*She was starting to feel a little less intimidated by everyone
and everything.. Although she still spent most of her time
alone.. Crowds still overwhelmed her. She liked the new compound.
Loving to spend as much time as she could in the underground
park.. It was a place she could go to relax. The place was big
enough that she frequently would go down there to practice her
changes.. Changing to some animal to roam the park. The only
problems where the time before and after the change.. In order to
not run around the compound naked or in animal form she had
started to slip her clothes off in the woods, change, then when
she was through slip them back on.. Right now she was in one of
her more favorite forms as she lounged down by the pond. She
ignored the looks of others as they stared at the large tiger.*
*She`d only been here a few weeks. But already she had her normal
techie fan club. The ones that liked to follow her around when
she wasn`t trying to ditch them or utwardly telling them to leave
her the hell alone. She`d not made any new friends here really
either. there was that strange young boy. But he`d seemed rather
scared of her. She walks through the door into the underground
garden. Making her way through the marked paths and looking all
around. In her country, something like this would be a luxury for
everyone to envy. She sees the rather large tiger over by the
water. Wondering why anyone would let such a dangerous animal
into the complex and run free. But it would appear that everyone
else simply ignores the beast. Maybe it was a tamed creature.
Sighing a little as she brushes some of the hair from her face.
She wanders over to it, still dressed in her work outfit, the
normal spandex thing. She kneels down from the animal a few feet
away, looking at it admiringly. Such an easy life the beasts of
the world have...*
*She heard someone new approach. For a moment she ignored them as
she debated whether or not to growl at them for disturbing her..
Finally she lifts her head up. Seeing who it is she jumps up in
delight totally forgetting she is in a tiger form and her jumping
looks more like a pounce.* Natallia!! *She remembered the woman
from the one time she had meet her in France in the cafe.*
*She blinks a moment. Seeing the huge tiger jump at her. The fact
that the tiger had spoken at all not registering in her mind.
Reaching out to grab the beast in mid air and hold it aloft by
one of it`s back paws. The action actually being no more work for
her than lifting a straw would be for an adult... Then it does
hit her, after the tigers been dangling for a few
seconds.*[Russian: What the.....?] Do I know yooou?*Seeing as
Toshis is still in the tiger form. and not having read all the
hunter files of who`s stationed at this base yet.*
*Tytan isn't the only one blinking.. Toshi is doing plenty as she
finds herself half dangling in the air as her legs are held.
Giggling she looks up at Tytan only now realizing she is a
tiger.* Um.. Yeah.. Only I looked a lot different.. I'm Toshi..
*In shock, she grabs the front paws of the ladytiger and twirls
her so she`s faceing muzzle to face with Nat. Pulling the tiger
into a huge bearhug as she closes her eyes and sways the beast
about. The feeling being rather uncomfortable seeing as she`s one
of the strongest beings alive and the hug`s none too gentle.* Oh
Commrade... I aaam so haaappy to be meeting you again. I know no
one heeere. They taake me froom my ooother hoome and plaaace mee
heeeere weeks ago.*On the verge of tears that she actually has a
friend here.*
*Lots more blinking occurs as Natallia, in a word.. Manhandles
her.. She is definitely not use to touch in any form and most
especially when she is a rather large tiger.. For a moment she
stiffens a growl slipping unconsciously from her lips before she
hears Natallia's words.. She knew exactly how the other one
felt.. Giggling more she licks Nat's face.* If you don't stop
squeezing you still wont have any friends.. *Her tone is
teasing.. Although she is glad she is in tiger form. She didn't
think her human form could withstand the hug.*
*She opens her eyes in a flash. Not realizing that she might be
hurting, instead of pleasing, the person she`s embracing. She
drops the cat immediately, backing away and folding her arms over
her stomach.* I aaam sorry iiif I hurt you. Sometimes I forget
about...*She looks down at her arms and closes her eyes again.
