**He laughed, as he then advanced towards her and then looked
towards the Stairwell, and then the lightly slowly ever so slowly
tried to creep on. He winced ** I can't , you'd . . ** He hissed,
and looked towards the well. Re-inforcments had arrived. He was
unsure to rejoice, or to scream. Instead he hissed ** Get that
hot head back here. . . You /can't/go that way. . . hell they
might kill you even if you stay ** Making a moral decision then
as he stood fully looking around. Finally back towards the
GUARDian that was fallen. Saying then in a very very light voice
** They will kill me for this, you realise. ** He grasped onto
her arm and slowly drained, as if on the lowest his ravenous body
could. . he drained, the feeling as if it were taking very light
strokes pulling power from her veins, over and through her skin.
He drank in and then tried to pull away, looking towards her with
panicked eyes, mouthing the word -No. . .- but instead his hand
was severed from her flesh by a energy blast. He then flexed his
fingers a few times and then glanced towards the stair-well. **
We better help your friend, . . .
*she hears the noise and turns her head towards the
stair..wishing she knew what was going on, hoping he was
alright...* They might, but either way I escape * she watches him
closely, watches him fight his own morals* They won't know, if
they do...*shrugs* we forced you *She feels the energy draining
from her, almost as blood is drawn in a syringe, the movement
traceable through her body as it flows in a path toward Blacks is almost entrancing..she looks at Black sees the panic
in his eyes as he tries to release but is unable, without thought
she pushes him away with an energy blast..she kneels there for a
second, feeling drained, but quickly her body recovers and she
stands, a smile on her face* Yes we better, *she heads up the
staris towards Alan, careful to keep herself betwen the two males
as she quietly call out * Alan?
~*~ A mistake, a BIG mistake This scared her, as her skin first
senses the most gentle change in the air, then her ears popped,
she widened her eyes, as her hearing if she hadn't been deaf to
begin with would have been simply a null. She then backed away
and then lashed out, huge pieces of wall and any plumbing ripped
from their settled home,She backed as her veins then were visable
on her skin and she tried to curl to a ball as she retreated,
like a vaccum that surrounded her. Her lungs were about to burst
as she released her breath, and then she clenched closed her
eyes, forcing the peices of anything metal, the extent of her
powers clipboards, guns in storage, to pummel towards the man.
Identifying his possesion by still the iron in his blood. Her
lungs gasped as she still inched further away, trying to escape
the abyss he made. Everything including his own firearms
instantly were directed to impale him entirely ~*~
*He feels the void, trying to pull his body apart , his ears pop,
blood vessels start to burst, instinctively he throw the only
weapon he has, the dagger at the figure before him then he softly
speaks one word* die *the word projected towards Alan amplified
50 fold trying, the sound alone enough to make anyone cringe in
*Unfortunately, he'd erected a barrier of solid pressure around
him to keep -his- air in. The metal objects hit the solid sphere
of pressure, stopping at it's solid walls. He starts moving back
towards the room with BLackDAGGER and Venin. They wern't getting
through that room anytime soon. And if it looks like they were,
then he'd pull another nasty trick. So for now it was a
stalemate. He retreats to the room with black and Ven, leaving
the room behind him a pressureless void.*
*She can feel the pressure dropping. It isn't as bad on her body
as her head which is sticking in the door. Fighting against her
panic she reaches in to hook AIMANTER with a claw. Trying to pull
her out the door. She looks over to METALLIC to see if he needs
help too.*
** He blinked -Forced me- He narrowed his eyes. They would never
buy that, he would never have. . but instead he didn't mention a
word of it. He should of while he could looked the other way. He
still could. . He glanced back towards the hall as he ascended
the stairs, looking towards three very dim lights, approaching
from deep in the compound. ** I'd say you better hurry, your
friends from below are back. . . Attrait, one of them. ** How she
had gotten past him was beyond James. He then flattened his body
towards the stairwell. Looking around them, GUARD had long stoped
using ventilation systems as most buildings, nothing anyone could
crawl through. The elevators scrapped much for the same reason.
He thought quietly, they were utterly doomed. ** saying then
trying to keep in a light of things. . ** Perhaps I could explain
I didn't think I had to catch you on my day off?
*Well, the dagger, hits the solid wall of pressure to. Clanging
to thr ground with no sound. Likewise, the sound never reaches
his ears, seeing as vocal chords and sound won't travel in an
airless void.*
~*~ The word had then been lost to her ears as she was pulled to
saftey. And continued her tireing assult. using what ever she
could find, still trying again and again to push the items
through the pressure field, Up rooting several underfoot pipes,
and even using the blasted GUARDian's rolex watch to attack him.
The sheer force ripping the poor HUNTER's hand off. She took a
hungry breath and looked towards the room as it nearly colappsed
on itself, aside from the pressure that was holding partsof it.
