*She sits on her bed, having just changed into her uniform. It
was another day in the good ol` France. Another boring day that
is. Wondering why these suits are so damned tight. And simply
just figuring that the laundry person shrinks hers on purpose.*
*she sighs as she flips through the roster ..they obviously had
no idea what to do with her, she wasn't allowed in the field
yet...and they obviously weren't too happy about her training of
the rookies, she got a mild reprimand for that one.. she thought
he had an attitude that needed adjusting, least she wasn't
totally banned from it...*hhmmm, TYTAN?....*the file runs through
her head as she reads the report* they want me to transfer a damn
rookie? can't they just issue the papers? *she sighs again and
shakes her head as she punches something into the console, the
screen instantly feeding her location information on the rookie*
oh well, lets get it over with *she prints out a copy of her
orders and pushes back from the console then leaves the room
heading up towards the transport*
*Stepping out of her room. She makes her way to the exercise
room, figuring on getting in on some running perhaps. Walking at
a slow pace down the halls, trailing her hand along the wall as
she goes. Humming a slight tune from her hometown to herself and
nodding at people she passes. Most thought she didn't have the
heart for this line of work, been though she'd already hauled in
two runners on her own. In her ROOKIE day! She walks into the
training room, and gets on one of the running machines, one made
for her especially, then sets it at a slow pace for her, starting
at about 20mph. Going into her jogging routine for the day.*
*she enters the transport room and nods briefly to those on
watch, handing over a copy of her orders* French base *she stands
impatiently while she waits for them to verify her clearance, one
of them watching her warily..a lot still didn't trust her...not
that she blamed them, or even cared... as long as they didn't
interfere with her doing her duty that is...they interfere with
that and then they will have something to worry about...she
materializes in the transport room of the French base, once more
handing over a copy of her orders for verification...they took no
chances these days....once cleared she steps off the platform and
turns towards a console to once more locate TYTAN..without even a
nod at the techies she turns and heads down to training room
five.....once there she leans in the doorway, arms crossed over
her chest as she merely watches, no sound issuing form her lips*
*She continues her workout, hiking the machine up to 50mph and
continuing her run. Of course, the camera monitor was centered on
her as usual. Knowing well the perverts in the camera
surveillance room. She's not even breaking a sweat for this
little exercise. Looking over her shoulder just because she got
tired of staring at the wall, and sees VENIN standing there
watching her. She'd NO idea who the woman was. Watching her as
she continues her work out, her legs a blur, and some of her
other extremities in motion because of her bobbling nature.*
*a slight smile of appreciation crosses her face as she watches
the speed of the treadmill build...she had read the files and
been impressed then, but now to see it in person...this was a
good one to keep around, very useful..* Rookie Natalia Rasputin?
*She'd broken a few of the machines here already. They had said
that this one might actually keep her speed and for a good length
of time. She turns it up a couple more notches, getting it up to
90mph. Her legs becoming an easy blur.* Da...*Her answer to
VENINs question. Not even sounding as if this is laboring her too
much.* Who iiis vanting to know thiiis?*Seeing as she's never
seen this woman around here before.*
Venin, Yvette Christopher...*she holds up a piece of paper* I
have transfer orders for you, you're to be relocated to the
American base...*she watched the speed increase, her mind running
through the training recorded in TYTANs file and wondering what
else they can train this walking tank in*
*She stops running all of a sudden. Having no idea that she was
to be transferred anywhere. The machine doesn't stop though, and
launches her towards the ground. She stops as soon as her feet
hit the floor though. No skid, no stumble. And no sign that the
fast stop had even effected her, accept for a few cracks in the
floor.* You are heeer to trransfer me Mrs. Christoph?*Using her
name the way a russion would say it. Her English very broken and
heavilly accented. Staring at her with the full intensity of her
green eyes.*
