.....never go back to a lair thats even half sniffed out...and I
bet they can put two and two together....*part of him hurting
badly..that's his HOME dammit...then he freezes* what about
gild?? he won't know not to go back....
*she hears more noise from up ahead and freezes, every sense
straining for identification, slowly, soundlessly she reaches
down and grabs the gun from the recently downed man, her fingers
fumble with it briefly as she gains familiarity with the weapon
and checks for ammo, then she slowly once again begins her check point down 5 to go*
*And the simply responded with a...*Goodbye...*Not even
startled, so cool was the S.E.A.L. in his natural environment.
Bred for combat in generations of his famliy. He unleashes the
power of the stored pressure ball. Allowing it to expload. The
entire stairwell, would go totally soundless for a moment before
a huge exploasion, much like what you'd encounter after a nuclear
blast, only this one a lot smaller, fallout. Himself being
unharmed, as he's immune to his own pressure. Just coontinueing
to use his pressure spike to float down the stairwells Aiming his shotgun up for any who would follow.
Alan had learned to kill without remorse, this was no exception
his friends life was on the line. As well as his own. He knew the
risks in coming here... And he wasn't about to let one hunter
bring him down.*
~*~ She blinks as he mentions Gild, Screeching the car to a stop.
Thinking quickly, her mind working. It was unlikely that tonight
he would return to the farmhouse, he had been out, several nights
in a row. Assured too he would able to fend for himself, if he
weren't as so stupid to blindly walk in. Plop on the couch and
try to turn on the disassembled Television. . ~*~ He is always
alert. he will see all the lights are out, even the Truck is
gone, he will know. . . ~*~ She couldn't spare the extra power
form protecting Abyss and herself, as well as keeping contact
with Abyss, and finally saying ~*~ If you still are unsured I can
contact him.. .
~*~ He was then faster than he could think to move enveloped by a
pressure ball. He didn't blink before his innards were sprayed
across the walls of the GUARD Stairwell, and he just became a
lovely red addition to the paint-job. **
......we'll just have to hope he's actually paying attention this
time too...*he knows it's hard to be on guard in a place you've
always considered safe*
*He reaches the corridor where the comman center is and stops in
stunned disbelief as he stares down it at utter blackness...the
command was down too? how?..flash lights play up and down the
hallway, glinting off his knife blade, as people help their
comrades...he listens carefully for sounds of battle,
explosions...anything resembling a runner attack...what was this,
it couldn't be a power outage, there was no conceivable way that
HQ could loose all power, not without interference.....why?
especially if they weren't attacking? why?....unless* they want
something....or someone*dawning realization crosses his face and
he turns, quickly heading over towards the checkpoints, the final
security between the prisoners and freedom with the power
*Just as she slips through the opened door a second explosion
sends her flying against the wall. Her quarters being close to
the control room she starts to make her way there. Stopping she
listens at Poles door.* Pole? *Not getting a response she assumes
he wasn't in the room. He would have torn the door off if he had
been. Slowly she makes her way to the control room. Her fingers
softly stroking the strand of hair in her pocket.*
*he just nods, then curls up in the seat, his face hidden now.
he's done everything he can think of to help- now they're running
away. he slips off to slumber- a restless,fitful one- leaving her
to her own thoughts.*
*She hears the dull echo of an explosion somewhere up the
way..wether it is theirs, or another, doesn't matter..what does
is that she escape...or die this point she will worry
about casualties later, listen to her conscience when she has the
time..right now survival is what mattered. Even if she wanted she
could not sneak quietly past the sentries, never leave your enemy
behind your back....she knew how guard operated, how they
thought..she bumps into something and stops cold, listening,
tense for action...when nothing happens she caustiously reaches
out...her senses revealing to her a desk...this has to be another
check point...the sentries must have abandoned it to help in the
fight.. all the better for her*
** He had sat there in silence, his eyes closed and ears open to
the chaos around him. The gates, the tests, the everything . He
listened quietly as the other Guard paced uneasily. It one was
one of the nights he had off, he had wandered down to visit
Yvette again, now he thought better of it. He listened to the
other HUNTER pace slowly, and methodically as he then said **
Calm down, if it were an invasion, they would have killed us all
by now. . ** He kept his eyes closed, and ears open. . listening
to the sounds of chaos above, and some below. Staking the post in
case the off chance the other 6 barriers failed to work, and one
of the prisoners was attentive enough to realise the baracades
were down, he could flick a few conaintment feilds on them, via
battery operated remote , and even battle them with efficency.