Slowly taking a seat on the ground in an indian style. Folding
her legs one over the other. She sighs heavilly once, then props
her head on a waiting hand, elbow on knee.* Daaa buuut getting
uuused to aaall thiiis, how you say.... Biiiites theee biiiig
*Catching the nuance in Nat's voice she pads over laying down
next to her reaching a paw out to lay in her lap.* You didn't
hurt me.. *She lets out a soft sigh as well.* I know.. Way t0o
many people.. *It was a little hard to understand the other
woman. She had to really listen to what she said.* I guess we
both have to learn control..
*Nat looks at Toshis paw a bit absently... Sliding her other hand
to cover it as gently as she can. Still cradleing her head with
her other hand as she sits.* I wiiish I knew people...*It was
hard for her to understand what Toshis saying completely as well.
And the only other person that seems to know Russian here at the
base is a real Bitch. She nods in agreement about learning
control. Looking around to make sure her fan club isn`t following
her around as usual. It seems as though she`s lost them for the
time being.* Do you ever thiiink abouuut haaaving a boyfriend? On
dee outsiiide I mean.
*She chuckles when Nat talks about knowing people.* I'm happy
being alone and having only a few friends.. I'm not use to all
these people...*She turns to see what Nat is looking at. She
doesn't see or smell anyone near which is how is usually was.*
Are you expecting anyone? *She didn't realize that Nat was
followed around endlessly. Her thoughts are interrupted by Nat's
next words.* A boyfriend?!? Outside?!? *She almost loses her
shape at the shock.. A boyfriend? She didn't think she could
stand to be that close to anyone.. She had heard that there was a
lot of touching involved when you had a boyfriend.. As for
outside.. She shudders at the thought of being outside the
compound.. She had been able to avoid most others unless she was
training. No one, not even Pole knew that she was developing a
very big fear of anything beyond the compound..*
*She gives Tosha a weak smile.* I liiike being around peeople I
liiike....*Well that sentence wasn`t very gramatically correct.
Though she`s far from knowing it. Watching as Tosha looks to see
who Nat is looking for.* No... Theeese..*She seems to be
searching for a word.* Techs.... They always follow me around.
Perverts they aaare. Caught one trying to set uuup camera iiin my
room.*Wondering why Tosha seems to be so phobic about the
subjects she brings up. she scoots a little closer to the tiger
so that no one would be able to hear them. And actually able to
talk even more quietly than humans because of the advanced senses
that all Unnaturals have.* You do liiike boys....da? *She`d been
around a couple, she`s never done what some other women obviously
have. But she knows a lot about the subject. Her father was very
clear on her duties as a woman to men. The fact that she would
one day be expected to bear childeren. Little does she know that,
more than likely, that won`t be happening either. But the act,
what she`s seen of it on television, astounds and interests her.
Perhaps Toshi was like some of the women on the T.V. who liked
other women...* Or maybe you like girls...?*Uninhibited by the
western worlds taboo discussions, and not seeing anything wrong
with the idea that same sex might like each other.*
*Frowning she shakes her head.* I'll talk to Pole about it.. *It
suddenly hits her how she is the one person most everyone avoids
and she is sitting here with a woman that men seemed to hang
around.. Laughing she rubs her head against Nat's arm.* Stick
around me.. I get avoided like the plague because of my
relationship with Pole.. *She wasn't much on taboo or being
inhibited either. When you lived in a fish bowl and were nude
each time you shifted you tended not to even think anything about
it. Still Nat's questions catch her off guard.. Even if she does
misinterpret them..* I like boys.. *She did like Pole, Yohann and
Mettalic..* Girls are ok too.. *She liked Nat and Becca.. She
really didn't know any others.. She was beginning to respect
Venin even if she didn't really like her still.*
*She`d already reported all the Techs that she`d caught and
remembered. The one in her room had gotten a show he really
didn`t want. Seeing as she threw him right through the steel door
to her room. She raises the arm that was on Toshis paw, then
places it on her head. Rubbing behind her ears. She chuckles a
little, a rather lilting and husky sound.. A small smile forming
on her lips.* Da, but i`m waaatched like a piiicture of the
week... Maaaybe together wee caaan find a haappy medium.*She
laughs a little at her own joke, finding it funny. Though her dry
humour is usually her own... The idea that Toshi likes both men
AND women gives her reason to pausing in stroking her ears.