Soon the void and her powers would simply make the room nothing
more than a fine ground dust ~*~
DAMN! *she curses as she also notes the new arrival* we're
trapped *she looks around frantically, trying to find a way out
as she distractedly answers* you can say that Jesse took you over
*shrugs* she's good enough... James? *she points to a wall* whats
on the other side of that wall?
*Having pulled AIMANTER out she crawls back against the pain in
the void for METALLIC. Hoping it wasn't too late. Roaring at the
pain she grabs his foot in her jaws. Pulling him free of the room
as she tries not to bite down to hard on his foot. The pain in
her body making it hard for her to think.*
*he curls up in a ball, the pain excruitating as he tries to hold
himself together, keep from exploding, his lungs starving for
oxygen when he is pulled from the room, the pain instanly
lifting, leaving his body an aching mass of soon as
he is able he hugs the tiger around the neck* thanks *slowly,
painfully, he regains his feet, his mind running, calculating on
how to get to the runners then he turns towards the wall beside
the door* maybe we can go around it * those words he ampified
prjecting them at the wall, containing the amplification as only
he could he increased it 100 fold, trying to shake the wall
loose...weaken its moleculare stability...gradually it does, and
pieces fall free, exposing a man sized hole*
~*~ She glanced towards the animal and then said a breathless ~*~
Merci beacoup. . . ~*~ She glanced towards the room, and then
around her quickly. She was NOT about to allow a RUNner to better
her. Let alone an American runner she assumed. She then quicly
stopped her assult on the pressureless void, and began searching
for something anything. . pipes, railing leading in the same
direction . .she blinked. . . if he were to decend the stair. .
.the railing she smiled and then barely now tired, as her power
wasn't being exerted. . .trying to locate it, by simple feel. .
*The pressure barrier, as hard as iron, doesn't break under the
stress of the pipes and numerous metal items hitting it. Though
with each hit, it draws more on his power, he jumps towards the
opposite end of the room, exiting and keeping the void in place
behind him. If they couldn't follow him, then they couldn't
attack. At least, not without knowing if they are killing their
own wounded. Once out of the room, and out of sight, he drops the
barrier. Hopeing that the next time she does her scan of whatever
she was useing to find him, that she'll notice there are three in
the room. Yvette, himself, and one of theirs.* Well, that
certainly sucked.*He looks down at his leg, not having noticed
that the shotguns trigger had ripped a nice big gash in his thigh
as it was ripped from his suit.* And I just payed for this...
M'gonna kill that bitch.*He tosses a small putty like substance
up the stairs and into the pressureless room after molding it
over a small inmensly dense pressure ball, the kind that
exploads.. Lets see her enact magnetism on that.... And,
hopefully she'd knock him unconcious. Then he'd lose
concentration on the room, but more importantly, the ball...*
*She collapes breathing heavily her own lungs and body hurting
from the pain of the void. Her form wavers as her concentration
falters. Growling she shakes her head. Clearing it enough to
retain the form she is in.*
** He blinked and looked towards the hall and room, and then back
towards her ** Who? ** He blinked and then looked backward as the
GUARDians still approached. Then gritting his teeth as the lights
then fully came back on. He looked at her, and then Alan, and
then winced as the Radio internal com flashed on with a high
level screech. . . He winced and then blinked towards the
illumanated hall, the HUNTERS, the room above, then thinking,
quickly. . . ** Fine, ** He thought quickly, still assured that
no one could identify him as of /yet/ Saying then suddenly **
There is no way out. .Yvette. .
ShIT! **she looks from Alan to BlackDagger then back to the wall*
there will be if I have anything to say about it *her gaze cast
frantically about the room she needs a full
can't have Alan spending all of his energy to save them she looks
at the gun in her hand and hands it to Black*shoot me! * she
hadn't issued one in ages, but this was definatley an order, her
tone not unlike Scratchs* I need a full charge for this to
work..I need to be on the edge
~*~ She could care less about the room or the ball, instead she
helped Metalic clear away several layers of rock, via smoothing
it down by remolding the metal. She then looks towards the cat
and then the hole. Finally then saying ~*~ Good idea, Cat you go
first, ~*~ She wasn't about to meet up with that american RUNner
stuck in a hole. She searched her mind quickly as she tried to
ascess who it could be. She then located the railing, not
bothering with the blood scan anymore. . not much more she could
do than identify his iron in his blood with that trick. Instead
she slowly and quietly removed the screws from the railing on the
stair .~*~
*Thiking he would much rather be home watching the T.V. right
now. He was missing babewatch.* *He stops in the room that Dagger
and Yvette are in. Not worrying about too much behind them. That
ball of plastic would make anyone think twice about doing
anything concerning that room. Seeing as if it goes off, everyone
in the little escapade will have a big problem. Plastic going of
in a confined space is rather.......-bad-. He looks at Yvette,
his original idea had been blown since she showed an
un-characteristic kind streak.* So, how we getting out of this
place? If i'm going down, I'm taking them all with me. Threw some
platic up in the other room. So, we got options? Or does everyone
die horridly today?