Though nothing, not a peep had come aside form the occasional
ruckus, and then more silence. . .**
* he bumps into someone his hand coming up to the shoulder s to
steady them* sorry * he goes to continue on, then as an after
thought throws over his shoulder* don't bother going that way,
commands down
*Reaching the corridor to the command center her flashlight dies.
Her head down she doesn't notice Metallic until he bumps into
her. Before she has a chance to say anything he is gone. Shaking
her head she looks down the corridor to the command center. She
didn't hear Pole yelling so he must not of been in the HQ. She
then turned to watch a dark figure she thought was the guy that
had bumped in to her. When he called out she nodded. Should she
follow him? Pole would be furious if she put herself in danger,
but wasn't she a member of G.U.A.R.D.? She wasn't about to sit by
while the compound was attacked a second time. Making up her mind
she moves down the hall behind Metallic.*
he is aware of someone falling into place behind hiim...good the
more the better..if his hunch is right...*
*He continues his descent. Finally reaching the prison level.
Moving quickly against the side door. He peeks slightly around
the corner. Seeing two guards there. Putting his shotgun away and
reaching under his coat for a S.E.A.L.s pride and joy. A Tech-9.
Though the thing he grabs off the web belt he wears will help
too. Pulling the pin of the concussion grenade, he throws it
around the corner, the small object rolling up to the feet of one
of them before it exploads with a deafening sound. Alan was
spared the torture of the huge sound, having made a barrier of
unseen pressure in the doorways arch. He comes around the corner,
tech-9 leading the way. Spraying both guards with a hail of
bullets. Killing one instantly, the rest of the bullets are
directed at the second GUARD. The bigger and more well built of
the two. He ducks back around the corner. Forming his pressure
ball for an atack.*
*The distance between posts seemed to be getting longer...or ws
it her battle tense nerves, her over strained senses...maybe she
should have grabbed some of the others while she was down there,
helped them escape...but no, they would only hinder her, she
didn't know quite where they were..and they would only be a
hazard, maybe not to herself, but defiantley to her
friends...they had risked much for her, she couldn't ask more, by
having them accomaodate more runners...with quiet stealth she
rounds anther corner only to encounter what feels like a wall of
stone, with a loud exhalaiton of air she falls to the floor..she
hadn't been expecting that, she hadn't heard anyone...she listens
now for their breathing, pinpointing their location and jumps at
them taking her assailant out as he falls heavily on the floor,
his skull making a dull thud.....another checkpoint done...she
hurridely makes her way upwards, ever upwards towards
freedom...she approaches another checkpoint, this one milling
with GUARDians, luckily their own flashlights point them out, and
blind them, their own noise masking her own as she makes her way
around last check point to go*
*Her fingers again stroke the strand of hair in her pocket.
Should she use it now? She could use the extra senses, but until
she could let the one she was following know what she was going
to do he might shoot her by mistake. Picking up her pace she
tries to close the distance between them.*
** He slowly smiled as he asked the other officer to remain
silent, as he in turn mocked him for being paranoid. James then
rose a brow, his eyes widening at the sound that he was looking
for. Not the one that was made by feet walking, or a panicked
muffled voice, or the pacing of the individual before him. A
rolling sound. .and nothing before that. Metal clinking to tile,
repetitive. He was up and out of his chair as the explosion at
his ears, and he blinked his eyes open. As he clutched to his
ears. ducking then Not fast enough to avoid all the the bullets,
but faster than the person who simply now was missing half of
their head. Feeling a hot sting, rip through his thigh, feeling
it exit out the oppisite side. He colapsed and then quickly in
the same excruiating moment slid his body down to the stairs
leading to point 4. . He winced, covered from any shots from the
entry, He was not fully powered, infact he was just bearly above
normal. His leg soon wrapped flesh and bone around the injured
parts, the bleeding stopped, he held his breath in silence. He
sat there for a long moment. No weapons at his disposal, instead,
he silently as he could climbed down the stairs, as to alert the
other stations. He blinked seeing a far off light sweep. THE
IDIOTS, they had their flashlights ON! ! He nearly called out,
instead held his tounge, and slid further down. His attention
focused soley on the top of the stair. He moved with uncanny
stealth, until there were no more steps to decend. He wasn't
stupid, he knew the extent of his abilities, and what they did
and did not compare to. **
*she hears noise up ahead and slows her pace, she can hear
gunshots..but whose?...she moves itno a half crouch a she
continues up the hall, anyone shooting blindly would aim for a
standing person..hopefully it woudl blow over her...gun held
before her she weaves back and forth across the hall, never
staying within the same perceptable target range for long, up
ahead she can just barely make out two forms, who is what is
undeterminable so she continues her cautious approach, praying
that none of the now visible weaving flashlights would turn on
her, and revel her location*
* He can hear/feel the person move up behind him and uses his
powers to project a silent whisper in her ear, that no others can
hear* The prisoners, I think its a breakout attempt use caution
*Frowning she hadn't realized there were any prisoners. Then
again she really wasn't in the normal chain of things. She was
still treated more like a lab experiment than a person. Reaching
out she touches his arm to get his attention.*
*He feels a light pressure on his arem and turns toward her *
I am going to change.. I wanted to warn you.. *Not waiting for a
response she triggers her power. Her form seems to waver..