Though her hand begins again a moment later... She`d thought of
women a couple times. But she`d not known it was acceptable to
prefer BOTH.* Haaaave you ever haaad boy or girl? I haaad man
iinterested enough once to try aaand take what he wanted... He
lost head though...*Literally... she slapped it off with one
*Nat's scratching has her purring in no time.. At this time she
is a cat and loving the attention as she lays her head in Nat's
lap. She had totally misunderstood Nat's question.. She barely
knew anything about relationships and nothing at all about sex..
Content she barely listens to what Nat says.* Had? I don't eat
people...*Confused she turns onto her back to look up at Nat..
Her paws encouraging Nat to scratch her chest.*
*Furrowing her brow in confusion for a moment. Not understanding
what eating people had to do with being with people... Had she
phrased the question wrong? Oh DAMN.... English was such a hard
language with all its wierd rules and hidden meanings. She takes
the invitation and scratches the big cats chest. Taking her hand
from its supporting role and using it to scratch Toshas exposed
chin as well.* Thaaat iiiis good. You would probably get
indigestion... But I meant... Haaave you ever haad boyfriend, or
girlfriend? You know... Haaad one alone wiiith you and all
thaat.*Still keeping her voice low so that none of the passing
workers or anyone would hear her.*
Oh.. *she wrinkles her nose as she thinks her purring growing
louder from her enjoyment of Nat's scratching.* Yohann was in my
room alone with me once...*She still didn't understand where Nat
was going. Sex education had /not/ been part of her training and
being in isolation for so many years had left her without the
even rudimentary understanding of a child.*
*She`d met Yohann once in the training room. A likeable guy...
She raises a brow though, taking the "in my room once"
comment right where it probably shouldn`t have gone. A dangerous
mix, a slight understanding of English paired with a sheltered
youths understanding. The probablility or resulting understanding
disaster.....90%.* He was....?*She blinks a few times.. Lowering
her voice even farter as she continues the scratching.* How waaas
iiit? Diiiid you haaave fun?
*Yep.. Language barrier and naivete combine for total
misunderstanding.. Her eyes close as she nuzzles closer to Nat
like any cat would that was being scratched and enjoying it.* It
was a lot of fun...*She doesn't mention that all they did was
wrap Christmas presents. Something Toshi had never done before
and had resulted in tape and bows being stuck all over..*
*Her eyes go a bit wide, though Toshi wouldn`t be able to see
them since she`s lying belly up getting her chin scratched. Not
only had it been fun, but it had been a LOT of fun. With her
limited understanding of the language, she takes that as being a
huge step up from simply fun. Mentioning the christmas present
thing would have taken her mind away from the gutter it was
spiraling down..* Whaaat diiid he dooo?*It looked fun on
television, but being able to ask somone first hand, who`d
obviously had experience, was alot better.*
He helped me wrap Christmas presents.. *She giggles as she
remembers the day.* I hadn't ever done that before.. It was a lot
of fun.. *She had no idea where Nat's mind had gone from her
earlier statements.. So had no idea how her words now would
effect the woman.*
*She stops scratching for a moment... Christmas presents? She
starts to giggle at first, and then bursts out into fullblown
laughter. A few people looking their way as she goes into the
hysterics.* Chr...!*She keeps laughing, pressing a hand to her
chest beneath her throat to try and calm herself...* And I
thou.... you twoo...That he.....An` you...!*She just can`t stop
laughing at the fact she`d ben so mixed up as to what had
happened in the room. Lieing down on her back and holding her
stomach to try and stop the fervent, violent, sobs of delight.*
*Confused and not liking the fact that Nat had stopped scratching
her she rolls over to look at her.* Thought what? *Not
understanding why Nat is laughing she begins to think Nat is
laughing at her. Growling softly she gets up starting to move
away into the woods.. Hurt that someone she thought was her
friend was laughing at her.*
*She finally gets control of her laughter as the tiger is moving
away. Gasping for air as she sits back up. Still holding her
stomach from the violent rumblings. Though she no longer felt
pain as everyone else did, she could still feel the
uncomfortableness of tireing muscles..* I aaamm sorry commrade..
