
*Biting her lip she looks back at Yohann* You think he might not
like it? *She was a little worried now. Maybe she should have let
the stores wrap the presents after all. Had she missed something?
It had been fun wrapping them, but she wanted it to be right.*
*wryly* It doesn`t really matter whether they like the wrapping
Toshi. It`s if they /appreciate/ it. The joy is in the giving
after all.
*Relieved she reaches up to brush a strand of hair out of her
face only to find her hand now stuck to the hair with tape.*
Ouch! *Reaching up with the other hand to gently pull the tape
away she doesn't realize it too has tape on it. For a moment she
concentrates on removing tape from hair and hands without pulling
out hair.* It has been fun..
*he coughs a bit* Yes... it`s been fun. *he checked his watch*
But it`s probably best if I leave now. It`s starting to get on...
*Succeeding in removing the tape she gets to her feet.* Thanks
Yohann.. I've really had fun today. *He's right it is late and if
she wanted to get down to the stores and get the last presents
she wanted. Books for Yohann, though she isn't sure what yet and
something for Mettalic.*
*he nodded and moved quietly off to his room, lost in thought*
*She barely waited until he had moved away before she rushed out
to finish her shopping. Grinning as she thought of Becca. Now she
understood what the other girl felt. Although Becca seemed to
enjoy it a lot more then she did still.*