Growing larger. It takes a moment, but soon an adult tiger is
standing where she had been.*
*she stops suddenly as he hears a noise nearby, one that
distinctively stood out... what exactally it was she couldn't
say, but it was something..something that shouldnt' be there, not
if it was empty ahead of her...she scans the area looking from
the corner of her eyes...the section that had the best night
vision.....she listens carefully for breathing, the sound of
rubbing cloth, the heavy pounding of a heart anything that would
give another awya.....she smells/tastes the air, like a wild
beast scenting for prey, hoping for something, anything, a hint
of what may lay ahead of her*
*He comes around the corner, barely seeing BLACKs feet drag down
the steps. This could be an advantage. A warrior always found the
good in all things. moving silently, only in the way that
asassins seemed to. But, after all, that's what the S.E.A.L.s as
well as MARINE Force Recon were used for. He pulls up to the wall
near the way to the stairs black just used. Sticking the barrel
of his gun slowly around the corner, a small mirror attatched to
the tip. Seeing the injured GUARD, who in the darknes he still
mistakes as a normal GUARD and not one of the real powered ones.
He tilts the mirror slightly downwards, seeing the flashes from
flaslights... One....Two.... Three of them at the next
checkpoint. He comes around the corner as BLACK is still crawling
down the steps. Much like a skilled baseball player. He removes
another grenade from his belt, pulls the pin with his teeth.
Waits a few seconds, then throws the grenade down the steps with
all his force. The grenade bouncing -over- BLACKDAGGER and down
into the next room where it goes off yet again..*
* he continues to use his powers* long as you can
control it....*as he turned he had recognized a rookie, a
recruit..there were enough probs here...he didn't need an
uncontrollable shifter making things worse...he looks down at her
chosen form..dumb choice, too big for some things here, I woulda
gone for a badger or something, just as viscious and fantastic in
the dark*
** He watched with a refined eye, and as easily as Abyss saw him
he saw the slight silouette in the dark, and the flashlights
gleaming off of it (The mirror) from down the hall. He then
ducked quickly, still stealth, holding in a breath as he
retreated deeper into the shadow. Then he felt it too, something
his ears not picking up a damp echo. He froze, then, still
against the wall only 15 feet away from the stair. The gernade he
didn't see hurled over head landed. He quickly turned his head to
see that the tick was, givin off the smallest sound of his hair
rolling over his shirt. He again crouched lower, his finger-tips
pressed against the tile, glancing towards the stair, and beyond,
awaiting. He then heard another deafening explosion, add some
hot-head shooting with random shots towards the noise. He wanted
to cry out again -FOOLS!- But instead lowered his head, hoping
that they wouldn't wave the lights towards him. . and give his
exact location, instead the clumbsy oafs had taken out one of
their own men. They abandoned their post and retreated further
into the compoud, he grit his teeth noting the single flashlight
still in a far distance, shining off the tile, and shooting into
streams down the hall. Only then, in this series of action that
took place in less than 2 seconds he saw her, rather. . her feet.
. .**
*Knowing he was more experineced than her she stays behind him.