I thought theee two of you were alone... Liiike, iiin a bed
alone..*She gets out a couple of after giggles. Though truely
hopeing she`d not insulted Toshi too much, after all, she`s her
only real friend in this place.*
*It was probably a good thing she was already partially in the
woods.. Nat's words left her so shocked she lost control of her
shift.. Moving just a little further into woods as she looses the
bulk from the tiger form. Changing from a larger form than her
own was always a messy thing. All that she is able to manage in
response to Nat's words is a strangled noise as she shifts*
*She hears the strangled noise easilly. Blinking a couple times
she stands up and heads over to the small underbrush. Not knowing
what`s going on. Parting a couple of the bushes branches, she
looks into the hidding area provided. Hopeing that TOSHI isn`t
that mad at her. She moves into the forest a little.* Toshi..?
You are naught maaad at me niet?*Hoping to catch sight of the
tiger as she moves a little deeper.*
*She won't have to move far before she will be stepping in what
looks very much like half melted lard or shortening and lying in
the middle of the mess would be Toshi, a very naked Toshi.
Hearing Nat she looks up as she starts to push herself up.* I'm
not mad Nat.. I thought you were laughing at me cause I didn't
know you were talking about men and women being in.. *she blushes
the blush covering her whole body as she looks down away from
Nat.* in.. You know that way.. *It should be clear even to Nat at
this stage that Toshi has no understanding of sex or the
relationship between lovers.*
*She looks around to make sure then have no peepers following
them.. Walking over to the gooey substance and holding her hand
out for the girl to take so she can help her out of it if need
be.* Noo my dear friiend. I waaas naught laughing aaaat you.
*Seeing the blush cover Toshis whole body, something Nat takes a
slight look at despite modesties sake, then looking back to
Toshis eyes. Understanding now that not only had the girl NEVER
had a boyfriend, she`d probably not seen many of americas popular
movies today. Those illustrated easily the realationships between
men and women, a few of them very graphically.* Da... I vas
talking aboout them iiin thaat way commrade. I appoligize. I
diiid not know how much you didn` much you don`t knoow..
Do you have clothes around? Or vould you like me to go geet you
somthing to cover up wiiith?
*Her lack of knowledge embarrasses her even more.. Though she
reaches out to take Nat's hand. Her nudity doesn't bother her at
all. She didn't even think about it. She had done too many shifts
around others to have it bother her. Though she did remember most
people were uncomfortable around it. Nat didn't seem to be
though.* No I haven't.. I guess you didn't know that I've only
been out of a sterile, isolated environment for less than a
year.. There are a lot of things I don't know.. *She didn't blame
Nat at all for the misunderstanding..* I have some clothes over
there.. *She nods towards her t-shirt, jeans and shoes close by.
A towel lying next to them. Her body is still slick and covered
in some of the goo yet as she starts to move over to her stuff.
Grabbing the towel as she began to clean off her body.* I make
sure I come prepared now.. I get strange looks going back to my
room in whatever form I had chosen for the day. Or if I walked
back nude.. Pole told me not to do that..
*She pulls the girl up close to her as she accepts the helping
hand up. Nats gloved hands save her from the feeling of the goo,
whatever feeling it might be. Nats taller than most women, well
into 6`0. She looks Toshi over pointedly after her statements
before she lets her go to dry off and get the clothing.* Some
people are bothered around nudiiity. Iiiit is naught as taboo
where I come from. Though one must haaaave modesty around public
places, iiit iiis simply somthing people talk about in paaassing.