*She looks over at alan, grateful to see him still alive* I gotta
plan, just hold on
** He looked towards her and then to the gun backing a bit, his
hands in the air ** No . . same gameplan. . .** Instead he
grabbed her, and triggered his powers on full. It was no longer
just a gentle and caressing feeling, like a mother would touch a
child to put a babe to sleep. Instead it was an incredibly
painful and unbearable experience. Like her veins would burst.
His hands nearly glowed in the rate of sheer energy he was
taking, It was an endless source. He filled in it, basked in it,
and much like he told Tytan, when totally powered felt like
/God/. He ravaged every ounce he could find everything he could
muster trying to slow as if not to render her unconcious. He
tried to stop but his body wouldn't respond he looked to her with
panicked eyes, as his body fed more, and he nearly began to glow,
he had never felt sheer power, that of draning an UNnatural with
so much energy. But at what price. . . He tried again but his
body froze, simply locked as he again looked towards her hoping
she would any moment pulse an E-blast. . . then having a bit of
faith knowing she would **
*The pain as he draws energy from her is enourmous,nothing
compared to the previous gently light headed feeling, this one
felt as if every sinew, ever fiber within her body was being
drained towards James, every instinct within her body told her to
fight, to break free, but she couldn't ..she fought against
instinct, against common sense, and welcomed the pain, feeling
her body convert it, feeling her storage grow until finally it
was near overflowing, her body no longer able to assimilate the
pain, now it threatened to render her unconcious..never before
had she held so much much pain....with extremly
careful precision she exerted the tiniest blast, seperating James
from herself then standing, wavering under the weight of it she
faces the wall, and releases it all in one massive energy
blast..trying to get through the the energy dissapates
from her body she wavers, then slowly sinks to her
knees...waiting for her body to bring her back to herself*
*Looks over at AIMANTER like she is crazy. Growling and grumbling
she gets up moving to the hole. It would be barely big enough for
her to squeeze through. She would be vulnerable for the time it
took her to get through the hole. Glaring one last time at
AIMANTER before she crawls into the hole. Slowly making her way
to the end of the tunnel. Stopping at the end to look out into
the room beyond just as the lights go up.*
YEs! now we can see * he is about to move towards the hole
himself when Toshi steps forward* he watches her carefully, ready
to move in if anything should happen*wouldn't do for a rookie to
get nailed while working under him* he breathes a sigh of relief
as she makes the other side then gestures towarde Emme* lets go
~*~ She simply waited impatiently before the cat staerted to
crawl through. Demanding in a near snobbish way and a thick
french accent ~*~ Hurry up! He could be killing the HUNTERs down
their you BUFFON! ~*~ There was no time for simple hesitance in
these matters, she had learned that lesson by reading of
experence. Nearly wanting to push the tiger through the hole, not
caringof the consiquence. ~*~
*The blast directed at the wall causes the tunnel to start to
cave in around Toshi. She can't crawl back as the way is blocked.
Knowing she would be vulnerable to the others she can't get out
either. The decision is taken out of her hand as a large section
of the wall falls on her head knocking her unconsious. When she
looses conciousness she looses her hold on the shift. The extra
mass starts to slough of as her body returns to normal.. It looks
like melting lard pouring from the wall.*
SHIT! *he watches the tunnel start to cave in and makes a mad
dash in hopeing to grab her and drag her out only to find the
enerance blocked, he then begins pulling out chunks of wall with
his bare hands, trying to make his way towards Toshi, using sound
to vibrate loosen and break up the chunks he can't move*
** He withdrew like a coiled snake totally charged.Looking
towards the oncomming Hunters that were gaining with incredible
speed. He then Scooped her up not waiting for her to re-cooperate
and shoving her through the new hole in the wall, and then
nodding for Alan to follow, as he quickly, with blurring speed
and with uncanny agility, moving through the whirring and buzzing
electronics of the room beyond. Looking then quickly around the
room, the door's exit feeding deeper to the compound. His mind
worked quickly as he made his muscles and tendons respond to the
onflux of power. His senses hypered to a keen that was something
he had not felt before. Anything that caught on his skin was
healed all before it was cut, and he then placed her to her feet
looking towards the exit beyond that stair and atop that of where
HUNTER's had their quarters, a Rec room, and the garage exit. He
looked towards her, grabbing her gun, and placing it to him as he
agreed to the plan, an unwilling vicitm. . . He grit his teeth
thinking then of all the people he was betraying. . . something
he wondered if he could live with. . . something he wondered too
if they'd even notice. **
*he scoops her up as if she was nothing carrying her into the
next room then placing her on her feet again, she looks back into
the other room* Alan come on *she turns back to James* You don't
have to do this.. but if you chose to Alan should be the one with
the gun....they wouldn't believe me
~*~ The blast re-verberated through and shook the surrounding
part of the compund. She blinked and looked to the cat in the
tunnel being pummled with the debris. She regained her balance
and forgot about the railing entirely. Instead she strengthened
the metal around the cat. . . girl? and tried to reach inward to
pull the hunter to safety. . . Screeching to Metalic ~*~ What was
that??? ~*~ She was unable to hear Metalic's exclimation as she
then helped him remove the unconcious HUNTER. Not even regretting
her decision to make the girl go first. If she hadn't hesitated
this would /not/ have happened. IT was /her/ own fault. And she
expected to make the cut. Any explination Metallic would have
given then was lost as she still strained on making what she
could of the tunnel very stable. . until the catgirls retrvial.