Her sight now enhanced by the new form. His comment on control
making her shake her head. All she could do was hope she kept the
form too. Her braclets still vulnerable if one knew what they
were. She wouldn't let him know though.*
* she hears the metallic ping as the grenade lands and throws
herself as far form the sound as possible, she as a pretty damn
good idea what that sound was and has no desire to tempt fate
further than she has...even so she is not fully out of range, and
finds herself flattened as the grenade goes off, her ears
ringing, all senses totally shot out by the unexpected
takes a long while for coherent thoughts to form, and she lays
there, stunned by the blast, trying to convince her body to do
what it seems unwilling to do*
*Seing as all the guards below were just stunned all to hell. He
runs down the stairs. Vaulting over the injured BlackDagger. Like
a man possessed, he flies around the corner, aiming at
flashlights as he opens fire with the TECH-9. The guards didn't
stand a chance, the element of surprise on his side, as well as
the fact that their ear drums were probably bleeding. He sprays
the entire room, as long as he sees nothing friendly. Waiting
till everything has stopped moving, or until his clip runs out,
before he stops shooting. Whichever may come first.*
*gradually she regains partial control of her body, yet her ears
are still ringing, she cannot pick out anything right now...if
she moves she will surely be spotted..but if she doesn', anything
could happen....slowly, carefully,she levers herself up on one
arm, her head turning slightly as she scans her surrounding with
her periphery vision, suddenly bullets are firing randomly down
towards her, some ricocheting off the walls and floors, other
flying is a random spray, meant to take out
anyone, or anything living... she winces as she feels a bullet
tear through her leg, but is elated as she feels that old
familiar surge of power, her head begins to clear, the ringing
finally quieting,she can hear something up ahead, but it is
indistinguishable, the ringing making it impossible to
identify...she pulls herself to her feet and carefully, quietly
proceeds towards it, the gun heald before her, ready to
fire...whatever the noise was, it was between her and freedom*
*He moves quickly, up the hallway, his powers used to deaden any
noise he makes..he stops suddenly as a flashlight is shined at
him, blinding him he once agin uses his powers to project towards
the lightbearer*turn the damn thing off, or you'll make a target
of us all *The light is abrubtly switched off and he makes his
way further up the hall, towards where the prisoners are kept*
~*~ She had had about enough of being captive in the supply
closet. Nothing, it scared her. Not even the comforting
ocassional static of the internal com. Her since hyper senced
eyes picked up movement outside as Metalliac past. FINALLY, She
then pounded and shouted in several languages from behind the
door, basically -LET ME OUT NOW- at the top of her lungs. Feeling
vibrations upon the floor, feeling the iron in the blood as she
willed it, pleaded it to stop. Though her powers weren't as
refined to control those minute amounts, she then tried to grasp
on ANYTHING magnetically controled on the pair that walked by
screaming again behind the near soundproof door - LET ME OUT NOW!
*he pauses as he hears shouting beside him, his hand reaching out
and finding a door..damn its a storage closet..why didn't they
give these things an emergeny open on the inside?....he pauses
considering wether to advance or help..he might need the back
up..silently he projects his voice inside* hold on, we'll get you
out *then turning to the tiger* you see the emergency release
anywhere around here? *he begins feeling around the door...they
have to at least have an exterior one*
*As she passed a door she could feel the vibrations of someone
pounding on it. Still she was intent on following Metallic and
didn't have the time to bother with someone behind a door. It
wasn't until her form began to waver that she stopped. Sensing
that whoever was behind the door was responsible for it. With a
low growl she ripped at the door. Her strength enough it should
rip the door off the hinges.*
*Dagger slaps the gun from his hand. Alan falls to the ground in
a slight crumple with the blow to his knees. But, it's the first
hit he's taken all night and he's hardly even winded by the small
hit that was meant to deflect the gun. Like the martial arts he
was trained in, he puts his hands above his head while on the
ground. Throwing himself to his feet. Standing at the ready to
beat down the GUARD assailant. Noting that it is BlackDagger now,
seeing as they are close enough to see, alans eyes had adjusted
to the dark a while back. He kicks at the prone GUARD. Wanting
him down this time so he can't foil an otherwise flawless
operation. though he now notes VENIN. Looking her way, having
expected her to still be in her cell.* Yvette!*She looked good,
definately cut of stone looking were her muscles. Though she
seemed changed.... He looks down at the GUARD. Growling
slightly.* What did you do to her....