*she nods briefly in appreciation as she watches the sudden stop
as the machine throws her off...she steps further into the weight
room, her gaze wandering to the cracks now visible in the floor*
Yes, I am *she makes a mental note to tell the techies to use one
of those Auto testing ramps for TYTANs workouts...those withstand
a car dropping on them, and could handle speeds faster than these
damn treadmills....*you are to be transferred immediately *she
switches to perfectly accented Russian*<you need to work on
your accent as much as you do the language>
*Smiling to Venin.. Not many people knew Russian. She's obviously
not been on the job long enough to lose a bit of her passion for
life. And little things still amaze her.**She steps out of the
cracks. Grace marking her movements as she walks towards VEN. She
saw that the woman was looking at the cracks in the
floor.**Waving it away as though she was used to it by now. some
had remarked highly of her. Having caught two runners already,
and still a rookie. It was a bit easy to see why though.*
*she doesn't respond to the smile...this was definitely a rookie
if she was still surprised when someone spoke her
was required that everyone knew several languages, she just
happened to know more than most, Russian, English, French,
German, Mandarin just to name a few and she was currently working
on a few of the more obscure languages and dialects.* Clean up
and gather what you need, the rest will be sent for
*Finding the woman rather cold. And wondering what made her that
way. She nods, starting to head out of the room and head towards
her own so she could shower and then pack a few things*
*She steps aside making room for TYTAN to pass through the
door...she sorta liked this rookie, this one didn't ask
questions, didn't talk back...took orders and followed
them....that was a good feature in a soldier, this is one she
wouldn't mind having on her team when she gets back in the
field..she follows TYTAN out of the weight room and up the
hallway* do you need help, or do you want to page me when your
*She looks over her shoulder, being rather TALL for your normal
woman. But then again the HUNTERs aren`t normal. So she tries to
crack a joke, hoping that not ALL the people at the American base
were going to be as cold and dull. *Not unless you are going to
watch me shower... Other than that I can pack things myself*
Unlike VEN, she's not so happy to see this particular HUNTER. If
this is what she had to look foreword to over at the other base,
then she didn't care who's team it was on. Wondering what she did
to get transferred to such an obviously strict and unattractive
prospect of a base. She walks into her room as they pass it,
getting ready to strip whether VEN was there or not. Used to it
by now seeing as she went through a lot of tests in front of the
female doctors while she was being indoctrinated.*
*She shrugs at your joke, not giving much reaction* You wouldn't
be the first *..which is true...she had supervised many captures,
and rookies in her day and been required to watch was
no matter to her, she didn't swing that way, but orders were
orders...* Very well, you can page me when your done..I will be
nearby *as the door to TYTANs room opens she stops...waiting to
see what your response was*
*Definitely not liking her. Though she didn't care whether she
was waiting for her hear, or in the galley, or what have you. She
would like to say goodbye to a few people. But knows that there
won't be time for that sort of thing obviously.*[Wait here if you
like I won't be long.]*She peels herself out of her uniform,
whether the door is open or not. Seeming as though she just pours
out of the thing. Having a bit of a problem getting it off her
hips though.*[I swear they shrink this thing on me on
purpose....]*Talking more to herself than Venin if she sticks
around. Then she wanders into the bathroom, turns on the shower.
And regardless of its steaming temperature, steps into the water
and starts lathering up. Singing an old Russian melody as she
Very well *she steps into room and moves towards your computer
console...seemingly oblivious to the fact that you are stripping
in front of her* I will start filing your transfer papers *she
sits a the console, her fingers rapidly flying over the keys
*Hearing her once in the shower. Working on the keys... She yells
out of the bathroom.* [Why`m I being transferred anyway?]*She
steps out of the shower, grabbing a towel from the rack and
drying herself. Then wraps it around her and walks out into her
room to start putting her things in the one suitcase she owns.