She grit her teeth harder. . . things were so much easier before
the Americans had come to the base. . .~*~
*as they pull toshi from the tunnel he feels for a pulse,
breathing, checking her vital signs*
*Her cat form had protected her from any serious injury. AIMANTER
strengthening the tunnel kept any debris from falling on to the
now naked form of the girl. The one drawback to the shift change
was the lose of anything she was wearing. Her body had quickly
gone to work to heal any injuries including the concussion.
Moaning she slowly opens her eyes to look around.*
*seeing her awake he smiles* glad you could join us, *only then
does he notice the state of her clothes..or non clothes, he
quickly strips off his leather jacket and hte shirt beneath
handing both to her*
*He doesn't even wait for Dagger to finish his sentence. Letting
the younger man make it through the whole, as though he had a
choice with the lads speed. Taking his own time, seeing as he
still had the plastic ace up his sleeve. He stops for a moment,
digging into his various pockets on the uni. Pulling out a pack
of cigarettes. Damned, his lighter was screwed when that woman
did her freaking magnetic power. Another reason for him to kill
her slowly the next time they meet. Simply popping the air within
it with a small bit of pressure, the cigarette blazes to life.*
Ahh.......*He closes his eyes as he walk through the wall, then
gets to a small run. Finally moving quickly. Running, though no
where even -near- as fast as dagger. Why he was helping them, or
more pointedly Yvette, was beyond him for the moment. Making his
way through the room with whirling machines. Sucks to be anyone
left near that room in a few seconds when he stops concentrateing
on the small iron like sphere inside the plastic. Getting to
where Dagger and Yvette are.* Got a good scenario for you pal.
When were gone, that blast is gonna go off, just track your way
back through and act as though the blast knocked you unconsciess.
Place something heavy on you. Whatever it takes, or come up with
something yourself. It's just a suggestion.*Almost out of the
energy it requires to use his powers, though he'd be sure to
spend every last bit to get out of here. Not about to tell Dagger
how much he had left though, in case he had a sudden change of
** He shook his head, and said then as he looked towards her and
back towards the wall . ., taking the gun and tossing it to the
Ex-SEAL saying then anger that riddled his voice. . .** You are
wrong. . . ** Leaving it at that. They would never make it. . .
simply never make it. Then saying his voice seething with anger,
for a brief moment ** This Jesse better ESP whatever me, to
follow the story Yvette, ** He blinked towards Alan and nodded
towards the stairs. He could hear the GUARD's scrambling to each
other's quarters, locating all the personel in this wing of the
compound. He then waited to feel the steel pressed against his
head, anything, knowing some of the GUARD would be racing to the
cell area this very moment, hearing an all call on his com.
Attrait was a quick mother. **
we'll do something to make it believable *she places a hand on
his arm, her gratitude for everything expressed in that one
motion* thank you * she looks over at alan* ready? then lets go
*Blinking she looks up at METALLIC. Sitting up she looks around.
Smiling as he hands her his shirt and jacket. She wasn't modest.
Having been raised in a lab room with one wall all glass and
camaras recording your every move didn't leave much room for
modesty. Still she is grateful for the shirt.* Thanks *Slipping
it on she nods to the hole.* The woman made a hole in the wall
next to ours. I don't think they are there anymore.
a hole? * he thinks for a moment...what was in the next
was an elctrical room?...then it clicked on him* damn it! that
leads right to the garage!
*He catches the gun as it's tossed to him. Already plotting thier
escape route. The HUGE explosion would be a perfect distraction
when they needed it. It would draw the GUARD to where they
** He then looked towards the ball and then nodded, looking
towards Abyss, sighing and then glancing towards the equipment
that was blown to hell. Noting a few microphones, and a few
monitors that still showed a few dimmed images. He narrowed his
eyes and nodded again. Moving to the console quickly, hoping that
whom ever was at the other end of the mic's would not have heard
a word. . . though he doubted it. His eyes clenched. Some plan
whoever thought of her escape had, . . . some plan indeed. And
for the first time that whole evening he felt a shivver. . .fear?
He glanced back towards Abyss as he then thrashed the consoles
and equiptment. Feeling Yvette's hand fall on his arm he jerked
it away near violently, and nodded, ** Hurry . .