~*~ If the door HAD hinges, and if she was powerful enough to
/stop/ the iron in the blood. Nope it was a damned plastic
soundproof door, or her powers of magnitisim would have taken
care of it minutes ago. Regarding the iron in the blood, she
could identify it, and she /tried/ to control it to no avail. She
screamed a bit more, until she felt her throat wear hoarse. She
pounded a few times more until someone paused. She then in her
silence, calledout again. . . this time a more polite and muffled
~*~ Hello?
** He then dodged away from Alan as the gun went spinning off
into the void, watching, and then nearly snarling ** I'm not the
one who almost shot her, damned Gun-ho. . .** He glanced towards
her and approached her with wariness, keeping his eyes locked on
Alan most of the time. He then paused, simply halted noting the
leg, then glaring at Alan fully ** You /idiot/ ** said through
the darkness, his voice severly winded as his body tried to
refill itself with energy. It was hunrgy, though not too deprived
to activate the energy stealing power instantly. He looked
towards Yvette then fully, managing then to breath normally.
Slowly ever soslowly his body would return back to normal. He
nodded towards her and called out ** Yvette, put down the gun . .
** his voice near commanding, though seeming pleading at the same
*Shaking her head she snuffles around looking for the outside
release lever. Her instincts still to pull the door off. At least
whatever had caused her form to waver had stopped. Finally she
finds the lever. Seeing how fragile it was she growls at
Metalic.. Her paw pointing to the lever.*
*hearing your low growl he reaches down, following your
directions, then begins the long tedious process of unwinding the
door open*good work
~*~ She then started swearing in French, Damn it why did she
bother to call out, not as if she could hear them respond. Though
feeling them pause, she then called, just for good measure, still
muffled greatly ~*~ Are you going to get me out? ~*~ Saying that
too in a few languages, and then slumping towards the door. There
was no manual release she could find inside the closet, and it
made her even more enraged. Her eyes had adjusted to pitch, and
still there was nothing to see. She finally, kicked at the door
in utter frustration. . feeling herself breath deeply, and then
nothing but the feelingof air around her. . .she said then in
french quietly even though she could not hear, near maybe to the
air ~*~ {Like being in a tomb. .}
*He stands there. Not careing for Daggers insult of him. Seeing
that dagger, for some odd reason, is actually concerned for a
R.UN.ner, he keeps an eye out down the corridor.* Yvette... Shoot
him and lets get the hell out of here. We don't have lot of
time!*He forms a pressure ball in his hand. For either BLACK, or
anyone that might come down the hall trying to stop them.*
*She pauses as she hears his voice, her gun automatically
levelling at him before full recognition sinks in* Alan? *hope,
joy, confusion, everything thrown into that one word as she
hastens her pace then she stops as James calls out as well..she
raises the gun in his direction* I'm not staying here *the pistol
remains steady, unlike her words, which shake with emotion,
countless emotions, this place was a hell, and the thought of
being stuck here....she lowers the pistol* I couldn't shoot
you....just let me by? *she glances up at Alan, a slight shake of
her head, telling him to leave BD alone*
*Moves around Metallic to slip a paw in to the door when it
starts to open.. Pushing against it to help open it quicker*
~*~ She blinekd as the door began to reel open She could smell
it, fresh air. Saying then as she stood, and turned towards the
air, and calling from the crack, ~*~ About time, thank heaven. .
~*~ At least every GUARD knew English, her thick French accent
hung over every word as the door slowly started to open She then
squeezed out of the small crack before it was totally open,
having been entirely too thin for a vetran hunter. Calling in the
darkness a small ~*~ Thank you, ~*~ Reaching with blind hands
until her hyper sences eyes adjusted, making out a few outlines.
She blinked down and startled away from the huge feline. . ~*~
*He looks over, another he doesn't recognize, definatley a
frenchie, but another trainee, or a vet?...he could really use
some vet backup if his hunch is right....He notes your reaction
to Toshi..and soft words from for her ears only as he manipulates
sound* she's a shifter..if your a hunter, follow me....we got
some runners to catch
*Seeing Aimanter's reaction to her she sits back on her haunches.
Looking between Aimanter and Metallic. Trying her best to look
non-threatening, which is hard for a 400lbs cat.*
**He sneered at Abyss and then looking towards Yvette, saying
just low enough for her to hear. . . a painful truth. . ** You
can't stay. . . but I can not allow you to leave. ** Hearing then
Alans order for her to shoot him and backing up ever so lightly.