Where aaas, from whaat I understaaand, iiin the ameriiicas iit`s
shied away from. Pole probably told you thiis for your
protection. Men, on the outside world, often try to take
advantage of women because they are seeen aaas the weaker of the
species.*Where as Nat is the epitome of that untrueness. More
than likely stronger than anything else that`s ever been alive.*
He might be afraiid thaat one of the workers may become to
liiberal wiiith you. And attempt to taake somthing thaat`s meant
to be given.*She leans against one of the trees, the wood
groaning from the pressure put on it`s trunk.* You are a very
beautiiful lady. Nudity iiis often whaaat men desire to see the
most.*She shrugs.* Theey are weak thaat way.
*Toshi is much smaller than the other woman, barely 5'. Smiling
she looks up at Nat.* Thanks.. *Nat's looking doesn't bother her
at all. Why should it? Although as Nat talks she frowns
slightly.* I don't understand that.. *She had never been treated
as an object of desire. Then again the majority of the scientist
that had made up her knowledge of people had been with her since
she was an infant or at the least a young child. They were more
interested in what she could do not what she looked like.. She
stops in her drying as she looks up at Nat.* Nat...
*She continues her leaning position on the tree. Unaware of what
roads Toshis mind heads down.* Perhaaaps you should do some
reading. Or aaask somone, before you make any serious triiips
into the surface world. Iiit`s a dangerous place iiif you don`t
know its customs and practiices.*She watches the girl as she
dries off a slight smile on her face until she realizes that
Toshis stopped, and that she`s been asked a question.*
Uh...hmmmm? Da Commrade?
*It's much easier to see her expressions in this form. As Nat
talks about going out of the compound panic sets in. Her hands
clutch the towel a lot tighter the knuckles turning white. The
color drains from her face as she starts to breath faster.. She
forgets about her question to Nat. All she can think about is how
big and dangerous it is outside the compound.*
*She keeps her eyes on Toshi watching as her knuckles turn white
from how hard they grip the towel. Was what she had to ask that
embarassing that she needed to panic so obviously? She pushes
herself off the tree, the action almost sending the tree snapping
in half. though it jiggles violently for a few moments after
she`s left it. She walks over to Toshi and places her hands on
her shoulders. Seeing the lack of colour in her face as she
clears some of the girls stray hair away.* Aaask your question
commrade...*Not realizing that it`s her description of the world
at large that had caused the girl to go into this state of
obvious panic.*
*Closing her eyes she leans against Nat trying to calm her panic.
It takes her a minute, but she is finally able to push back a bit
to look up at Nat.* Would you help me Nat? I mean.. Learn about
the world, relationships.. I.. *Her words came in a rush then
halted.. As she looked away embarrassed by her panic and lack of
experience around people..*
*Nat stiffens a little as Toshi leans against her. She`s seen
people nude before. Seen her parents nude when they all used to
take a comunal bath together. After all, heating in her country
doesn`t come cheap. But she`d never been close to another person
who was nude and wasn`t part of her immediate family. She tilts
her head to the side slightly, eyes widening a little from some
of the feelings she percieves through the towel and through her
thin Spandex outfit. Looking down at Toshi as she asks her to
help her learn about these relationships, and the world in
general.. She swallows hard once, nodding as an answer before she
speaks.* Da... I viill help you. Though I bee learning aaas much
as yourself. I do naught know thaaat much, personally, that goes
on either.. Though I can help you learn about the world. I vould
even go viith you should you want to go to a mall or somthiing.