*she notes blackdaggers reaction and shakes her head sadly...she
doesn't know why he is doing this, but he may have ruined any
chance he ever had....she only hopes jesse can help him* why? why
help me? It doesn't help you
~*~ Emme then looked at them as if they were both totally daft
having caught a few words -tunnel-wall-garage-them- and adding it
together acessing what she knew of the base. .~*~ Instead of
sitting around DO something about it! ~*~ Her accent fierce. She
then tore sucessfully the chunks of wall out via wiring piles and
the nice metal lining she used to put the hole there. She then
turned towards the part of the wall they needed feeling then as
she shut her eyes the electronic's a smile passed over her lips
as she found a new play-ground. She simply stood back allowing a
gap of about 8 feet between herself and the others to form, and
the whole inner console was ripped towards their position giving
them complete acess to the room beyond. She glared at them with
an entirely flat gaze as she then shoved the metal slab out of
the way, the wires and power fizzing as she discarded it easily.
Her power had slowed, draining her as she moved then cautiously
to the newly installed door. ~*~
man, shes a bitch *metallic mutters as emme turns her back, he
looks down at toshi* you stay here, i'd loose my skin if a rookie
got hurt he stands behind emme watching with amusement as she
rips the wall apart and enjoys it. when the hole is completed he
moves forward, intending to be the first in the room this time*
*He starts heading out the way he came. Racing along corridors.
Confident when him, and hopefully Yvette behind him, are far
enough away.*Big bang baby...*He stops concentrateing on the
rooms. For those still in the area, the only sound would be a
hissing as the room repressurizes quickly, and, if observent
enough, they'd see the ball of plastic on the ground shaking.
Then, it exploads. The force of the blast enough to destroy the
room, buckle the walls, and shake most of this part of the
complex, as well as destroy any structural supports in the room.
Blasting a huge fireball into both adjoining rooms, this was the
real deal now, no fake little concussion grenade this mother blew
-BIG-. He keeps heading down the passages. Heading towards the
exit he deemed an enterance.* C'mon Yvette, it'll distract 'em
most likely, but not for long. *He starts racing up the steps,
tempted to fly up the middle, but he needed his remaining power
for any GUARD that might get in his way.*
*Nodding to METALLIC she leans against the wall. That is probably
what saves her. As the bomb in the other room explodes behind her
the wall tumbles down on top of her. She only has time for one
thought.... Not again... Before she is knocked unconscious once
again. The rumble falling around her protecting her from the
fireball that then roars through.*
*mettalic is thrown by the concussion landing in a crumpled heap
in another room, with parts of the building falling all around
** He glared at her and opened his mouth to merely tell her to
shut up and move. . . until the entire console behind him began
to creak, and moan, Then watching in suprise as the wall totally
wrenched from itself and it screamed under the pressure of the
moving console. He blinked in utter suprise, and one phrase
surfaced to his thoughts -Emme. . .- He instead bolted following
Abyss, hoping Yvette had enough sense to follow. He then winced
and snapped his head back to look , growling at Abyss ** You
mother fucker. . .You don't have to /kill/ them. . .** Enraged,
these were his friends, his family. He nearly fell out of step in
going back instead he continued on the path. . .his heart sunk,
and he looked at the jerk, who obvisouly had no regard for life.
.. **
*Alan races out and she waits for a brief second, almost hoping
that James will answer her..then she starts to stare in utter
amazement as the console began to tear out, james runs by her and
she folows quickly n his heels..she hears blacks words, notes the
bodies, and her heart drops a little. was the price of freedom
worth all this?*
*He looks over his shoulder.* Relax kid. It's a controlled blast,
if I unleashed all that power within that little ball, i'd be
dead too. Give me a little credit will you? Mostly they'll just
get burried. I'm sure you got people that can dig them out. Now,
move if you don't wanna be beneath the stuff. Besides, i'm a
S.E.A.L. not some freaking GUARD. Soldiers don't care about life.
God knows yours don't care about the lives they destroy.*Touche.*
~*~ She blinked as the pressure bomb hit. throwing her like a
simple rag doll against the far wall, and then as the ceiling and
parts of the walls around her collapsed. She then simply watched
the word fall in utter silence, watched it pass as the scene went
black. She didn't feel the pain of half of her ribs crack in the
impact, or even the sound of her own spine severing in two
places. There by paralysing her from the waist down and one arm.
She didn't feel the debris pummel her body, or even have the
chance to hear the deafening boom. Instead she embraced a
famaliar darkness, she had met just a year ago before coming to
this very compound, a dull fear and reaslisation in the darkness
she was alive. . .only thing that would save her beaten from
would be immediate medical attention, a last thought before she
was rendered completely unconcious. . -. . you can't win, - ~*~
** He managed a sneer, he would have seriously smeared him in a
fine red stain against the wall, simply drained him now. He was
tempted to simply reach out and kill the man, again. Finding his
hand moving towards him and then stopping with a growl, moving
then behind him, he'd remember this, oh all too well. ** You
aren't a SEAL anymore, simply an empty shell of a man, who
doesn't even know the cause he's running from. A coward. . you
wouldn't cut it as GUARD. . . ** The last part hurt. He had only
disregarded the lives of those he captured when they had injured
him. It was fair. . . but not SINGLE day had gone by when he
hadn't thought of a life he destroyed. If not on the battle field
then when draining a poor animal, if not there then in his
hundred of repitions in the gym. His teeth grit harder, as he
then glanced back to look to Yvette. . ** Where did you find this
guy. . . the local Military surpluss store?