He should have drained Abyss while he touched him. Though this
was no time for back-thought. There was NO room for regret. He
could not fesiable allow two RUNners to simply waltz out of the
compund. His hands fell to his sides as he then rolled his eyes
towards the gun that sprawled across the floor, about 15 feet
away, then glancing towards Yvette, saying then ** I know you
couldn't. ** He approached her slowly, his hands out, as he
neared, saying then very low pitched voice something he doubted
she'd do** Give me the gun. .
~*~ She blinks and retreats a few paces from the huge feline.
Well of all the useless powers. A trembling finger as she
pointed, saying in French ~*~ {Holy Shit. . .} ~*~ Grasping then
Metalic as she simply stood eyes wide at the sillouette. She
feels him speak, and snaps her head to try to catch what he was
saying. Instead not catching a thing but a dull motion. When her
eyes fully adjusted she would see better than either of them most
likely. But until then she retreated more, placing Metalic
between her and the cat ~*~ Get /it/ away from me. .
*He blinks. Looking between Yvette and BLACKDAGGER. He'd heard of
getting attactched to your captor. But this was rediculous.*
YVETTE! We -are- leaving. Damnit! I'll do it myself if I have
too!*He hurls his hand at Dagger, letting the pressureball
disapate a little bit so it won't kill him. In her state, theres
no telling what she'll do if he harmed the one she was attatched
to. He didn't come all this way to get caught cuz she decided to
have an attack of morality. The pressure ball exploads a bit
before it hits dagger. Anything caught in a foreward area of
effect will be sorry. Feeling much like getting thrown against a
brick wall.*
*Doesn't move as she watches AIMANTER hide behind METALLIC. She
didn't know what the others powers were, but something about the
other had disrupted her shift. She would leave it for METALLIC to
sort out.*
*he shakes his head as she still cringes back from the tiger*
great, I freed a clerk damn! *he dislodges you from his person
and turns, heading to the cells, hoping that the 'clerk will fall
*she looks at BD, this was her one link to sanity while here, and
now..he was denying her escape?he coldn't be..could he?...* You
didn't see me james, you didn't see us....*she catches your
glance a the gun and smiles but makes no move towards it..she
will let you have it, if you can reach it* I am way
or another *she looks at the gun in her hand then back at you,
but she doesn't relinquish it* I don't think so
~*~ Instead she clung tighter towards him, and then backed as he
did, towards the stair-well. She then turned and glanced, he
obviously wasn't in fear of the beast, neither should she. So she
watched it carefully, as she walked with him, blinking towards
the area they were moving to. She blinked towards him, definitely
not someone she recognised. She then tugged on his arm with a
full force ~*~ Why the hell are you going to the containment
area. . .~*~ She narrowed her eyes as she watched his lips fully
~*~ What is your Code name. . .
*He groans as she continues to cling to him, then looks down as
she tugs onh is arm..he impatiently growls through clenched
teeth, not bothering to use his powers as she was so close* Like
I said, Runners! I'm Mettalic.
** He Glared towards Abyss and saying then a snarled tone ** You
fool, you /think/ you can get past all of the GUARDians that have
now emerged from their rooms, the ones ** Pointing towards the
hall where the one was retreating far far into the distance **
They will alert as soon as they get to their CB's, you can't take
on them all ** His voice was cut off as he was then hurled
towards the ground in a wave. He then as agile as he could, he
flipped in midair, contorting his body like a fine tuned gymnist,
his ribs bruised, and his healing factor draining completly
trying to knit them back. He winced as he landed, a glare, his
back towards Yvette, his eyes locked on Abyss. . .he wiped the
small amount of blood from his lips as he glared deeper ** You'll
never get out you fool. Especially the way you came with the
carnage you left. . . ** Standing fully and blinking upwards and
then towards Yvette quickly ** Aside from which the lights will
return any-moment. . . ** Seeming to almost try to /warn/ the
pair, as he clutched his mid section. **
*When METALLIC heads to the containment area she follows him.
Unsure of AIMANTER she keeps her eyes on her.*
~*~ She blinked... metallic? Did she read that right? He was that
damned american want to be 80's rock star? She sighed, ~*~ Great
you assume you should be able to stop these Runners... with a
tiger ~*~ She gave him an incredibly flat look and turned back
towards the tiger ~*~ American stupidity defined... I suppose I
should accompany you, though you should worry about the
generators. . to avoid this problem entirely. . Tous et tres
stupide. ~*~ But she didn't waiver on her course. ~*~
** He then turned his gaze fully towards Yvette ** You know I am
telling the /truth/ you'll never get out of here alive.. ** A
near plaintif sound as he tried to reason, just for a moment.**
You will /die/, it's not worth /dying/ for. ** Turning back to
look to Abyss and then narrowing his eyes again, saying **
Thought you were dead. . ** his voice no where near spiteful ** A
pity you have to be wrapped up in this. . . again. ** Turning to
Yvette, not wanting to have it ever have come-down to this.