Though you`d have to talk to people more thaaan me I siimply do
naught understaand Americans.*Her voice never raises from a soft
lilting whisper the entire time. Accidentally draping her arms
over the girls shoulders to dangle alongside the outsides of her
ribs. An accident, but she`d been holding her shoulders when the
girl leaned back against her, and they just slipped, and probably
tickled with the spandex material, all the way down.*
*She had started to move away from Nat as she talked. Her
discomfort about being touched starts to assert itself. It was
one thing to be scratched as a tiger. Another to be touched at
all when she was human.. The only person that had ever hugged her
in any way had been Pole. Nat's arms across her shoulders make
her a little uncomfortable. Although she doesn't notice or
realize Nat's discomfort. Smiling up at Nat she started to thank
her for her help when she mentions going out to a mall. Again the
panic is in her eyes.* NO! *Shaking she tries to twist away from
*So lost was she in her thoughts about what she`d actually be
teaching Toshi that she only notices the girl is attempting,
rather unsuccessfully, to slip out from beneath the very loose,
and accidental, hug she`s placed on her. Not realizeing what she
said that`s got her so upset. She takes her arms off Toshi and
backs up a few paces. Wondering what she`s done wrong, confusion
marking her face. After all, hadn`t Toshi just asked her to teach
her about all those things?* Changing your mind commrade? You do
naught cant me to teach you the things yoou haaave aaasked for?*
A very confused look etching its way to her face as she tries to
understand what she`s done wrong. Her own discomfort melting away
as her mind switches back to reality.*
*Again there were misunderstandings and miscommunications between
the two. Still shaking Toshi shakes her head.* No.. I.. *She
didn't want to tell Nat that she was afraid to leave the
compound. She knew that Hunters were expected to go out to hunt..
She wanted to be a Hunter to make Pole proud. How could she tell
him or anyone else that she was terrified to leave the compound.
She had spent too many years in a small isolated area. Then
thrown out into the world alone. It had been too much for her..
Here she had safety.. Yet all of that isolation and training by
the scientist to tell them everything she felt left her unable to
come up with a way not to tell.. Torn by her fears and what she
felt was a personal failure she didn't know what to do.. Add to
that the hurt she perceived in Nat's eyes from her actions.. Tear
coming to her eyes she slips down to the ground sitting on her
clothes as she wraps her arms around her legs.* I'm sorry Nat..
*She raises one of her gloved hands to her lips for a moment as
Toshi lowers herself to the ground and huddles up into her small
little ball. Biting the inside of her bottom lips to think about
what`s going on. She simply didn`t understand any of what`s
happening.. slowly she walks over to where Toshi`s sitting,
reaching a hand out to caress the back of her head, but stopping
short. Everytime she touched someone, it semed to bring hurt on
them somehow. Either physically, or emotionally. That`s the one
thing that can hurt Nat, emotions. Because she has no feelings of
pain, and very few feelings of pleasure as well, her emotions
work to compensate for the losses. Neither wanting to hurt
others, or have hers hurt, emotions. Pursing her lips together
and drawing her hand away she grasps the tips of her fingers
where the gloves are. Pulling one of the spandex gloves slowly
off her hand and letting it fall to the ground. All the doctors
knew she couldn`t feel pain, but they`d never actually asked her
about anything else. It`s in her file that she doesn`t feel pain
like others but nothing about the other parts. She takes her now
bare hand and places it as gently as she can on Toshis head.
Trying to gently run her fingers through the smaller girls hair.
Kneeling down rather joltedly to the gound in front of the girls
curled up legs.* I caaan`t feel thiiis anymore.... Forgotten what
iiit`s like. Vhat`s iit liike to you Toshi?*She`d give anything
to be able to feel people again, to feel anything other than the
fact that something, anything, is there. She can tell when she
grasps somthing, feel the pressure against her skin, but warmth,
cold, texture. It`s all lost to her.*
*She knows when Nat moves over next to her, but doesn't move or
respond until Nat sits down net to her. Despite Nat's gentle
touch she catches a small tangle in Toshi's hair causing her to
wince slightly as she reaches up to place her hand over Nat's.
Her thoughts change from her own fears to Nat.* You can't feel?
*Her sense of touch was very acute.. She had to train herself
though not to read everything she touched as a series of DNA
codes though.* My touch is different I think from most.. I read
the DNA. I know from just touching you exactly how you are made..
I could duplicate you perfectly.. Even your lack of feeling
*She looks into Toshis eyes and shakes her head.* Niet.... I
caaan feel no paiin. But, I cannot feel anythiing either. The
sciiientiiists. They are not iinterested iin thaat factor though.