She puts her couple TOO small uniforms in the case, then her
normal dress outfits and the few things she's collected. Humming
while she does it and playing with a wet strand of hair here and
<Speak English, you need to work on it>We are spreading the
rookie talents around, now that the American base is operational
..currently France has more than their share to take care of *she
glances over at you packing* besides it is a hotbed of activity
and we need fresh blood before we do any major operations
*She sighs slightly, not arguing. But it showing that perhaps
she's not too in love with the idea to be leaving her home.
Everyone she knew was here. And if Mrs. Christopher here was any
indication a to the normal humility in America, then she wasn't
looking foreward to showing up there.* [I understand.]*Taking her
last suit out of the drawer, she slowly squeezes it onto her
body... Maybe in America they would stop shrinking her outfits on
purpose. Sure that METALLIC is behind it all somehow. Getting the
uniform up and over her breasts, she closes the suitcase and
picks it up easily.*[Ready when you are Mrs. Christopher.]*She
hated being formal and using the monikers. Using a last name, or
if permission is given, a first name felt much better.*
*she realizes that TYTAN probably isn't too happy about the
transfer, but it is orders and she's following them...hell VENIN
wasn't too happy about being assigned a make-work job like
transferring a rookie.... *she finishes keying in the
transferring sequence then stands and pushes the chair back in*
Very well then, lets go *She steps through the door and leads the
way down towards the transport room* You have been relocated to
sublevel 5A room 45B
*She walks out of her old room heading towards the transporter
level with her. Smiling weakly at a few of the techs she knows as
she passes. Walking into the transporter room and stepping up
onto the pad... Looking around once before they head off.*
Dasvedania..*She says sweetly to the complex, though the operator
thinks she's talking to him, and it brightens his day right
up.*[Is everyone in the American base like you Mr.
Christopher?]*Not rude enough to pinpoints the
question,"Does everyone share your unhumorous
attitude." But unwilling to allow her own inner light to die
off as this woman, for the moment, seems to have.*
*as they re-appear at the American base she turns towards TYTAN*
what do you mean? *as they appear the techies ogle the rookie,
one of them whistling lightly and making a comment which is cut
short as VENIN turns and looks at him..silently she steps of the
platform and walks to a terminal, keying in another
sequence....the printer spewing out a ream of paper* the rest of
your belongings will be transferred here within the day *She
hands you the papers* Meanwhile here's the authorization code and
your map of the base*
*Well, she didn't want to put too fine a point on the subject,
but...*[Don't you ever smile?]*Figuring her point made. She
wasn't bothered by what the men were doing. In fact, she enjoyed
their attentions a it, as long as they didn't get too free, let
them have their fantasy. The man that voices his is much less
dangerous than the one who's silent and sneaky about it. She
takes the papers and looks down at the map..*[Thanks.]*Deciding
already that Venin must be the local hard ass, not everyone could
be as straight as her.*
*she raises an eyebrow at the question* What does it matter? *She
turns towards another console calling up the days roster, a frown
crosses her face as she notes her next assignment* I have another
assignment she nods towards the papers* can you find your
*She was about to sting an answer to her that life not worth
living if you can't enjoy it. As a matter of fact!!!*[If you
can't enjoy life a little, then it's not worth living, so yes, it
does matter.]*Sighing slightly, first she's dragged from her old
home, now she wouldn't get a tour of her new one.*[I suppose I
have too. I can manage, don't worry about me.]*Not that she
thought the woman would actually. She starts to head out of the
transporter room, navigating by the map given.*
*once more her primary reaction is a lift of the eyebrows* I
enjoy the hunt, besides GUARD there is nothing else. are
young, you have much to learn* Very well, if you have any
questions I am sure one of them *she gestures towards the techies
still ogling her* would be glad to assist...* she too turns from
the transporter room heading towards her next assignment*
*She watches the woman go.* I might be young, but the GUARD will
never be JUST all that I have.*She`d kept a good portion of
herself for herself. And she planned on having a love someday.
Who it would be, she didn't know. She walks out of the
transporter room in search of her quarters.*