Finally saying then very lightly, as he started at her ** I
suppose the file worked. . . ** As he then breathed a bit harder,
glancing towards the stairs a final time and shaking his head,
very slowly. Saying then another command ** Shoot me
*he looks down at her contemptuously* fine deal with them..I got
runners *glances over at toshi* tiger wasn't my idea *he turns
and continues.*
ALAN! *her tone harsh vicious as he goes against her wishes..she
moves towards James, trying to assess his wounds, make sure no
permananet damage was done....she couldn't leave him injured, not
seriously anyhow...she notes his weakened condition, damn it
james, why weren't you charged? *she listens to BDs words,
closing her eyes in pain..she figured she wouldn't get out, but
the hope was worth it..she looks up at Alan, her voice soft with
regret* he's right you know, we won't make it...not alive....You
shouldn't have tried, none of you should have *she looks back at
Black and chuckles sadly* I suppose the file did work, got me out
anyhow * She blinks* what? no, I won' couldn't handle it in
this state...*she moves closer to him, close enough to touch*
Take some of my healing factor should compensate that
will get you through this, then we leave *she looks up at Abyss*
or try to
~*~ She then rolls her eyes. At least he wasn't Mr. Talkitive.
She then therorised aloud ~*~ Okay, Let me get this straight, if
there were to be an escapee they would have to pass more than
likely over eleven men, our finest , to escape. and You are
worried about that? ~*~ She paused her words then as they neared
the door that read - CELLS - She shrugged as she looked towards
him and then the tiger, still incredibly worried ~*~
*Not wanting to fire at him again. He looks up.... He could go
out that way if they weren't so far underground.*Damnit YVETTE!
Screw him, he's in no condition to fight, lets leave while we
can! I'm leaving now. come if you want.*He picks up his Tech-9
and heads up the first flight of stairs.* By the way Dgger. Alot
of your GUARD is prolly at the farmhouse, I'm dead, remember? I'm
not supposed to be here. And the rest of them are probably
wondering where the rest of the strike force is.*He heads up the
stairs, looking out on the first checkpoint level, anything
moving will get a rude awakening. He turns the laser sight on
which would activate when he pulls the trigger just slightly,
then, anything under the beam is what you get when you fire. At
the same time. He forms a presure barrier around himself.*
*he looks over at ammeter then toshi, giving a brief nod of his
head just before he sweeps open the door and slides inside,
keeping his body low*
*Ignores the words of the other two. Seeing they finally reach
the door she waits to see what they will do. That both of them
were experienced was clear. She may be an amature, but she wasn't
going to sit around and do nothing this time.*
~*~ She then pauses as the lazer light show starts. That wasn't a
GUARD regulated item they carried down at this scurity level,
everyone knew that. She then knelt instantly as she took in a
deep breah. She located every item on his person that was
metalic, and slowly ever so slightly still enveloped in pitch,
began to weigh it towards the ground. . Then when she had gripped
everything aside from the iron in his blood she slammed it as
hard as she was able to the full extent of her power. Then
flaring a very powerful magnetic screen around her, and the ones
she was with, instincts mostly, as they could simply crush
anything metallic that would be hurled said to Metalic ~*~ You
were right Mon Amiee
*Knowing there wasn't much in the way of cover on the otherside
of the door she crouches low to the ground. Crawling so she can
see in.*
*The weapon drops. though Alan has no filling and wears no
jewelery. As well as wearing the newet in seal garb which has no
metal to make noise with. All he dropped was the weapon. They had
company. But, magnetics must also give way to pressure. He
depressurizes the hallway and room they are in, except for a very
small space that he's in. All the air literally rushing out of
the room. At this rate, veins will pop, eyes bulge, and blood
boil, as the pressure quickly begins to reduce to zero. Very
rarely has Alan ever tested the extent of his powers, this is as
good a time as any, and if he could take alot of guard with him.
Then so be it.*