They do naught aask me about iiit.*She shrugs a little bit.* So I
do not tell them.*She can`t even feel Toshis hand when it covers
hers.* I can tell thaat you haand is there. But I caan`t feel it.
I miiss that.. From the day my power surfaced I was destined to
never know how some thiiings would feel agaain.*Listening to how
Toshi explains how part of her power works, she shakes her head
slowly.* But Iii vould beeg of you to never do iiit.. Iiit`s a
feeling you don`t want to know about.*More because she`s slightly
shamed she can't feel things, and doesn`t want anyone else to
know how she really experiences such. Her hand, as Toshi covers
it, is hard to the touch, always. Even on the joining of where
the thumb meets index finger, said to be the tenderest bit of
flesh on humans. Due to the hyperdense muscle structure of her
body. Her entire form is like that, pretty much a huge fleshlike
mound of steel.*
*Frowning she moves her hand from where it covers Nat's to reach
out to touch her face. She could feel the density of Nat's body..
It didn't feel like anyone else's she had touched. Then again she
had touched so few.* I have always been afraid to touch.. Before
the bracelets were developed touching you would have forced a
change.. Anything organic I came in contact with would force a
change.. *She closes her eyes letting her touch read Nat's DNA.
She knew she could help others heal, but she wondered if she
could do more.. Everyone had always concentrated on controlling
her shifting. She had never tried to change anyone's DNA and she
wouldn't now.. Not on Nat.. She wondered though if she could find
what stopped Nat from feeling.*
*She shivers a little as Toshis hand comes into ontact with her
face. Unable to feel in more than the pressure of knowing it was
there. She leans into it a little, wishing that the simple action
in itself might bring back her lost faculties. She bites back on
the inside of her mouth a little, glad that her sense of taste is
still there. Though no blood flows into her mouth, yet one of the
other facets of her power, the invulnerability. Merely pulling on
the skin that others sometimes worried off with their teeth.
Biting back a few tears of her own at the frustration of it all.
She`d give her powers to somone else in a heartbeat if it meant
she got to go back home and be with her family and friends. No
one here really cared about her that much, and it affected her
more deeply than it would most others. Unknowing of the thoughts
that run through Toshis mind. Though through her DNA Toshi would
find mothing wrong with her nervous system. Electical current is
flowing through it as it should. It`s actually more of a mercy
from her mind, it`s shut off her ability to feel, sort of like
when a person feels too much pain they pass out. Her dense
musclestructure so constricting that it pinches every nerve in
her body to a point where she`d be in a constant state of
screaming. So, for mercies sake, her mind had shut off the
ability to feel to the best of its capability, only offering her
the fact that there`s pressure against her muscles. Nerves, being
as sensetive as they are, are the one thing that her DNA matrix
couldn`t strengthen like it could the veins that run between the
muscles. Nerves had to be sensetie, or why have them?* Never be
afraid of touch commrade... Iiiit`s a feeliiing you`d be sore to
lose.*She reaches up and runs her rock hard hand as gently as she
can over Toshis skin, it taking a massive amount of concentration
on her part to even be as gentle as she is. She looks Toshi
over..* There are other changes too. I`m afraiiid for people to
see me as you are now...*Meaning nude. More because of an effect
the muscles have, which had only been described by a doctor, when
she was on the examination table, as "Freaky".*
*She had never been so bold or free in her touch as she was now
with Nat. Fascinated by the other woman she lets her hand drop as
she tilts her head looking at her. She knew there was nothing
wrong with Nat.. She wasn't sure what was causing the lack of
sensation.. Perhaps another time she would shift to Nat and see..
That day would be a major mistake on her part.. Her mind wouldn't
have the block that Nat's did.. Even the brief period of pain
would overwhelm her before she reverted back to her own form
unable to hold the shift because of the pain.* Pole tells me the
same thing.. It's hard though.. You don't know what it's like to
touch something and change whether you want to or not.. It's
terrifying.. *Frowning she looks Nat over.* Why would you not
want to be seen nude? You look very nice to me..