CUT IT! *once again she issues a command,her parade voice ringing
clear above the noise, as she runs behind them, if she doesnt
stop it now they will all get killed* Guys save the arguments for
later! right now we have to work together *She chuckles at james
last statement* something like that I suppose..he's a good
guy...give him a chance * she is defending the clone...after all
it wasn't alan...or was it? it didn't matter...she owed this alan
a great debt of gratitude...if they ever get out of here alive*
*He looks over his shoulder.* Huh.... You're one to talk. I know
perfectly well what i'm around for. Your people and thier
expermients screwed up my life and all the others lives that
didn't want a part of this. And being a S.E.A.L. is what I am,
you and no one else can ever take that away from me. As for being
part of the -G.U.A.R.D.- if the pitiful display of security here
today, and lack of leadership in that rescue force back there was
any indication, none of you would make it as a S.E.A.L. Coward, I
had enough balls to WALTZ in here knowing full well I could die,
you've never been in a -TRUE- war boy. Don't -pretend- to tell
/ME/ what one is like. I've been there. Lost more friends than
you'll ever have.*Especially Dopp, he -BLAMES- GUARD for his
death.* Pull your head out of your ass, this is the real world.
*And Dagger would find it much harder to kill him than he
*Her body had again started to work on any injuries immediatly.
In only a few minutes she regains consiousness. Groaning she
pushes against the rubble. It moves a little, but is too heavy
for her. Her body still tingles from the tiger form. Knowing she
is pushing it she shifts to the tiger form again. She probably
wouldn't be able to hold the form long. Hopefully it would be
enough for her to get out. With a hugh roar she pushes up on the
rubble breaking through.*
** He snarled a bit more, his lips curling over every single
syllable that Ayss spoke ** I suppose we're oh so trained oh
wait. . we killed you once. . . you pathetic /excuse/ for a
solider. . .. you couldn't keep your post you were too scared.. .
. your family too weak. . , or honor. . . ** OH YES he had read
the files, he knew /everything/ and his power flared momentarily.
. ** Don't speak to me as if you were higher and mighty. . It
wasn't bravery it was sheer STUPIDITY! ** He then hushed as he
then turned his face away, just simply shutting his mouth then
offering quickly for a place of his temper he then heard Yvette's
demand and hushed** She's right Just shut-up, I don't want to
argue I want this over with as fast as possible, I didn't join
your flaming band-wagoing for the conversation. ** He paused at
the final door and looked towards Alan and then Yvette. . .
taking in a deep sharp breath . .** We should take Vince's car,
they keys are always in the glove box, he trusted this place like
a fortress. . . before. .. ** He cut it off then looking to the
fully restored UNSCRATCHED beauty vintage mustang in the lot. .
plates read -EXIT- **
*she stops cold as he mentions the mustang, and vince...she was
always reminded of him, even now, in her escape he haunted
her..she looks over at the indicated direction, the car easily
standing out.she takes a deep breath* I don't kno...*she swallows
hard and forces herself to approach is their only
escape....she almost expects vince to pop out* Lets do it! * the
words forced out through gritted teeth, out of all he is the one
that haunts her the most.....why?*
*Shaking the last of the rubble from her fur she looks around
what has once been the room. Not seeing either AIMANTER or
METALLIC she sniffs the air. The dust makes her sneeze, but she
is able to identify there scents. AIMANTER is closer so she moves
over to start pushing the rubble off of her body. Careful to make
sure no more falls on her.*
*Nothing that Dagger says even bothers him. He knew nothing.*
Hmph, you mean your psychic killed me from miles away. POLE was
too cowardly to face me himself. For once, he didn't have the
advantage, and he -couldn't- handle it.*Stopping in the garage as
Dagger speaks. He's the mind to flick his cigarette at Black,
but, seeing as he's low on power to combat him, it's not a wise
move. A good soldier knew when to shut up as well. Obviously
another lesson the big mouthed kid hadn't learned. He just waits
for the escape plan. His part in this show was over, and no
matter how BLACK described it, it -was- effective.*
~*~ Her hair was matted and caked with seeping blood. Her ears
and mouth were bleeding, and she was utterly unconcious. Her body
contorted in a way, nearly completly flip-flopped. her lower half
nearly seeming to have twisted completely . . . her spine as
formentioned severed in two placed, paralzing her lower half and
one arm, her ribs shattered, and her skin severely bruising. Her
blood stained the rubble below, and somehow in the fray a peice
of metal had periced her thigh nearly completely throughh, though
the impaled item had not bled severly, the bar seeming to have
coterized the veins somehow. . anyone would see unless they were
trained it was not advisable to move her. A small and weak pulse
could be felt though, and a weaning and ever fainter breath was
gurgled ocassionally from her lips ~*~
** He nods towards the car and clamours into the back, nodding to
Yvette, that someone better be holding a gun to his head, when
they passed the security points ahead. He said then dully ** He
prolly would have wanted it this way. . . Abyss you drive. . . **
Mostly for the part he expected Vince to raise from the dead and
kill him if he were to scratch his 'baby'. effective or not he
would have /never/ endangered so many innocents, the clerks that
could have been working simply making a living, the newbies. .
./never/ **
*she climbs into the back beside James, visibly paling the second
she touches the vehicle, her breath coming rapidly...with some
effort she forces herself back under control* lets get outta here
*She grabs a gun and holds it at james side, not even bothering
to flick the safety off* you got a point there
*She continues to push rubble off of AIMANTER. It is then that
she sees her thigh. Gasping she sends energy there. She had felt
it was a bad injury, but not as bad as she could now see. The
metal was keeping the blood from flowing out, but it was also
cutting it off from the lower leg. She would have to heal the
injury some before the metal could be pulled out.*
*Having been called back from her HUNT on the farm, something
about a wild goose chase. She returns to find this place in utter
chaos. Techies running all over, a huge explosion down below. Her
heart racing, she's never been in anything like this before. One
of the techies stops in front of her saying.*[Get down to the
prison level NOW! They are getting killed down there!]*She makes
a small stop at the command center, there were definately three
life forms down there. One fiant. And she didn't know where Black
was. Turning and running at a conserved speed, she makes her way
down the stairs, reaching the first big boulder in her way, time
to earn her name.... She takes hold of it, throwing it aside like
so much clay. Then gets deeper into the mess. One room away from
the carnage.* Heellllo? Caaaaaan anyone heeear mee?*Screaming at
the top of her lungs. Hopeing they give her some sort of guidance
on where to pull shit from.*
~*~ In the simple turning of her body a few more bones rend from
bearly hanging in their place, the pain would have made an awake
person mad. Instead she stays in her fully blacked bliss, and her
body accepts the healing, though there was not much it could do
for the dammge that had already occured, Instead it re-inforced
the injury, and made it much easier for a person to move her,
without killing her. . .~*~ ~*~ As for the impaled metal and the
surrounding tissue, at the mildest touch it sprung forth a new
spa of blood and then healed soon, enough for the metal to be
removed. It would have been most effective at this point to find
an external teleporter and teleport her towards the nearest
medical unit, now that she was stable. . .and still thankfully
unaware ~*~
*Hearing NATALIA she calls out to her. Recognizing the Russian
girls voice.* Over here NATALIA!! We need a doctor quick!
*Shaking her head she pushed more energy into AIMANTER. This was
bad.. Very bad..*
** He didn't respond instead simply sat in silence as he waited
for Abyss to start the car. The cloud of silence, deepened as he
could distinctly hear Vince screaming at him for driving too
fast, he then blinked as if coming out of a trance. . . saying in
a quiet monotone voice ** You will have to gun it, the spikes
will emerge on the road, to stop cars, there will be barriers and
such if not already in place. . . ** He fell silent again and
then glanced towards the window for a long moment, he wasn't
glowing anymore, but still had enough power if she were to have
shot him, nothing would have happened, of course unless it was a
head injury. . . **
*He gets behind the wheel. Strapping himself in as he revs the
engine. Peeling out backwards, then shooting forewards. He blows
out through the enterance. Driving as fast as the car will go.
The GUARDs at the post standing in front of it and pulling thier
weapons.* Hang on you two... This is gonna suck!*The bullets flay
the car as they fire, some hitting glass. Others just hitting the
hood. The guards try to jump out of the way in time, though one
doesn't make it. Alan winces and hisses as though in pain.*
Ouch.... That had to hurt.*The guard having gotten clipped in the
leg. He looks back to make sure they're okay. Then looks down at
himself. A nice big red spot on his shirts starting to form. He
speaks to himself quietly.*Shit....*Keeping his eyes on the road
as they make their way down the road. Best to ditch this car for
the transportaion they had waiting outside the guards early
warning area. Dopplegangers old Hummer revamped. It'd go faster
over uneven ground than this thing ever could. They pull up to
the hummer after about twenty minutes. He opens his door, walking
out of the car.* Our stop... *Not letting either of them see the
wound as he stands next to the car.* You may wanna tie him up,
leave him here. He can't go where we're going. *Winceing slightly
after he stands up to where they can't see. He heads over to the
Hummer. Holding onto it as he fights to retain consciessness.*
*Hearing her friends words, she gets frantic. Allowing herself to
become enraged. Moving tons of boulders, rock, concrete, and
steel as though it were nothing. Numerous cuts in her uniform
emergeing. Though she hardly cares. After about Ten minutes, she
makes it to the small alcove that Toshi and Emme are in.*
Shiiit.*Looking at Emme.* Iiiis thiiis all?*She hits her comm
in.* I neeed doctors now damniiiit! Condiiition critical. HUNTER
iiin daaanger of dieing.*The comm crackles to life, saying that
life support teams are on thier way.* Are theere any more
Toshi?*Placeing a hand on the girls shoulder.* I aaaam sorry I
wasn't heeere for you aaaall.
** He glanced as then they gunned through the defenses without
the nearestt stiches he would have expected. . .near GUARD had
expected the onslaught. He stiffeend for a moment then rode in
silence for the twenty minutes. Blinking as Abyss told her to tie
him up, It was laughable, he even gave a deep chuckle . . ** In
this condiition you'd have to wrap this car around me. . . to tie
me. . ** He shook his head then as he looked towards the Hummer
and then towards Yvette and shrugged. He looked back towards the
base for long moment. . . letting his gaze fall there as he then
blocked out what he felt, the urge to simply tackle Abyss to the
ground, take him in. He resisted the urge to kill the discusting
man he saw before him. . . and simply stared. ** He's probablly
right, forget about what'shis face Jesse I'll manage.
*Nodding* Yes.. Metallic is over there. *Points to where she had
caught his scent earlier.* Um.. Could you have someone bring me
some clothes too.. *She had lost Metallic's shirt when she had
shifted and didn't know where his leather jacket was in the
*She nods at Toshi. Comming the unit again.* Aaand some clothes
too.*The comm comes back as an affirmative. She hugs Toshis head
to hers with her right hand.* M'sorry I waaas nooot
here.*Standing up, she makes her way over to the area Toshi
indicaed, going after Metallic, even though the ass never did
call her after RIKA got to him. Considering leaving him there....
throwing boulders easilly two times her size aside as though they
were mere play things. Seeing a hand beneath the rubble, a huge
plate on Metallics back. Lifting it off him, she tests his back,
then turns him over into her lap.* You okaaaay Commrade?
*Looking down into his face as she brushes his hair aside.* The
pressure off of him he pulls in a sudden ragged gasp, his eyes
opening taking in the sight above a pained smile crosses his lips
as he hoarsely croaks out* I need to have building land on me
more often if this is how i wake up
*she winces as the car careens out of the parkade clipping one
guy.......she slowly lets the weapon drop, not needing it...once
they pass the gates..then waits in a long tense silence, praying
that they arent persued..then they stop..and she stares at the
hummer...she knew that sat on her front yard for
long enough, a grave marker for dopp..she looks over at alan,
well aware of what it meant to him, to be driving that vehicle
again...much as this one must be like for James...she slides out
of the mustang.* Alan, I can't do that...he risked a lot to save save us...GUARD get him now and he is worse off than I
was....she looks between Alan and BD the animosity almost
dripping off of both* she looks back toward james* no, you won't
be okay...we have to do something *she looks back at Alan* I
understand your reasoning, but I can't leave him to their
mercies*she paces the distance between the vehicles, thinking
then she walks over to Alan, pullng him aside* do you have your
*He nods at Yvette. Hiding the fact that he's short of breath
perfectly. After all, he'd just done alot. Even for a S.E.A.L. He
jerks his head towards the Hummer. He hadn't brought it with him,
but it was in there. This was an all or nothing mission.*
Glovebox....*He coughs a couple times after she goes to get it.
Moveing to the passengers side and then waiting till she goes to
do whatever with g before getting into the Hummer. Pulling his
hand away from the wound, dark blood covering it.* Might get your
wish yet kid...*He chuckles at himself a few times.* I feel like
I should be saying ''I'm getting too old for this
shit.''*Doppleganger would have wanted it this way. Him pulling
dangerous stunts like this. Stuff such as this manuver was
something theyd have both done together in the old days, covering
each others backs.* Fer you buddy...*He coughs a few more times.
Deep down hopeing all of Daggers friends bit the dust. He values
his own friends 5-1.and they'd taken one of his best friends away
from him. Screw them all.....*
** He scoffed and shook his head and then looked back to the
base. Wondering how many people died, for the sake of his
siblings freedom. How could he have permitted that. He closed his
eyes for a moment, smelling the interior of the car and becomming
a touch more solemn about the siutation saying ** Yvette, you
don't know a thing. ** He then exited the car and glanced at it
in a severe wince. Shaking his head, it was Vince's last
remainder. . . he glanced to the keys and the key-chain and then
moved around the front to retrive them. When was it okay to let
go? When Vince forgave him? He then looked towards the keys
saying beneath his breath ** You never trusted them did you? **
He rose a brow and then placed the keys into his pocket, his
pants had been shoot, ripped and stained with blood, His hair no
longer a blonde sheen was instead a dull blond mess. He then
looked towards the base his hands in his pockets. His teleporter,
his long range com, his weapons everything was taken at the first
check-point. He then simply started walking. Not even bothering
to tell them good-bye. **